ECTS credits ECTS credits: 12
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3.5 Interactive Classroom: 1.5 Total: 5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Practicum for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments, Psychobiology
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The student, at the end of this course, must:
1. Be able to integrate and apply the knowledge acquired to face the complexity of clinical practice.
2. To know how to carry out a comprehensive and integrative evaluation process, using different resources (interviews, tests, evaluation of programs, etc.), to make an adequate clinical diagnosis.
3. Be able to interpret the results of an evaluation and plan the appropriate intervention to the case.
4. Be able to follow the psychological intervention in the clinical field and know how to provide feedback to the recipients in order to involve them in the different phases of the evaluation and treatment process.
5. Be able to identify and formulate research problems in the context of clinical practice according to the methods, techniques and procedures of Psychology.
6. Know how to apply the skills and communication skills that are needed in each case.
7. Be able to critically evaluate the results of the work itself.
8. Know how to prepare reports for different purposes and attending to different audiences.
9. Be able to work collaboratively with other professionals.
10. Be able to apply the learning skills needed to continue to progress professionally autonomously.
11. To know how to identify the ethical implications of professional performance and to comply with ethical obligations in the field of health psychology.
Practices are an essential part of your training program. Its development seeks to link theory and supervised clinical practice, depending on the context, the role of the professional and the type of competence to be acquired. They aim at the progressive assumption of responsibilities on the part of the student until reaching a sufficient level of autonomy.
External practices are in accordance with the provisions of Order ECD / 1070/2013. They shall consist of the application in the health context of the knowledge acquired about evaluation and intervention procedures under the supervision of a qualified psychologist. It is fundamentally that the students put into practice the acquired knowledge and develop the skills of the professional practice.
At the end of the internship, the student must submit a report that reflects in detail the description of the activities, procedures and techniques used, as well as a description of the process of supervision and evaluation of the experience. You should also describe and develop a research proposal within the scope of intervention of the practice center.
Barlow, D.H. (Ed). (2021). Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual. The Guildford Press
British Psychological Society (2015). Guidance on teaching and assessment of ethical competence in psychology education. BPS.
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de España (2004). Ética y deontología para psicólogos. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de España.
França-Tarragó, O. (2008). Ética para psicólogos. Introducción a la Psicoética (6ª edi.). Desclée de Brouwer. Haynes, S. N., Godoy, A. y Gavino, A. (2012). Cómo elegir el mejor tratamiento psicológico. Pirámide. Hersen, M. y Porzelius, L.K. (2001). Diagnosis, conceptualization, and treatment planning for adults. A step-by-step guide. LEA.
Labrador, F. J. (Ed.) (2011). Situaciones difíciles en terapia. Pirámide.
López, E. y Costa, M. (2012). Manual de consejo psicológico. Pirámide.
Moffett, L. A., Becker, C.-L. J., & Patton, R. G. (2014). Fostering the ethical sensitivity of beginning clinicians. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(4), 229–235.
Pollack, M.H., Otto, P.M.W. y Rosenbaum, J.F. (Eds) (1996). Challenges in clinical practice. Pharmacological and psychosocial strategies. Guildford.
del Río, C. (2005). Guía de ética profesional en psicología clínica. Pirámide
Shapiro, D. L. y Smith, S. R. (2011). Malpractice in psychology.American Psychological Association.
Wachtel, P. L. (2011). Inside the session. What really happens in psychotherapy. American Psychological Association.
The most relevant competencies for the development and evaluation of Practicum I are listed below, among those included in the degree verification report for this subject.
CB7 - Students should be able to apply the acquired skills and their ability to solve problems in new or less well-rounded contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - That students are capable of integrating problems and confronting the complexity of formulating statements from
Information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their conflicts and beliefs
CB9 - That the students know how to communicate the conclusions and the final reasons and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear way and with ambiguities
CG7 - To plan, carry out and, if necessary, supervise the process of psychological evaluation of human behavior and associated psychological factors and health problems in order to establish their evaluation.
CG8 - Desire, develop and, if appropriate, supervise and evaluate plans and programs of psychological intervention, based on psychological evaluation and individual and social variables that compete in each case.
CG9 - To show interpersonal communication skills and to communicate the emotions that are appropriate for an effective interaction between patients, relatives and co-workers in the processes of problem identification, evaluation, diagnostic communication and psychological intervention and follow-up.
CG10 - Apply the fundamentals of bioethics and the method of deliberation in professional practice, with its practice as a health professional to the provisions of Law 44/2003, of November 21, on the organization of health professions.
CG11 - To conform to the deontological obligations of Psychology in the field of health, showing an ethical and professional commitment to values of equal opportunities, respect for diversity and peaceful resolution of conflicts.
CT1 - Know how to use information technology and communication not professional performance.
CT5 - Know how to develop your work from the perspective of quality and continuous improvement, with the self-critical capacity necessary for responsible professional performance.
CT6 - Know how to communicate and communicate with other professionals, and master the skills necessary for teamwork and multidisciplinary groups.
CT7 - Know how to analyze from an ethical point of view problems and possible solutions.
CE1 - Know how to apply the main theories on the etiology of human behavior disorders in the conceptualization of each case.
CE2 - Being able to plan and develop a session of evaluation and intervention, establishing hypotheses rather than deducing testable statements.
CE3 - Know how to select and apply the most suitable techniques and evaluation instruments for each case according to their characteristics and context.
CE4 - Know how to analyze and interpret the results dunha psychological evaluation.
CE5 - To know the elixir and to apply the techniques of psychological intervention more appropriate according to its purpose (prevention, rehabilitation, counseling, etc.).
CE6 - Know how to plan and develop a psychological intervention, establishing pertinent and realistic objectives depending on the characteristics of the problem and the context.
CE7 - Know how to carry out the follow-up of psychological intervention, according to established objectives, to introduce, if fose or case, changes in the same during its development.
CE8 - Know how to provide feedback to the recipients in an appropriate and precise way, so as to implicit in the different phases of the process of psychological evaluation and intervention.
CE11 - Curriculum or framework of action of the psychologist xeral sanitario and know how to derive the corresponding specialist professional.
CE12 - To specify the obligations and responsibilities of the health personnel regarding the confidentiality of information and the protection of personal data of patients.
CE14 - Compliance with current regulations in the Spanish health field.
CE15 - To carry out promotion and education activities for individual and community psycholo- gical health.
CE16 - Participate in the design and development of research projects in the field of Xeral Sanitaria Psychology.
1) Demonstrate a behavior according to professional role in singing to: attendance, punctuality, respect to the norms and uses of the practice center, and fulfillment of assigned tasks.
2) Demonstrate respect for confidentiality and deontological standards
3) Know how to develop and put into practice transverse competences specific to the professional exercise: teamwork, empathy, accurate feedback, rigor and self-critical thinking
4) To know how to effectively apply the acquired know-how to: identify the problems and causes, plan, develop and carry out the evaluation and intervention follow-up.
5) Know the current legislation in the Spanish health field and the framework of action of the General Health Psychologist
This subject is assigned 280 hours of clinical practice that will be performed in devices with sanitary accreditation.
They will be carried out in clinical contexts under the supervision of a qualified psychologist (clinical psychology specialist, master in general health psychology) or accredited.
The teaching methodology will rely mainly on case studies, problem-based learning and reporting.
Supervised practice includes graduated responsibility activities:
- Participatory observation: situations in which the student observes the supervisor performing different tasks, to become familiar with the different techniques and facets of the clinical activity, using the reflection on the observed as part of the learning process.
- Direct action: tasks performed directly by the student under the supervision of the supervisor. The assignment of tasks of direct action will be gradual, according to the level of ease that the student is acquiring, from concrete and defined actions to complete interventions. As support for the management of tasks and activities, the supervisor may ask the student to review extra theoretical material, if he deems it appropriate. After each intervention, the student will prepare a report on the activity carried out (in which he will describe the objectives of the task, the description of the task, instruments, methodology, etc.) to be discussed during the supervision session.
The development of each activity, whether of observation or of action, constitutes the basis for subsequent detailed discussion and critical reflection as part of the learning process. It will require weekly dedication, so that supervisor and student work together, discuss the activity carried out by the student, resolve difficulties and doubts, and the tutor helps the student to process the work cognitive and emotional and reaffirm in the development of their professional confidence .
At both levels of training, the supervisor should continuously assess the student's performance during and at the end of the training period using the approved rubric form.
The evaluation of the subject will be carried out jointly between the academic and professional qualifications taking into account the acquisition of the specific and transversal competences related to the professional role, both those developed during the traineeship in the center of destination and in the memory that , You must submit the student.
Each student will provide a qualification for the student. The final qualification will be the result of the following weighting: a professional titer will hold 70% and the academic titer or 30%.
Clinical practice: 280 hours
Reporting: 20 hours
Active and involved participation.