Brief curriculum vitae
Montserrat Valcárcel Armesto (O Incio, 1971), doctor and agronomist engineer by the University of Santiago de Compostela (1999). She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Agroforestry Engineering and teaches at the Polytechnical School of Engineering in Lugo. She was Academic Secretary and in charge of Economic Affairs and Infrastructures at the EPS of Engineering. She has also served as president of the Library Committee and has been a member or secretary of other committees of the centre.
Her research activity is focused on water management, having overseen two theses and has published more than 50 articles. On the other hand, she forms part of a teaching innovation group that is made up of university lecturers from very diverse scientific-technical and scientific-social areas. Since 2013, this group has carried out various activities to contribute to the promotion of scientific vocations in pre-university students (scientific camp XuvenCiencia Summer Campus) and to establish a closer relationship between the scientific community and society (XuvenCiencia Conferences for teachers and XuvenCiencia in the Classroom).
She is also part of the group Proxéctate en Galego, which organises Encontros de Lúa Chea.