Centre's Quality Committee
- M.ª Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso. Dean
- Paula López Rúa. Quality Manager of the Centre
- Virginia Aznar Cuadrado. Secretary
- María José Romero Castro. Quality coordinator
- Coordination of degrees:
- Alba María Souto Seijo. Early Childhood Education Degree
- María Campos Magdaleno. Teaching Primary Education Degree
- Carlos Dosil Díaz. Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching
- Leticia López Castro. Master in Management of Educational Nature Activities
- Coordination of the work placement:
- Olaya Santamaría Queiruga
- Coordination of the EDP:
- María Carmen Gómez Gómez. EDP Coordinator for Early Childhood Education Degree
- María del Rocío García Pedreira. EDP Coordinator for Primary Education Degree
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre and Departments. Ana María Brao Viña
- Students' representative. Isabel Simil Romero
Committee for the Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Chairperson. Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso. Dean and Quality Manager of the centre
- Secretary and coordinator for the degree. Pablo César Muñoz Carril
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre and Departments. Ana María Brao Viña
- General coordinator for the Work Placements and coordinator of the Degree Work Placements. Eva María Barreira Cerqueiras
- 1st year Coordinator. Pablo García Marín.
- 2nd year coordinator. M.ª Carmen Santos González.
- 3rd year coordinator. Montserrat Pena Presas
- 4th year coordinator. Paloma Blanco Anaya
- Students' representative. Zoe Raquel Monclús Quindós
Committee for the Degree in Primary Education
- Chairperson. Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso. Dean and Quality Manager of the centre
- Secretary and coordinator for the degree. Paula López Rúa
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre and Departments. Ana María Brao Viña
- General coordinator for the Work Placements and coordinator of the Degree Work Placements. Eva María Barreira Cerqueiras
- 1st year coordinator. Patricia M.ª Iglesias Souto
- 2nd year coordinator. María José Romero Castro
- 3rd year coordinator. Virginia Aznar Cuadrado
- 4th year coordinator. Paula López Rúa
- Students' representative. José Ángel García Suárez
Committee for the Master's Degree in Educational Activities Management in Nature
- Ex officio members:
- Chairwoman: Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso, Dean
- Quality manager of the cente: Paula López Rúa
- Coordinator of the master´s degree and the practicum: Leticia López Castro
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre and Departments. Ana María Brao Viña
- Representatives of the teaching staff
- Secretary of the commission, Virginia Aznar Cuadrado
- Coordinator of module number 1,Vicente Blanco Mosquera
- Ana Cabana Iglesia
- Coordinator of TFM, Miguel Cons Ferreiro
- Noelia Estévez Rionegro
- Coordinator of module number 4, Jacobo Feás Vázquez
- Coordinator of module number 1, Beatriz Fernández Herrero
- Coordinator of module number 5, Joaquín Lago Ballesteros
- Marcos Mecías Calvo.
- Agustín Merino García
- Coordinator of module number 3, Manuel Antonio Rodríguez Guitián
Students' representative, Antía Fanego Lestegás
Committee for the Master's Degree in Obligatory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching
- Ex officio members:
- María del Mar Lorenzo Moledo. Dean of the Faculty of Education Science
- Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso. Dean and Quality Manager of the Faculty of Teacher Training
- Isabel Dans Álvarez de Sotomayor. Quality Manager of the Faculty of Science of Education
- Paula López Rúa. Quality Manager of theFaculty of Teacher Training
- Carlos Dosil Díaz. Coordinator for the Campus of Lugo
- Zósimo López Pena. Master's Degree Coordinator
- Dolores Vieites Torreiro. Manager for the Centre and Department Management Unit of the Faculty of Education Science
- Ana María Brao Viña. Manager of the Centre and Department Management Unit of the Faculty of Teacher Training
- Teaching and research staff representatives
- José Ángel Armas Castro
- Eva María Barreira Cerqueiras
- Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez
- Carol Jean Guillanders
- María López Sández
- Raquel Mariño Fernández
- Miguel Ángel Nogueira Pérez
- Juan Carlos Pardo Pérez
- Ana Belén Rodríguez Raposo
- María del Mar San Juan Roca
- Cristina Trigo Martínez ( Secretary)
- Germán Vargas Calleja
- María Luz Zas Varela
- Students' representative.
- Luís Carrera González (representative)
- Rodrigo Duro Sánchez (representative)
- Osvaldo Suárez Fernández(substitute)
- Elena González Fernández (substitute)