This conference will approach the phenomenon of University Development Cooperation by establishing a forum for dialogue and reflection between the main actors of cooperation in university development cooperation, with the aim of strengthening the role of public universities as agents of cooperation and creating joint synergies that generate a multiplier effect for cooperation actions as part of the 2030 Agenda.
Target group. University community and social entities.
This conference is aimed at teachers, researchers, students, university service and administration staff, as well as workers from social organisations and the general public with a special interest in university development cooperation (Spanish: CUD).
Accreditation of attendance
- The teaching staff of the three Galician universities will be accredited their attendance in accordance with the regulations of their own universities (for more information: santiago [at] usc.gal (santiago[at]usc[dot]gal), ocvfer [at] udc.es (ocvfer[at]udc[dot]es) or direc.equidade [at] uvigo.gal (direc[dot]equidade[at]uvigo[dot]gal)).
- For the rest of the university community and the general public, the accreditation for attendance will be carried out in accordance with the following (it is necessary to indicate the modality chosen when registering):
- Attendance at the full event will be credited with 22 hours of teaching.
- To achieve accreditation for attendance, it is necessary to attend at least one of the workshops in person and to follow 80% of the workshops online.
- A seven-hour attendance certificate will be issued for attendance in person at one of the full days (A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela or Vigo).
Programme: Download the programme.
Link: Red Gallega de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo (RGCUD)
Dates: 9 - 11 May 2023
Day 1: Alliances
- Tuesday, 9: University of Vigo, Lecture Hall 1 in the Miralles Building.
Day 2: The University raising awareness
- Wednesday, 10: USC, Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.
Day 3: People
- Thursday, 11: University of A Coruña, Graduate Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business.
Registration: through this form.