ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 4 Expository Class: 15 Interactive Classroom: 10 EEES Clinics: 10 Total: 39
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
Areas: Stomatology
Center Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
1.- To provide students with knowlegde about the documentation to organize and manage of the dental clinic
2.- To Know the legislation that affects dental clinics and their staff
3.- Be able to planning and organizing a typical dental business model
4.- To provide students with knowledge about management of human and materials resources of a dental clinic
5.- To enhance effective communication with patients and clinic staff
6.- To understand the principles and fundamentals of management, planning and marketing of the dental clinic
7.- Know the principles and foundations of management, planning and marketing in a dental clinic.
8.- Promote the need for continuous autonomous learning and the motivation for quality.
1. - Introduction to Planning and Management of the Dental clinic: General Concepts, Objectives and professional interest of the management and dental marketing. Administrative and legal aspects in the dental clinic.
2. - The patient-client: Types, the first consult, information, communication, attention. Customer Value: concept. Recruitment of patients and Loyalty client. Resolution of claims, crisis management.
3. - Planning and Management of dental clinic: planning and business plan. Financial economic plan. The team: leadership, management, HR organization, selection process, training and motivation. Structure, location and design of the dental clinic. Quality service and value creation: satisfaction and price. Process management and quality of care. Strategical analysis. Internal management.
4. - Marketing of dental clinic: Strategic plan: market research, health marketing, targeting and positioning. Brand and image. Marketing services. The dental clinic as a service company. Advertising.
1.- Computerization of consultation (paperless practice): Organization of appointments and files. Computer programs for dental management. Integration of new technologies and AI in the dental clinic. Basic office tools.
2.- Legal aspects in the dental clinic (LOPD, documentation, health waste, occupational risk prevention, licenses/regulations as a health center, professional liability insurance, time control/working day and others).
3.- Internal and external marketing. Market positioning, creation of brand image / logo. Promotional conferences.
4.- Team dynamics. Time management. Distribution of tasks and workflows.
Corral, I., Itza, F., Martí, J.F. (2007). Organización, gestión y calidad en la clínica dental. ERGÓN Ediciones, Barcelona.
Echarri, P., Fernández, J.M., Geli, J., Mesenguer, J.R. (2006). Marketing para la clínica odontológica. (1ª parte y 2ºparte). Ed. Nexus médica. Barcelona.
Gallas-Torreira, M. (2018). Gestión de calidad del servicio odontológico: aproximación teórico-práctica. Ed. Académica Española (EAE), Latvia.
Harrison, J.L., Willis, D.O., Thieman, Ch. K. (2023). Business Basics for Dentists. Second Edition. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
Hernández, A., Martínez, J.M. (2014). Marketing Sanitario. Evolución-Revolución. Business Marketing School, ESIC Editorial, Madrid.
Morchón, P. (2017). El camino hacia el éxito de tu clínica dental. Ed. Quintessence, S.L. España. Barcelona.
Okuji, M. (2010). Dental practice: get in the game. Winning bussiness strategies for new dentists. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Quintessence Books.
Roig Jornet, P. (2018). Odontología Slow. Gestión hacia la excelencia. Ed. Quintessence, S.L. España. Barcelona.
Sáez, F. (2011). Cómo crear y gestionar tu consulta. S.P.A.,S.L. Madrid.
Utrilla, M., Viñals, P., Carralero, I. (2011). Gestión en Odontología. Bellisco Ediciones Técnicas y Científicas, Madrid.
Utrilla, M. (2010). Manual de contabilidad en Odontología. BELLISCO Ediciones.
Young, L.B., O´Toole, C.R., Wolf, B. (2015). Communication skills for dental health care providers. Ed. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. Quitessence books.
General Council of Dentists. Collegiate Organization of Dentists of Spain
Dental Economics. Periodical Magazine
Described in the description of the Degree in Dentistry at USC:
Con12 Know dental biomaterials: their handling, properties, indications, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity, waste disposal and environmental impact.
Con13 Know the National Health System, the basic aspects of health legislation, clinical management and adequate use of health resources, understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of primary health care
Con15 Apply the principles of ergonomics in dental work, both individually and within the team and work where appropriate, also in the principles of prevention of occupational hazards associated with dental practice.
Con16 Provide a comprehensive approach to oral care and apply the principles of health promotion and prevention of oral diseases.
Con20 Know the impacts of demographic and epidemiological trends in the practice of dentistry.
Con21 Know the organization and provision of oral health care in the community, both privately and publicly, as well as general health care and the role of the dentist in these areas.
Con23 Know the legislative and administrative ethical-deontological precepts governing the dental profession and its application in management and clinical practice, as well as knowing the organization, competencies and functions of professional corporations.. Comply with all kinds of medical-legal documents and records.
Con24 Know the role of the dentist within the health professions and work with other healthcare professionals and other members of the dental team.
Con25 Recognize that the patient is the centre of care and that all interactions, including prevention, diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment and maintenance, should seek their best interest, avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality
H/D01 To know the essential elements of the profession of dentist, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.
H/D02 Understand the importance of two ethical principles for the benefit of the patient, society and profession, with special attention to professional secrecy.
H/D03 Know how to identify the concerns and expectations of the patient, communicate effectively and clearly, orally and in writing with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.
H/D04 Understand and recognize the relevant social and psychological aspects in treating patients.
H/D06 Understand the importance of conducting a professional practice with respect to patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
H/D07 Promote autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques, and motivation for quality.
H/D08 Know how to share information with other healthcare professionals and work as a team.H/D09 Understand the importance of maintaining and using records with patient information for further analysis, preserving the confidentiality of the data.
H/D17 Understand and recognize the principles of ergonomics and occupational safety (including cross-infection control, radiation protection, and occupational and biological diseases).
H/D18 Know, critically assess and know how to use clinical and biomedical information sources to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.
H/D20 Obtain and elaborate a clinical history containing all relevant information.
H/D30 Recognize the role of the dentist in prevention and protection actions in oral diseases, in maintaining and promoting health, at the individual level as a community.
Comp 04 Knowledge of a second language
Comp 06 Information Management Skills (Ability to Search and Manage Information from Various Sources)
Comp 08 Decision Making
Comp 09 Critical and self-critical capacity
Comp 11 Interpersonal Skills
Comp 12 Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
Comp 13 Ability to communicate with experts in othComp 16 Ethical commitment
Comp 17 Ability to apply knowledge in practice
Comp 19 Autonomous Learning Capacity
Comp 20 Ability to adapt to new situations
Comp 21 Ability to generate new ideas (creativity)
Comp 22 Leadership
Comp 25 Project Design and Management
Comp 26 Initiative and Entrepreneurship
Comp 27 Concern for Quality
Comp 28 Achievement Motivation
Mainly capacity for analysis and synthesis, problem solving, decision making, critical and self-critical capacity, teamwork, skills in interpersonal relationships, promoting quality of care, ability to adapt to new situations.
In the theoretical part, the contents will be taught by the teacher through lectures with the support of the virtual campus to provide documentation for the study (.doc and .pdf documents, .ppt presentations, videos or web links) and self-assessment tests of the subject . In the practical part, the knowledge acquired will be applied in a practical way, in seminars, practical workshops with problem-solving methodology will be applied in practice; this teaching will be given in the dental clinic with patients and in the scheduled interactive seminars. In the tutorials, the teachers will personally attend individually or in groups to the students to guide them in the study of the subject and to resolve the doubts and comments raised in the development of the theoretical and practical teaching of the subject.
There will be a continuous evaluation, evaluating the attendance and participation of the student in the classes and interactive sessions (20%). The completion of tasks will consist mainly of self-assessment tests, analysis and commentary of selected scientific texts and articles and practical exercises. There will be a final written test of theoretical content in the form of a multiple-choice test (60% of the final grade) and of the content of the interactive classes in the form of short questions (20% of the final grade). In the event that the fraudulent completion of exercises or tests (plagiarism and/or improper use of technologies) is found, the provisions contained in the "Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións" will apply.
The student will dedicate 45 hours to the study of the topics presented in the expository teaching, devoting about 15 hours to the preparation of the interactive sessions and practical sessions and about 10 hours to reading texts and recommended documents.
Previous subjects with clinical practices is a recommendation however is not prerequisite in the grade memory to study the subject. Students are encouraged to attend and actively participate in class, to review previously on the theoretical aspects discussed in the previous expository and interactive sessions and to use the virtual campus of the subject.
During the academic year it is recommended to consult daily the institutional e-mail (@ and the Virtual Campus of the subject to participate in the sessions of Teams and webtutorías and to carry out the indicated tasks which will allow the control and monitoring of active participation for the final evaluation.
Prior knowledge of computer and office automation is recommended.
Maria Mercedes Gallas Torreira
Coordinador/a- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Stomatology
- Phone
- 881812354
- mercedes.gallas.torreira [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |
01.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-Classroom 3 |
01.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |
06.11.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |