Patricia Cazón: «The Congress will allow many voices to find a platform to express themselves»

Getting started in the research world is usually faced with enthusiasm and excitement. But these emotions are sometimes overshadowed by the fear of not knowing where to start or what steps to follow.
This makes it clear that there is a demand for meeting places for those who are beginning their journey in the research world, such as the I Congreso Ibérico da Mocidade Investigadora (Iberian Congress of Young Researchers), created and organized by Campus Terra.
Under the title of “Raíces do Coñecemento” (Roots of Knowledge), this international meeting is aimed at undergraduate, masters, predoctoral and new research staff who want to start or consolidate their research career. It will be held in a few days, between October 14 and 16, in the auditorium of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of our campus.
To know a little about the Congress's function, its role in the career path of the young researchers who participate in it, and what we can expect to see in this forum, we talked today with Patricia Cazón Díaz.
PhD from USC and postdoctoral researcher in the Food Technology Area of Campus Terra, Patricia Cazón focuses her work, among other things, on using by-products and waste to manufacture biodegradable materials. The findings of her lines of research emphasize the importance of nurturing a real circular economy to achieve sustainable growth.
Patricia Cazón will be present at the Congress, not only as a member of the scientific committee but also as an active participant in the meeting. We had a brief conversation with her so that she could tell us from the inside what could be the keys to the success of this promising event.
-You are part of the scientific committee of the Congress; what is, in short, the I Congreso Ibérico da Mocidade Investigadora, and what are its objectives?
-The main idea was to create an event that would be a first contact for students or researchers in the early stages of their careers with colleagues in the same situation. We wanted to create a space that would allow them to exchange ideas and promote their connections and synergies with researchers in their own fields of knowledge and in complementary areas.
In addition, we sought to offer a real and complete vision of the research career, addressing both the academic field and the private sector. For this reason, we will have a special session in which representatives of the main public agencies and institutions that promote research will explain the current calls for pre- and postdoctoral researchers and the novelties and strategies of the research career.
On the other hand, we will have a special session with representatives of high-impact companies in the Galician business network and with an outstanding R+D+i activity, which will give us a vision of the role played by researchers in the private sector. There will be a dialogue table with the attendees to encourage the exchange of ideas on the integration of research in the company.
-More than 125 registered attendees and researchers from different universities will be present. A priori, everything indicates that the Congress will be a success.
Yes, that's right. From the rate of registrations, we already expect the Congress to be a success. It has aroused a lot of interest. The format has helped, through short interventions, which will allow many voices to find a platform to express themselves. Over the event's three days, we can attend 70 papers and see up to 35 panels accompanied by short presentations. With this format, we wanted to give all participants the opportunity and the moment to present their work. For some, it will be their first Congress, a chance to gain experience and get a little more into the world of research.
In addition, it is also allowed to attend different sessions as an assistant as long as the capacity is not full.
-The Congress is structured in nine lines of research: sustainable plant production, sustainable animal production and health, safe and healthy food, sustainable forest management, information and communication technologies, omic technologies, climate change, and single health and culture in the rural environment. What will your panel consist of?
-In my case, I will give one of the panels of the safe and healthy food axis. Specifically, the presentation will focus on the use of biomaterials, such as bacterial cellulose, which are applied in direct contact with food, and the revaluation of by-products for the biotechnological production of this material.
However, within our area, other communications from students will present totally different works.
-And what will they consist of?
One of the papers presented will show how food of animal origin can act as a vehicle for transmitting zoonotic or antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.
The other student's research will focus on applying NIR spectroscopy as a tool for the rapid quantification of the nutritional composition of cereal flours native to Galicia. We will also have the participation of students from the INL (International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory) who will present novel systems to ensure food safety. As you can see, the range of work is very wide.
A study with a digester, a very new technological equipment, and one of the few available in Spain will also be presented at the Congress.
-What is it used for?
It stimulates the digestive system. It allows us to observe how components are released, how nutrients are absorbed and how the microbiota interacts with the different compounds. This is very valuable information for developing new functional foods such as prebiotics, for example.
-What does it mean for a young researcher to be able to take an active part in this Congress?
-It is a unique opportunity since this type of event is rare. It is fantastic because it allows young researchers to have first contact with this part of the work by facing a 10-minute oral presentation or a short panel. It is a very valuable first rehearsal.
It's also a way to meet people with similar concerns while getting a more complete picture of what this career path is and represents.
-The Congress aims to create an environment of collaboration among young researchers, a starting point to create more powerful research synergies. To what extent do initiatives like this help to add talent and knowledge?
-It is fundamental. Often, researchers are limited when it comes to working because of our focus or lack of knowledge in complementary areas. This type of Congress brings us to people working in our fields of research or related disciplines. In a short period of time, we can quickly and easily access valuable knowledge that can drive the development of new ideas or lines of research.
Research today has to be, no matter what, multidisciplinary. And congresses like this one bring us closer to ideas and colleagues with whom we can advance, solve problems and produce more comprehensive work.
-And the last one, in addition to all these objectives, the Congress will reinforce the vision of Campus Terra as a great container of knowledge and research, as a benchmark in this field. Do you agree with this assessment?
-Indeed, I believe that Campus Terra is a great container of knowledge and research. A campus of specialization that is really a reference and that has very powerful research groups that sometimes need a little more visibility.
This Congress will allow young researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela and other universities to show their work and everything they do.