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Andaina Pro Saúde Mental é unha asociación sen ánimo de lucro formada por persoas con problemas de saúde mental e os seus familiares, así como por un grupo de profesionais con experiencia no eido da saúde mental.

Andaina Pro Salud Mental is a non-profit association made up of people with mental health problems and their families, as well as a group of professionals with experience in the field of mental health.

Andaina was created in 2010 to fill the gap in the overall care for people with mental health problems in rural areas near Santiago de Compostela.

It currently has a Psychosocial-Labour Rehabilitation Centre in Ordes and another in Dodro, as well as a Special Employment Centre also located in Dodro.

The purpose of Andaina is to support people with mental health problems, their families and relatives, promoting their autonomy and giving a meaning to their daily development. In order to do this, they are committed to an active physical, social and working life, for which people with mental health problems are jointly responsible, and they strive to improve the quality of life of the people they work with and fight for the defence of their rights.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.17.2024.