The EMP will consist of the student preparing an original project, which accredit the knowledge, capacities, competences and abilities during the studies carried out in the degree are integrated and developed. It will include at least tasks of bibliographical search and review, reading and integration of information, preparation of relevant results, writing, and presentation and defence of the work.
EMP in Psychology
The EMP in Psychology has a load of 12 credits (mandatory) equivalent to 300 hours. As this is a 90-credit master's degree, it is scheduled to be completed in the second year, 1st semester.
In the Psychology speciality of Social and Community Intervention, the EMP may be adjusted to any of the modalities listed below, and will preferably be carried out in a subject area linked to the activity of the arrangement in which the student is carrying out the Work Placement:
- Systematised review of relevant information about a subject in the psychology of social and community intervention; in this case a practical proposal should also be provided in line with the review carried out.
- Empirical or experimental study, which also includes the practical contribution that can be derived from its results.
- Duly substantiated case analysis, including assessment, report and proposal for action.
- Reasoned and detailed description of an intervention programme in the field of social and community intervention psychology.
In the Experimental Psychology speciality, the EMP will consist of an empirical or experimental work, carried out in a laboratory context, related to any of the subject lines offered in the speciality. The project should therefore be structured and written in the format of a scientific article or experimental report. The EMP in the experimental psychology speciality will necessarily be linked to the Work Placement, which will necessarily be research-based.
For both specialities, and in relation to the formal aspects, the EMP will have an extension of between 14,000 and 20,000 words, excluding the annexes. APA standards for citations and references will be followed. A font size of 11 points with 1.5 line spacing is recommended.
The EMP will be carried out under the supervision of an academic tutor, in accordance with the EMP regulations. The tutor will assume the following duties: To guide the programming of tasks; to advise and supervise students during the performance of the work; to ensure the acquisition, by the students, of the competences associated with the EMP; and to evaluate the level of achievement of these competences.
The evaluation of the EMP will be made through its public presentation and defence before a tribunal. This evaluation will also take into account the Evaluation Report on the performance of the project and acquisition of competences sent to the board by the tutor.
The student will have a maximum time of 15 minutes for the presentation of the project. The tribunal (with the characteristics and composition determined in the Regulations) may ask as many questions and issues as it deems appropriate in relation to the project defended for a period of approximately 15 minutes.
In the final evaluation of the project, the Evaluation Report of the tutor and the Evaluation Report of the tribunal will be taken into account together. Each of these reports shall conform to the particulars set out under the headings established for that purpose by the Degree Committee
The tutor will assess the competences associated with the development of the project (fulfilment of the proposed objectives, capacity to manage relevant information, involvement, autonomy, etc.) as well as the result of the final report of the EMP (formal aspects, content, structure and coherence, adequacy of the methodology, critical and synthesis capacity, contributions, suggestions, etc.).
As far as the Tribunal is concerned, its members will deliberate jointly on the qualification, following a form in which the competences corresponding to the final report will be evaluated, according to the same criteria indicated for the tutor, in addition to those referring to the presentation and defence of the work (time management, clarity and coherence in the presentation, adequacy of the answers, etc).
In the final grading, the grading of the tutor and the board will be weighted, with 50% of the grading corresponding to the score given by the tutor, and the remaining 50% to the grading given by the tribunal.
The student is solely responsible for the originality of the authorship of their work. The detection, by the tutor or by the tribunal, of the existence of plagiarism, independently of the disciplinary process to which the student may be subject, will be sufficient cause for not passing the subject.
EMP in General Health Psychology
The EMP has an extension of 12 credits allocated to it. It is carried out in the first semester of the second year and is defended when this ends.
The EMP is aimed at evaluating the competences associated with the degree. It will be carried out in the field of general health psychology and will be related to any of the topics covered in the subjects of the degree. Students must demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired in the Master's Degree as a whole in order to carry out research, evaluations and psychological interventions on those aspects of behaviour and activity of people that influence the promotion and improvement of their general state of health. In case it is carried out in the healthcare research framework of the Master's Degree’s teaching staff, it must also allow the acquisition of skills, techniques, knowledge, analysis and critical capacity necessary for an adequate professional performance.
The project may include an empirical or experimental part, the design of a protocol or intervention proposal, or the analysis of cases (evaluations, psychological reports). The student must produce and submit an original project demonstrating the skills acquired during the course of the studies. It will include tasks of search and bibliographic review, critical analysis, systematization and integration of information, writing and oral presentation and writing.
A asignación de titores para o TFM realizarase o mesmo día da elección de prazas para o Prácticum II. Nos dous casos a elección farase por expediente académico.
O TFM avaliarase mediante a defensa pública do traballo realizado ante unha Comisión Avaliadora composta por tres profesores nomeados pola Comisión Académica de entre o profesorado do Máster, de acordo co establecido na normativa correspondente. Esta Comisión deberá ter en conta tamén o informe valorativo do traballo que emitirá o titor/a.
Na avaliación do TFM valorarase: a relevancia e oportunidade que dentro do ámbito sanitario teña a formulación do estudo, a pertinencia e actualización da revisión bibliográfica, a expresión e coherencia do documento, o manexo apropiado da linguaxe, a profundidade na abordaxe do tema, a capacidade de analizar as limitacións do estudo así como de realizar proposta de directrices futuras, a competencia na presentación escrita e oral do traballo seguindo as normas de estilo da APA, a capacidade para comunicar as conclusións alcanzadas e as razóns que as sustentan, a capacidade de argumentar con solvencia e responder ás cuestións formuladas na defensa pública do TFM.
EMP in Psycho-gerontology
The EMP has 12 credits allocated to it. It is held in the 2nd semester.
Students will agree with the tutor on the subject to be dealt with in their End-of-Master's Project within their discipline and subject area
The content must be related to the work in the External Work Placements.
The EMP can have one of the following modalities:
- Design, development and evaluation of an original intervention programme to be partially implemented in the work placement centre, and which differs from the one reflected in the practice report
- Design of an original and unique Intervention Programme in relation to some aspect of the project at the Work Placement centre.
- Research work Carrying out research activities within the lines of research carried out by the academic tutor in relation to some aspect of the work at the work placement centre
- Design of an original and own Research Project in relation to some aspect of the work in the Work Placement centre (it can be complemented with a pilot study to be carried out in the centre).
EMP consisting exclusively of a literature review will not be accepted.
The allocation of tutors will be carried out jointly with the allocation of Work Placement centres. The same person will be a tutor of EMP and External Work Placements to encourage their integration.
The EMP will be presented in a public session and will be evaluated by a Committee composed of three professors of the programme among whom will not be the student's tutor.
The evaluation will consist of two gradings:
- Tutorial report: 30% weight of the final grading.
- Grading by the Evaluation Committee: 70% weight of the final grading.
The Evaluation Committee will take into account the following weighting for its grading:
- Written presentation of the Master's Degree thesis in electronic format. Minimum weight 30% and maximum weight 60%.
- Oral presentation of the Master's Degree thesis. Minimum weight 20% and maximum weight 40%.