Extraordinary Doctorate Award 20-21
In accordance with the recently published Regulations for Awarding the Extraordinary Award and with the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the University of Santiago de Compostela, the extraordinary doctoral awards corresponding to the 2020-21 academic year are announced.
Any questions or queries about the procedure should be made by email, indicating the great area of knowledge corresponding to the EDIUS mailbox edius [at] usc.es (edius[at]usc[dot]es).
In the electronic bulletin board of the USC you can find the regulations that governs the granting of the prizes this year, the call, Annex I with the theses that are eligible for the award; Annex II with the evaluation criteria; and Annex III where the members of the four assessment commissions are appointed, one for each major area of knowledge.
- Regulations
- Call
- Annex I - Eligible theses
- Annex II - Evaluation criteria
Correction of errors: The merits that can be included in the application are those obtained from the beginning of the doctoral studies until the end date of the application submission period of the corresponding call(31/10/2022). - New Annex III - Assessment Committees after the appointment by the Executive Commission on 11/18/2022.
- Provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates
- Definitive list of admitted and excluded candidates
- Provisional proposal of candidates for the Extraordinary Doctorate Award 20-21
- Definitive proposal of candidates for the Extraordinary Doctorate Award 20-21
- Annex I - Definitive disaggregated scores
- Responses to the allegations submitted to the provisional lists:
- Candidates: PhD students with theses defended at the USC in the 2020-2021 academic year in the period between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021.
- Requirements: The thesis must have obtained the cum laude mention and the sum of the scores issued by the members of the committee in their evaluation of the thesis for the extraordinary prize is equal to or greater than 12 points.
A total of 34 prizes will be awarded in this year's call, distributed among the four main areas as follows:
- Arts and Humanities : 5
- Social and Legal Sciences: 7
- Science and Engineering: 11
- Health Sciences: 11
Deadline for submitting applications from 10/18/2022 to 10/31/2022, both included.
Applications, along with the associated supporting documentation, must be submitted through the USC Electronic Office, in this form.
Pending setting of deadlines from the publication of provisional lists