ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: History
Areas: Ancient History
Center Faculty of Humanities
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
To show the importance of archaeological heritage as an indispensable historical source for the knowledge of the ancient world.
Know their basic concepts, meaning and structural differences with respect to other forms of heritage (cultural, artistic, ethnographic.).
Manage the forms of conservation and musealization and their diversity (heritage located in urban centers, archaeological landscapes). Understand their link with society as an element of identity but also as a form of socio-economic dynamization.
1. Archaeological heritage, definition and basic concepts.
2. Archaeological heritage in urban centres.
3. The archaeological landscape.
4. Archaeological heritage and society
BALLART J., El patrimonio histórico y arqueológico: valor y uso, Barcelona, 2002.
ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ, L., Diseño de exposiciones : concepto, instalación y montaje, Madrid, 1999.
ALONSO IBÁÑEZ, M. R.: El patrimonio histórico. Destino público y valor cultural,
Madrid, 1991.
ASTRO MORALES, F., BELLIDO GANT, M. L. (eds.): Patrimonio, museos y turismo
cultural: claves para la gestión de un nuevo concepto de ocio, Córdoba, 1998.
BELLIDO GANT, Mª L. (dir.), Difusión del patrimonio cultural y nuevas tecnologías, Sevilla, 2008.
DOMÍNGUEZ ARRANZ, A. (ed.): El Patrimonio arqueológico a debate: su valor cultural y económico. Actas de las Jornadas celebradas en Huesca del 7 al 8 de mayo de 2007, Huesca, 2009.
FONTAL MERILLAS, O.: La educación patrimonial. Teoría y práctica en el aula, el museo e Internet, Gijón, 2003.
GARCÍA FORTES, S., FLOS TRAVIESO, N.: Conservación y restauración de bienes
arqueológicos, Madrid, 2008.
GONZÁLEZ ACUÑA, D.: Patrimonio arqueológico urbano: propuesta metodológica de evaluación del estado de conservación y riesgo, Sevilla, 2004.
HERNÁNDEZ CÓRDOBA, F. X.: Museografía didáctica e interpretación de espacios arqueológicos, Gijón 2012.
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, F.: Los museos arqueológicos y su museografía, Gijón, 2010
-- Manual de Museología, Madrid, 2001.
IGLESIAS GIL, J. M. (ed.): Cursos sobre el Patrimonio Histórico, Santader, 2002-2009
INIESTA, A. y MARTÍNEZ, J.A.: Intervenciones sobre el patrimonio arqueológico: de la excavación al museo, Murcia, 2002.
MONDÉJAR JIMÉNEZ, J.A., GÓMEZ BORJA, M.A.(coord.): Turismo cultural en ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, 2009.
MOURE, A.: Escritos sobre historiografía y Patrimonio Arqueológico, Santander, 2006.
PÉREZ-JUEZ GIL, A.: Gestión del Patrimonio Arqueológico: el yacimiento como recurso turístico, Barcelona, 2006.
QUEROL, Mª A.: Manual de gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, Madrid, 2010.
QUEROL, Mª A., MARTÍNEZ, B.: La gestión del Patrimonio Arqueológico en España, Madrid, 1996.
RODRÍGUEZ, I.: Arqueología Urbana en España, Barcelona, 2003.
VV.AA.: Seminario sobre Parques Arqueológicos, Madrid, 1993.
VV.AA.: Actas de la I Reunión Internacional sobre el Patrimonio Arqueológico: modelos de gestión, Valencia, 1995.
VV.AA.: Función social del Patrimonio histórico: el turismo cultural, Cuenca, 2002.
AA.VV. (2000): Presentando el pasado. Arqueología y turismo cultural. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 57. Madrid.
AA.VV. (2000): I Congreso Internacional sobre musealización de yacimientos arqueológicos. Ciudad, Arqueología y Desarrollo (Alcalá de Henares, 26-29 de septiembre de 2000). Alcalá de Henares.
AA.VV. (2005): III Congreso Internacional sobre musealización de yacimientos arqueológicos. De la excavación al público. Procesos de decisión y creación de nuevos recursos (Zaragoza, 15, 16, 17 y 18 de noviembre de 2004), Institución Fernando el Católico y Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.
VV.AA. (2009):Arqueología, patrimonio y desarrollo urbano: problemática y soluciones: Actas del seminario de Girona (2009), Gerona.
Con01: Know and value the various areas of cultural heritage in their material and intangible aspects
- Con02: Understanding and interpreting the historical, anthropological, philosophical, social and artistic foundations of cultural processes
- Con03: Differentiating the main concepts related to interventions in the field of cultural heritage
- H/D01: Show flexibility and ability to adapt to new situations, maintaining a positive and proactive attitude
- H/D02: Analyse and synthesize information from different sources, assessing its relevance and interest according to the objectives pursued
- Comp08: Defending the role of culture as a tool for social transformation and responding to the main problems of contemporary societies
Part of the agenda will be presented in theoretical classes (24 hours) in which the use of Power Point presentations as well as other audiovisual resources (short videos of web pages/images/3D reconstructions) will be indispensable. Documentary dossiers will also be used which, previously given to students, will allow them to better follow the explanation. Equally important will be interactive classes (24 hours) in which students will have to analyse documentation provided in time, or discussions will be held on a given topic. In some of them, on the dates previously set, students will present the works that will serve as a means of continuous evaluation. Of course in a subject of these characteristics it will be indispensable to make extra-classroom visits, especially to museums or archaeological sites near the city (M. Castro Viladonga, M. Provincial, M. Domus del Mitreo, Sta. Eulalia, among others). Finally, in the tutorials (3 hours) the student will receive a personalized attention, not only of doubts of certain aspects, but of complement of the information that has received. In the tutorials you will be guided when carrying out your work, you will be told how to access the bibliography and what is advisable, as well as the problems that will arise as you progress in them.
The evaluation will be continuous, so that the 90% of the note will be obtained by the participation in the interactive classes (15%), the realization of brief written works (15%) and oral (20%) and the presentation of a supervised final paper to be exhibited in class on the dates indicated at the beginning (40%). The rules for each of the works, as well as the material to be commented on will be provided by the Teacher in the classes. At the beginning of the course, the conditions for completion and the deadline by which they must be delivered will be established. The personal work and the original work of the student will be evaluated and will not be valued those works that are a simple plagiarism of other books. It will be essential to demonstrate the capacity for analysis and will also assess the structure of the work, the suitability of the content to the topic, the correct use of citations and notes, the bibliography, its careful presentation, the correction in the written/oral expression and the spelling. For the realization of each one, the student will always be able to go to the teacher in the corresponding hours of tutoring, so that he can solve his problems on its elaboration and the doubts on concrete aspects. The rest (10%) will correspond to the final exam.
Students who have been granted a waiver of attendance may submit their work through the virtual campus.On the second opportunity in July, students will have to take the same type of tests that have been carried out throughout the course for continuous evaluation. Students who have been granted a dispensation from attending classes by the Dean will be examined on the same basis as those applied to face-to-face teaching. SUBSEQUENT CALLS: For students who fail the subject, the same criteria will be applied in the calls of successive years as in the first opportunity. In the case of fraudulent exercises or tests, the provisions of Art. 16 of the Regulations on the Assessment of Students' Academic Performance and on the Review of Marks (DOG 21 July 2011).
Study and preparation of scheduled classroom activities: 25
Execution of works: 30
Readings: 15
Test preparation: 20
Other activities: 5
Total hours:95
As a continuous assessment, the student should strive to meet the set deadlines and perform constant work.
Maria Dolores Dopico Cainzos
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Ancient History
- Phone
- 881824730
- mdolores.dopico [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Francisco Folgueira Rios
- Department
- History
- Area
- Ancient History
- francisco.folgueira.rios [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
11:00-12:30 | CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 15 |
Wednesday | |||
11:00-12:30 | CLIS_01 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 15 |
01.23.2025 10:00-12:30 | CLE_01 | Classroom 14 |
06.11.2025 12:00-14:00 | CLE_01 | Classroom 13 |