ECTS credits ECTS credits: 7
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 119 Hours of tutorials: 7 Expository Class: 21 Interactive Classroom: 28 EEES Clinics: 175 Total: 350
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Practicum for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
Areas: Nursing
Center Faculty of Nursing
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
. -Provide comprehensive care and giving xestión that guarantees running in a multidisciplinary care quality.
. -Garant abordaxe running in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary health and social care given different types of profesionais vai aos dirixido or master.
. -Provide xestión das actividade units guaranteeing to care.
- Provide a scientific basis and applied as planning and xestión gives health.
- Analyze, dende a practical standpoint, I Solucions problems and that behaves as xestión das units / centers / health systems.
- Provide specific running in a global and dende two aspects or views from different profesionais with profile access or master, and espcificamente focused on aspects of health, economic, organizational, teachers and researchers.
Transfer to hospital practice, nas Abaixo units indicated two counting reflective nas electives related to e as xestión especialidade of correspondentes ao obrigatório materials module (common).
The following web pages of scientific societies of critics have: protocols, publications, consensus documents, scientific meetings, etc.
.-SEMICYUC: Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias.eN:
.-CoBaTRiCE Competency-Based Training Programme in Intensive Care in Europe. eN:
.-Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. En:
-European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. eN:
.-Revista@ Electrónica de Medicina Intensiva Dirigida a profesionales de la salud.En.
.-Critical Care On-Line Journal Club (via En: Especialinterés ya que recoge pautas de actuación reciente.
.-seeiuc. Sociedad Española de Enfermería Intensiva y Cuidados Coronarios. En:
.-AACN: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. La AACN se estableció en 1969 para ayudar a la formación de las enfermeras que trabajan en las recién creadas unidades de cuidados intensivos. Esta Asociación Americana de Enfermeras en Cuidados Críticos es la organización más grande del mundo en una especialidad de enfemería, con más que 65.000 miembros que representan a los Estados Unidos de América y a otros 45 países. EN:AACN. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses [en línea]. Disponible a través de Internet en: . [Consulta: 28 marzo 2004].
.- ACCCN. Australian College of Critical Care Nurses. El ACCCN respresenta a más de 2.500 profesionales de enfermeria australianos dedicadas a cuidados críticos. Sus afiliados trabajan en todas las áreas de los cuidados críticos (urgencias, atención cardiotorácica, unidades de cuidados intensivos generales, unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos, unidades coronarias, etc.), así como en los campos académico y formativo. EN: ACCCN. Australian College of Critical Care Nurses [en línea]. Disponible a través de Internet en: . [Consulta: 28 marzo 2004].
.-ANECIPN.Asociación Nacional de Enfermería de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos y Neonatales
ANECIPN es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro cuyos objetivos son: a) Promover el estudio de la enfermería en los Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos y Neonatales; b) Funcionar como órgano asesor en todos los aspectos correspondientes a esta faceta de la enfermería; c) Establecer relaciones entre esta asociación y otras asociaciones nacionales o extranjeras, así como personas interesadas en el sector sanitario de los Cuidados intensivos pediátricos y neonatales, para tratar el estudio de temas y asuntos de interés en relación con el mismo; d) Organizar todo tipo de actividades sociales, culturales y científicas en relación con este sector de la enfermería, y e) Promover el reconocimiento de la especialidad en cuidados intensivos pediatricos y neonatales.
ES ANECIPN. Asociación Nacional de Enfermería de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos y Neonatales [en línea]. Disponible a través de Internet en: .
.-NIARTI.ssociazione Nazionale Infermieri di Area Critica
.-BACCN.British Association of Critical Care Nurses
.- CACCN.Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses. en:
A professional orientation aimed at training professionals who are capable of acting in situations of health emergencies and urgencies and who are trained in the field of health management.
A research orientation that trains students in the field of research and development of emergency care and management, in such a way that the student is able to master the advanced contents of the program in the field of the profession and to value and produce new knowledge through your own research. In addition, it aims to train students to exercise their investigative capacity in the field of health.
Use the theoretical concepts and knowledge of nursing care as a basis for prioritization,
problem solving and decision-making in the care of patients in critical situations and intensive surveillance.
Know the methodology of nursing care oriented to critical patients.
Know the importance of ethical principles in the care of critically ill patients.
Obtain the ability to recognize anxiety and stress in patients in critical and urgent situations.
Acquire the necessary knowledge to effectively assume the performance of skills in the field of critical care and emergencies.
Know the pathophysiological processes that threaten the life of the critically ill patient.
Realization of the supervised practices in Units / Services that by virtue of the agreement of cooperation between the Consellería de Sanidade, the Servicio Galego de Saúde (SERGAS) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (first signed on June 2, 2009, later renewed. agreement 2021).
The care centers and devices are:
Santiago area:
Hospital do Barbanza
University Clinical Hospital
Area outside Santiago:
Each course will offer places outside the area, upon request to the Ministry of Health through the ACIS.
Special Care Units: Emergency, ICU, REA, operating room.
Units of the 061, in the bases of the autonomous community of Galicia.
Continued based on the acquisition of skills by the student.
1.-The teacher will evaluate among the competences mentioned those that can be achieved in the unit where the student is.
2.- The qualification of each competition will be done on a scale of 0-10.
3.- The general rules of supervised practices will be taken into account.
The grade will be issued by completing an evaluation form.
Compulsory attendance.
Make-up from the training period is required when absences exceed 20% of the period.
Continuous evaluation.
Evaluation criteria
- Evaluation report of associate professors or teaching collaborators: It is an instrument for evaluating competencies completed by clinical tutors, responsible for the student's training in the different centers where students carry out the Practices.
Each healthcare center where the practical training will be carried out will designate the figure of the teaching collaborator (which in no case will be comparable to the figure of the USC professor) with sufficient academic qualification, under whose supervision each student will carry out the practices, and that, together with the associate professor designated by the USC, will be in charge of monitoring and controlling the training of students during their internship period.
On the other hand, there will be the participation of the teaching collaborator in the evaluation process of the students through the completion of the evaluation form.
In the evaluation of the competences, it will be taken into account that the equivalences between the rating scales and the degrees of mastery of the competition are:
Grade 1 = Suspense (0-4.9) - F / FX (Fail)
Not if you strive to acquire the competence and you do not show that you have or rarely do.
Grade 2 = Pass (5-6.9) - Y (Sufficient) / D (Satisfactory)
Study, train and demonstrate that sometimes applies the competition.
Grade 3 = Notable (7-8,9) - C (Good)
He learned the competence and in his conduct he shows that he applies it.
Grade 4 = Outstanding / Great Enrollment (9-10) - B (Very good) A (Excellent)
Competition is integrated into their behavior habits.
Communication will be verified to the Deputy Directorate for Teaching and Health Research of possible incidents that occurred during practical training stays.
175 hours
Making a report, signed by the tutor, and proposing a qualification to the coordinator of the practices.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one set out in the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications will be applied."
The delivery of works in digital format will be promoted. If a printed work is requested for the subject, either individual or group, the following indications will be taken into account:
- Avoid plastic caps or other unnecessary outer wraps.
- Whenever possible, use staples instead of spirals.
- "Ink-saving" quality double-sided printing.
- Do not use blank sheets as chapter or part dividers.
- Avoid annexes that do not have direct reference to the topics covered in the papers.
For more information see
In view of the criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to use non-sexist language both in daily classroom work and in requested academic work. The information can be obtained at the following link:…
Other measures will also be used to apply the gender approach in teaching, such as the recognition and consideration of the particular situations of students, the promotion of an egalitarian climate of interactions, the egalitarian organization of groups whenever possible, the deployment of scientific contributions and techniques. of women in the subject and of the students themselves, and the introduction of gender as a category of analysis of students' work.
The regulations on privacy and protection of personal data available at will be followed.
The use of the mobile phone is restricted to its use as a work tool, following the instructions given by the teacher, holding the student responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from improper use of it.ination with telematic final tests.
Sandra Vidal Martínez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- sandravidal.martinez [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor