ECTS credits ECTS credits: 5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 5 Expository Class: 15 Interactive Classroom: 20 Total: 40
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: History
Areas: Contemporary History
Center Faculty of Geography and History
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
• Promote advanced training in Contemporary History for teaching and research
• To know the fundamental sources of political power in contemporary rural societies in Western Europe, with special emphasis on Galician and Spanish cases.
• Promote an interrelated study among the different sources of power, avoiding their presentation in the form of watertight compartments.
• Promote a comparative analysis between spaces and forms of power identifiable in the Galician and Spanish societies of the 19th and 20th centuries, with those existing in their Mediterranean counterparts (especially the French and the Italian ones).
• Value the connections that occur between the presentation and evolution of the phenomenon of political power in a given space, and the process of construction of the Nation-State (with special incidence in the Galician and Spanish examples).
• To master the fundamental contents of the expression "political clientelism" and the evolution of it for its application to historical research.
The subject aims to present some of the fundamental aspects that affect the historical manifestations of political power in the rural societies of Western Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with special attention to the closest space (Galician and Spanish) and making special emphasis on the possibilities that the contents of the expression "political clientelism" offer for research, on the need to understand the political space as a place where powers of different origins (economic, social ...) collide, and in the indispensable international perspective to place the processes that are the object of our attention correctly in their spatio-temporal context.
1. Introduction and historiographical introduction: some basic concepts
2. The sources of power and their implications / political manifestations in contemporary rural societies
3. The final stage of liberalism and the emergence of democracies: the Spanish case in the European reality.
4. From parliamentary liberalism to the authoritarian regime: permanences and mutations of political clientelism in Spanish (and Galician) society in the 20th century.
Barral Martínez, M., Montero Ríos y Compostela. Un feudo clientelar, Barcelona, Ronsel, 2007.
Briquet, J-L. y Sawicki, F. (sous la direction du), Le clientélisme politique dans les sociétés contemporaines, Paris, PUF, 1998
Cazorla, A., «La vuelta a la historia: caciquismo y franquismo», Historia Social, 30, 1998, pp. 119-132.
Fernández Prieto, L. et al. (coords.), Poder local, elites e cambio social na Galicia non urbana (1874-1936), Santiago de Compostela, Parlamento de Galicia-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1997
Gellner, E. et al., Patronos y clientes, Madrid, Júcar, 1986
González Alcantud, J.A., El clientelismo político. Perspectiva socioantropológica, Barcelona, Anthropos, 1997
Hispania (monográfico sobre “El poder local en la España contemporánea”), nº 201, 1999
Maíz, R., “Estructura y acción: elementos para un modelo de análisis micropolítico del clientelismo”, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 8-9 (1994), pp. 189-215
Moreno Luzón, J., “El clientelismo político: historia de un concepto multidisciplinar”, Revista de Estudios Políticos, 105 (1999), pp. 73-95
Robles Egea, A. (comp.), Política en penumbra. Patronazgo y clientelismo políticos en la España contemporánea, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1996
VV.AA., La politisation des campagnes au XIX siècle. France, Italie, Espagne et Portugal, Rome, École Française de Rome, 2000
Acosta, F., La Cámara elitista. El Senado español entre 1902 y 1923, Córdova, Ediciones de La Posada, 1999.
Cabrera, M., Con luz y taquígrafos. El Parlamento en la Restauración (1913-1923), Madrid, Taurus, 1997
Cazorla, A., «La vuelta a la historia: caciquismo y franquismo», Historia Social, 30, 1998, pp. 119-132
Giménez Martínez, M.A., “Renovación y continuidad en la élite política española durante la transición a la democracia: el caso de las cortes constituyentes (1977-1979), Historia Constitucional, nº 15, 2014, pp. 255-277 [On line]
Gómez, A., canales, A. F. e Balmer, B. (eds.), Science Policies and Twentieth-Century Dictatorships. Spain, Italy and Argentina, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015
Grandío, E., Caciquismo e eleccións na Galiza da II República. Vigo, A Nosa Terra, 1999
Historia Social (monográfico sobre “Clientelas, caciquismo y poder en la Restauración”), nº 36, 2000
Hopkin, J., “A Southern Model of Electoral Mobilization? Clientelism and Electoral Politics in post-Franco Spain’”, West European Politics 24-1, 2001, pp. 115-36
Quiroga Fernández, A., Haciendo españoles: la nacionalización de las masas en la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923 – 1930), Madrid, CEC, 2008
Moreno, R. y Sevillano, F., “Los orígenes sociales del franquismo”, Hispania, 205 (2000), pp. 703-724
Souto Blanco, M.J., Los apoyos al régimen franquista en la provincia de Lugo, 1936 – 1940. La corrupción y la lucha por el poder, Sada, Edicións do Castro, 1999
Townson, N., “La vieja política bajo la II República: Caciquismo, clientelismo y control electoral» en Gutierrez, M. y Palacios, D., Conflicto político, democracia y dictadura. Madrid, CEPC, 2007, pp. 155-177.
Varela Ortega, J. (dir.), El poder de la influencia. Geografía del caciquismo en España (1875-1923), Madrid, Marcial Pons-Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2001.
• Handle a sufficient bibliography that allows a well-informed approach to the issues of power and political patronage.
• Ability to write, expose and publicly defend academic works.
• Competence in the domain of the basic research rudiments that allow a correct and profitable use of the different historical sources.
• Ability to identify in History the roots of current situations and problems.
• The teacher will make an introduction to each of the program's points and recommend specific readings on the different aspects; In the seminar sessions the students will comment and discuss specific points suggested by the teacher.
• In a second phase, each of the students will have to carry out a brief work on a specific topic of the program. The comparative studies between regions and / or states, historical figures and social realities will be promoted. In it, special attention will be paid to the theoretical-methodological focus on which each research is based, to the list of sources used, to the bibliography used and the conclusions reached.
• This work will be the object of public presentation to all the classmates of the course.
- Weeks 1-5 (sessions of 2 hours): presentation of the sections of the program.
- Weeks 6-11: choice and preparation of the works to be developed by the students.
- Month of December (sessions of 2 hours): presentation and public defense of the work carried out.
• Written work: 60% of the final grade.
• Defense and public discussion of work: 20% of the final grade.
• Attendance (*) and participation in the debates: 20% of the final grade.
(*) Notwithstanding the non-justified absence to four or more of the ten face-to-face sessions will be a cause of suspense, as well as the reiterated and verified non-compliance of the obligation to read the recommended texts for the debates.
The student's work can be estimated in an hour and a half for each hour of explanation of the teacher, to which we must add another 15 hours for the development of individual work. Obviously, these estimates are approximate and will vary according to the specific needs of each student.
The assistance, both to the classrooms for the explanation of concepts and contents and the active participation in the collective debate seminars and in the presentations of the final works is basic for an optimal use of the subject.
-Idiom: Galician. In the event that a significant number of registered students are not Galician speakers, the subject will be in Spanish.
-In case of fraudulent performance of exercises and tests, the ‘Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de calificaciones’ will be applied.
Margarita Barral Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812575
- margarita.barral [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Thursday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Contemporary History Main Hall |