The University of Santiago de Compostela participates in Action 171 (KA171) in Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) and has partnerships with universities in non-EU countries.
Through this program, USC can receive PhD students to carry out a research stay of 2 - 5 months with a USC supervisor. Regular classes are not offered at this level of studies.
Contact e-mail: erasmus.ka107 [at] usc.es
The call for applications and the student selection are carried out at the home university.
It is not compulsory that students have an acceptance letter previously signed by a USC lecturer. Two situations may occur:
- The student has an acceptance letter signed by a USC lecturer: in this case, the admission is immediate and the student will only be requested to upload their documents in the online platform (Xescampus).
- The student does not have an acceptance letter signed by a USC lecturer: the student has to upload the requested documents in the online platform (check instructions) and the USC International PhD School will appoint a supervisor among the teaching staff available. USC may reject the mobility if there are no expert lecturers available for supervision.
The USC International PhD School (EDIUS) has established certain priority PhD programmes to which doctoral students from Erasmus+ KA171 partner universities can apply for their stay.
Language requirements: English B1 or Spanish B1.
Exception: students from French or Portuguese-speaking countries may be accepted if a USC lecturer agrees to supervise them.
Mobility Office
- Mobility Office
- Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- international [at] usc.gal
Mobility Office
- Oficina de Mobilidade. Mobility Office
- Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
- international.lugo [at] usc.gal