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The University of Santiago de Compostela’s Campus Terra develops closer ties with Indonesian universities

El Campus Terra de la USC estrecha lazos con universidades indonesias
El Campus Terra de la USC estrecha lazos con universidades indonesias
Pedro Fiz Rocha Correa, international adviser of the Campus Terra, has travelled to Indonesia on an official visit starting this Wednesday, March 29th, in order to learn about the country’s...

Pedro Fiz Rocha Correa, international adviser of the Campus Terra, has travelled to Indonesia on an official visit starting this Wednesday, March 29th, in order to learn about the country’s university system, as well as to reinforce ties with various centres of expertise in the agri-food field.


Over the first days, Mr Rocha will be attending a workshop at Bogor Agricultural University, where several experts will be discussing internationalization strategies in the university field. The creation of consortiums, seeking funding for a project, institutional cooperation, defining a suitable internationalization plan or employability in an international context will be some of the topics on this workshop’s agenda.


Mr Rocha’s visit will continue over the week of April 3rd, when he will be presenting the Campus Terra’s academic offer to several Indonesian universities. Campus Terra is the University of Santiago de Compostela’s campus specialized in the social, economic and environmentally sustainable use of the land.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.25.2022.