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Master's Degree in Cultural Services (4th Edition)

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
Ambit of knowledge
Historia, arqueología, geografía, filosofía y humanidades.
Facultade de Humanidades
Complexo docente do Campus de Lugo, 27002
982824700 (Conserxaría)
982824703 (Decanato)
fhdeca [at]
Miriam Elena Cortés López
miriamelena.cortes [at]

The importance of culture as a space in which to generate economic resources for society, that is, as an economic sector, is combined in this Master with a constructivist vision of cultural services, according to which people who are trained in this sector of the knowledge must be able to design, produce and implement, in addition to valuing, the resources that have to do with society's enjoyment of heritage resources and the realities of culture in general. In this sense, Galicia has historically been a space in which an original cultural reality was formed, in which the master's students must make the entire society participate.
In the hybrid format that has been chosen for the delivery of the new Master in Cultural Services, the achievement of the learning objectives is ensured even better than in the previous blended format.

Duration: 1 academic year
RUCT code: 3500263
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 25

Dean or center director:

Title coordinator:
Miriam Elena Cortés López
miriamelena.cortes [at]

Use languages:
Spanish, Galician, English

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:

Credits that the student must take to obtain a degree:
· Compulsory: 33
· Optional: 15
· TFM:12
• Total: 60
The compulsory subjects are organised thematically into the following modules:
· Module 1: Humanistic foundations (9 credits)
- The collective imagination of the global world: challenges of today's society (3 credits)
- Interculturality and cultural policies (6 credits)
· Module 2: Heritage (15 credits)
- Cultural heritage and its regulations (3 credits)
- Written culture, documentary heritage and historical landscape (6 credits)
- Archaeological and ethnographic heritage with digitization (6 credits)
· Module 3: Instrumental linguistic knowledge (9 credits)
- Academic and informative writing and public speaking practices (6 credits)
- International languages for cultural communication (English, Portuguese, French) (3 credits, choose one of them).
For their part, the optional subjects are organised into the following two specialties, each of which makes up a module and is made up of five three-credit subjects:
· Module 4: Contemporary cultural policies
- Linguistic diversity management
- Gender policies and cultural management
- Literature heritage processes
- Oral culture: research, recovery, and management
- Contemporary migrations and cultural diversity
· Module 5: Cultural industries
- Local and territorial development
- Design of events and cultural routes
- Culture and arts in the global era
- Cultural project management
- Economic analysis of cultural events and communication in culture
Internships may be taken by students of both optional modules, replacing two subjects of three credits each.

• Specialty in Contemporary Cultural Policies
• Specialty in Cultural Industries

The first semester is dedicated exclusively to compulsory subjects as it has been considered that these are a prerequisite to subsequently take the optional subjects, which take place throughout the second semester. In this only the need to include a compulsory subject and only three credits have been considered.

Master's Dissertation

  • P5024110
  • Compulsory Credits
  • End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
  • 12 Credits


  • P5024211
  • Elective Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 6 Credits

This Master's Degree is aimed at people with academic qualifications in the field of Humanities. It is also aimed at graduates of higher studies in applied arts, audiovisual, music, etc. It is also of great interest to those people in the field of Social Sciences with greater ties to the world of creativity, graduates in the field of economics and business.
It is aimed, in short, at students who wish to train in the world of cultural services from a multidisciplinary dimension, so even those people who do not come from the areas of knowledge that have just been indicated, but do have a university degree in degree, bachelor's degree or equivalent, they can find training in the master's degree according to their interests.
Cultural services are a vast field of action that integrates all activities related to cultural production and consumption in modern society. The objective of the master's degree is to train high-level specialists in the analysis and management of culture in a broad and applied sense, as well as in the management, design and programming of cultural activities and projects of a diverse nature (exhibitions, audiovisual shows, museums, galleries, revitalization of material and intangible heritage, enhancement of cultural assets, etc.).

Credits that the student must take to obtain a degree:
· Compulsory: 33
· Optional: 15
· TFM:12
• Total: 60
The compulsory subjects are organised thematically into the following modules:
· Module 1: Humanistic foundations (9 credits)
- The collective imagination of the global world: challenges of today's society (3 credits)
- Interculturality and cultural policies (6 credits)
· Module 2: Heritage (15 credits)
- Cultural heritage and its regulations (3 credits)
- Written culture, documentary heritage and historical landscape (6 credits)
- Archaeological and ethnographic heritage with digitization (6 credits)
· Module 3: Instrumental linguistic knowledge (9 credits)
- Academic and informative writing and public speaking practices (6 credits)
- International languages for cultural communication (English, Portuguese, French) (3 credits, choose one of them).
For their part, the optional subjects are organised into the following two specialties, each of which makes up a module and is made up of five three-credit subjects:
· Module 4: Contemporary cultural policies
- Linguistic diversity management
- Gender policies and cultural management
- Literature heritage processes
- Oral culture: research, recovery, and management
- Contemporary migrations and cultural diversity
· Module 5: Cultural industries
- Local and territorial development
- Design of events and cultural routes
- Culture and arts in the global era
- Cultural project management
- Economic analysis of cultural events and communication in culture
Internships may be taken by students of both optional modules, replacing two subjects of three credits each.

Los estudiantes podrán encontrar la información concreta sobre los estudios de máster en la página web de la USC. Además, la USC cuenta con un programa específico de información y difusión de su oferta de estudios a través de un perfil específico en su página web dirigido a futuros estudiantes: perfis/futuros/index.html
De forma previa al comienzo del curso, los alumnos disponen en la página web de la USC de información puntual sobre horarios, calendarios de exámenes, programas y guías de las materias.


Poderán acceder ás ensinanzas oficiais de Master:
1. As persoas que estean en posesión dun título universitario oficial español.
2. Aquelas que teñan un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior do EEES que faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de mestrado.
3. Os titulados conforme a sistemas educativos alleos ao EEES sen necesidade de homologación dos seus títulos, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que os ditos títulos acreditan un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios españois e que facultan no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de posgrao.
Para o caso deste Master, establécense os seguintes requisitos específicos:
· Titulación de acceso
1. Preferencia alta: Titulacións de nivel de Licenciado ou Grao da rama de coñecemento Artes e Humanidades e da rama de coñecemento Ciencias Sociais e Xurídicas
2. Preferencia baixa: Outras titulacións universitarias
Acreditar un nivel B2 de lingua española ou lingua galega do MCER ou equivalente (Obrigatorio no momento de acceder ao título) para estudantes cuxa lingua materna non sexa o español ou o galego.


Exclusively average grade of the academic record: 100%
Applications for admission will be evaluated and ordered based exclusively on the average grade of the academic record.
The allocation of places will be carried out starting with applications with high preference access qualifications and, if there are vacancies, those with low preference will continue successively.

• Contribute to the offer to society of the main cultural contents generated in a particular space.
• Design attractive instruments that add value to the cultural contents for their enjoyment in particular spaces and for diverse audiences.
• Offer a general introduction to the contents of multiple areas of knowledge useful as a starting point for those interest in embarking on research in the different areas of knowledge pertaining to the degree.
• Raise awareness among the people accessing the title of the relevance of the main characteristics of our society for the processes of cultural transmission.
• Highlight the relevance of languages as the vehicles for the transmission of cultural contents, both in relation to the native and international languages.
• Accept the challenge of transmitting to society the most relevant aspects of culture of past times that have been determined by research processes, in an active manner and as part of the learning of the intrinsic characteristics of human nature.

• Contemporary Cultural Policies Speciality
- Know the main characteristics of the public management of cultural assets: the custody of facilities (museums, interpretation centres, on-site maintenance, etc) the professional profiles linked to these fields, the national and international regulations that condition them, etc.
- Highlight the economic potential and in terms of territorial development of culture, as a tool against the depopulation of peripheral spaces and the settlement of new settlers.
- Know the relevance acquired by aspects such as multilinguism, migrations or gender policies as the main vectors of public cultural management in the current moment, as well as the potential these present at the time of designing cultural projects destined to multiple institutions.
- Be familiar with the main analysis methodologies implemented from the different knowledge areas and use them as a resource for the design of cultural projects of different types.

• Cultural Industries Speciality
- Study the economic dimension of culture from the classic parameters of economic management.
- Know the main characteristics of documents that can be analysed under the label of cultural projects.
- Know the relevance of the international agencies in the creation of specific proposals of cultural management.

Comp01 - Competence to detect the possible discriminatory bias in the creation of cultural projects and initiatives, weather due to race, gender, or functional diversity of people.
Comp02 - Competence to promote convergence (and detect divergences) between the cultural projects and initiatives designed and the main transnational guidelines prepared for them (Sustainable Development Objectives, 2030 Agenda, and others).
Comp03 - Competence to use the humanistic fundamentals of our culture and the main concepts developed for the work in cultural management.
Comp04 - Competence to design proposals contributing to the territorial dynamization and the productive diversification of communities, both in urban and rural spaces.
Comp05 - Competence to assess, design and implement different types of cultural projects and policies of governments, institutions, and companies in direct relationship with the concept of interculturality.
Comp06 - Competence to apply the social and ethic responsibilities linked to the professional exercise and to reflect and critically review the existing sociocultural dynamics.
Comp07 - Competence to instrumentally use the languages of the community and international languages in the field of cultural management, both in the design of written materials and oral communication.
Comp08 - Competence to read, interpret and produce academic texts of a certain complexity and relevant to cultural management, both in native and international languages.
Comp09 - Competence to create disseminative versions for different supports of the scientific materials on cultural assets.

A/S01 - Look up information on the realities of culture in different formats, being aware of the circumstances derived from the digitization of information and the relevance of academic formats.
A/S02 - Analyse the available information of the realities of culture, with the purpose of transmitting it to society and taking into account the objectives planned for every case and the circumstances related to the audience of said information.
A/S03 - Critically value the available materials about the realities of culture as a product of a determined time, space, ideology, and interpretative trend, and taking into account their format.
A/S04 - Detect and pay special attention to those emergent phenomena that modify the course of the interpretation of cultural realities in a specific time and space.
A/S05 - Acquire skills for the promotion and respect of Human Rights and the equality of opportunities, no discrimination and universal accessibility principles, as well as the democratic and peace culture values.

K01 - Know in depth the essential features that define current times and the main challenges of the current world.
K02 - Acquire the basic knowledge on specific realities of the past that have become key to the diverse cultural management actions.
K03 - Know the different developments of the term heritage in the different areas of work in culture, assessing the common element as well as those differentiative, and the main heritage management courses implemented in our society.
K04 - Know the type of public and private cultural policies nurturing contemporary society, as well as its historic relevance, reach and repercussions in contemporary times, and its value in the design of projects of cultural programming.
K05 - Understand the contemporary reality as pierced by the challenges of interculturality, gender equality and integration of diversity.
K06 - Understand in a reasonable manner the interest of intercultural dialogue and the need for respect with regards to cultural differences.
K07 - Know and identify the main resources, agents and actors intervening in the processes of local and territorial development.
K08 - Get close to the main methodologies of gathering and treatment of cultural realities.
K09 - Know the characteristics of academic and disseminative language, oral and written, in the native languages of the community and in the work applied to cultural management.
K10 - Know the characteristics of academic language and the standard both oral and in writing, of one of the three international languages within the study plan, focusing on the field of cultural management.
K11 - Know the basic aspects in the relationship with economy, communication, and culture.
K12 - Know the fundamental characteristics of a cultural project in terms of its purposes and its target audience.
K13 - Know the methodologies of digital reproduction of cultural realities.


Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as
national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Initially, no specific mobility actions are contemplated for this degree, although it is expected that the responsible bodies at the level of the University of Santiago will implement measures aimed at ensuring that students of 60-credit master's degrees can carry out mobilities.


The degree includes a 6-credit subject called External Academic Internships, designed so that students come into contact with spaces in which cultural services are worked on in a real way. The size of the subject is equivalent to 10% of the MSC credits, which gives an idea of its size and interest in the study plan.
The internship agreements in force to date are presented separately in the two specialties that make up the Master's Degree.
In the Contemporary Cultural Policies specialty, those agreements that are linked to public institutions have been included, considering that these are the ones that mainly design and execute this type of policies.
The Cultural Industries specialty includes those agreements that involve internships in companies in the world of culture, regardless of their legal or labour format (self-employed, cooperatives, cultural services companies, etc.).

The Master's Thesis is a 12-credit subject. All information about the Master's Thesis will be made available to students in the degree coordination room, and will be the subject of a specific tutorial session at the beginning of the second semester.
The TFM consists of the preparation by the student of a project or study that will be carried out individually under the guidance of a tutor and that will allow him or her to show in an integrated way the skills and knowledge acquired in the Master's degree.
The procedure and regulations applicable to the submission and assessment of the TFM can be found in Regulations for the registration, preparation and defence of Bachelor's and Master's Degree Final Projects at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
The dissertation will be graded by an examining board, made up of three full members and one substitute or substitutes, appointed by the Master's Academic Committee during the academic year. In a public ceremony, students will present a summary of their work for a maximum of 20 minutes, highlighting the most relevant aspects. The examining board will then be able to ask questions and make suggestions regarding the work carried out. The evaluation of the dissertation will depend on the following general criteria: 1. Tutor's appraised report 2. Coherence in the structure of the work, which must reflect the general approach, objectives, methodology, state of the question, the process followed, the analysis of the results, the conclusions and the bibliography. 3. Clarity in its organisation, appropriate writing, good treatment of images and a homogeneous system of citations and bibliography. 4. Thematic originality of the work and degree of personal contribution. 5. Mastery of oral expression and capacity for synthesis in the presentation. In addition to the general evaluation criteria, the grade will take into account the specific criteria found in the syllabus of the subject.

The contents of this page were updated on 10.21.2024.