ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Agroforestry Engineering
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Course objectives
1. Provide the student with the basics of electrical engineering and to understand the applications and employment needs of electrical installations.
2. Know and understand the basic elements of an electrical installation and the interaction between them.
3. Develop electrical installation projects within the scope of its powers
Electrical circuits sinusoidal alternating current. One-phase systems. (attendance hours: 11, non-attendance hours: 20)
Three-phase systems. Power and energy. (attendance hours: 9, non-attendance hours: 30)
Power lines: Calculation of electric lines and distribution networks. (attendance hours: 5, non-attendance hours: 11)
Electrical installation: protection and security. (attendance hours: 6, non-attendance hours: 4)
Regulations and mandatory standards (attendance hours: 1)
Lighting. Lamps and lighting. Lighting installations. (attendance hours: 8, non-attendance hours: 10)
Electric machines. Transformers. Rotatinsg machines. (attendance hours: 7, non-attendance hours:18)
Automation and electronics. (attendance hours: 4, non-attendance hours: 2)
Detailed program
Item 1. Alternating currents (attendance hours: 4, non-attendance hours: 6)
- General concept of waveforms
- Generation and values associated with sinusoidal waveforms. Faraday-Lenz law
- Complex representation of a sinusoidal waveform
- Symbolic expression of Ohm's Law
Item 2. Simple circuits with sinusoidal excitation. Calculation methods (attendance hours: 3, non-attendance hours: 7)
- Resolution of circuits formed by simple passive elements
- Pure resistive circuit
- Pure capacitive circuit
- Pure inductive circuit
- Complex impedance and admittance
- Analysis of circuits in series and parallel
- Resonance in alternating current
Item 3. Power and energy in sinusoidal steady state (attendance hours: 3, non-attendance hours: 7)
- Power and energy
- Power and energy in the basic passive elements
- Instant, average and fluctuating power in a passive dipole
- Apparent and reactive powers
- Complex power. Boucherot theorem
- Power factor (f.d.p.)
- Power Factor Correction
- Maximum power transfer
Item 4. Multiphase systems (attendance hours: 5, non-attendance hours:15)
- Definitions
- Multiphase systems used in practice
- Generating of three-phase voltages
- Connecting sources in balanced star
- Connection load balanced star
- Connection of loads in unbalanced star: neutral displacement
- Connection of single-phase and three-phase receptors to a three-phase 4-wire system
- Connection delta loads
- Equivalence star-delta balanced systems
Item 5. Power in three-phase systems (attendance hours: 4, non-attendance hours:15)
- Power in balanced loads connected in star
- Power in balanced loads connected in delta
- Power Factor Correction
- Measure of the power in balanced three-phase systems
Item 6. Calculation of power lines (attendance hours: 5, non-attendance hours:11)
- Types, materialeis, and parameters of power lines
- Voltage drop and voltage difference
- Parameters of the lines
- Regulatory Specifications
- Open distribution networks
Item 7. Lighting (attendance hours: 4, non-attendance hours:3)
- Nature of light and principles of lighting
- Representation of lighting magnitudes
- Light production. Lamp types
- Calculation of interior lighting systems
- Calculation of outdoor lighting systems: surfaces and roads
Item 8. Electrical Machines (attendance hours: 5, non-attendance hours:16)
- Types of electrical machines and operating fundamentals.
- Single-phase transformers: description and equivalent circuit
- Three-phase transformers.
- Induction machine: description and equivalent circuit
- Induction machines working.
Item 9. Electrical installations: components and protection equipment (attendance hours: 3, non-attendance hours:4)
- Components of an electrical installation
- Thermal problems of plant: overload and short circuit
- Protection against thermal problems
- Protecting people.
- Auxiliary elements: tubes, trays, cabinets, etc.
- Capacitor banks
- Design of electrical installations.
- Management and optimization of the use of electricity.
- Recruitment of electricity.
Practice program
1 Description of the material to be used in practical sessions. Experimental assembly of direct starting of a three-phase motor using push buttons. Measurement of associated magnitudes. (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 1)
2. Experimental assembly of change in the direction of the movement in a three-phase motor. (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 1)
3. Experimental assembly of star-delta starting and measurement of associated magnitudes. (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 1)
4. Experimental assembly of combinations of basic detectors and programable logic controller (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 2)
5. Interior lighting design using Dialux software. (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 3)
6. Road lighting design using Dialux software (attendance hours: 2, non-attendance hours: 3)
Basica bibliography
1. Fernández, Mª D., González, M.A. y Rodríguez, M.R. “Fundamentos de electrotecnia.” Unicopia campus de Lugo, S.L. 2004.
2. Fraile, J. 2003. Máquinas Eléctricas. UPM.
3. Luna L., García J.L., Adrados C., García E., Gutiérrez, R.P., Gutiérrez J.L., de la Plaza S. “Instalaciones eléctricas de baja tensión en el sector agrario y agroalimentario.”
Mundi-Prensa. 2008
Complementary bibliography
4. Fraile Mora, Jesús. Electromagnetismo y Circuitos Eléctricos. Colegio de ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos. Colección Escuelas. Madrid. 1993.
5. De la Plaza Pérez, Saturnino. Electrotecnia y Electrificación Rural. Tomos I,II y III. ETSIA. Madrid, 1992
6. Fraile Mora, Jesús. Introducción a las instalaciones eléctricas. Colegio de ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos. Colección Escuelas. Madrid. 1993.
7. Comité español de iluminación “Libro blanco de la iluminación” , 7 tomos. Madrid, 2013.
8. García Trasancos J., “Instalaciones eléctricas en media y baja tensión”, Paraninfo. Madrid, 2002. 392 pax.
9. Moreno, N. y Cano, R.García Trasancos J., “Instalaciones eléctricas de baja tensión”, Thomson. Madrid, 2004. 301 pax.
10. Torres, José Luis., “Sistemas de instalación en baja tensión”, AENOR ediciones. Madrid, 2006. 250 pax.
11. RBT. Reglamento electrotécnico para baja tensión e instruccións técnicas complementarias.
12. Normas Particulares para las Instalaciones de Enlace en el Suministro de Energía Eléctrica en Baja tensión.
13. Conejo, A.J. e outros “Instalaciones eléctricas”. Mc Graw Hill. 2007
General competences
- CG1: Scientific and technical training for the exercise of the profession Civil Engineering and knowledge of the functions advice, analysis, design, calculation, design, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation.
- CG2: Understanding of the multiple constraints of technical and law arising in the construction of public works and ability to use proven methods and technologies accredited in order to achieve greater efficiency in construction while respecting the environment and protection safety and health of workers and users of the work public.
Specific competences
- CECC10: Basic knowledge on electric power system: power generation, transmission, distribution and as the type of lines and wires. Knowledge of the rules low and high voltage.
Transversal competences
-CT1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
-CT4: Ability to work in groups and addressing problematic situations
-CT9. Skill in managing ICT.
Four-month course , with the following schedule distribution and methodology in each case:
- 36 theoretical hours distributed at two hours per week, given as a lecture with the support of blackboard, slides and video projector. (CG1, CG2, CECC10, CT1 , CT9 )
- 3 hours of tutorials in small groups distributed during the weeks of expository and interactive teaching. (CECC10, CT1 , CT4, CT9 )
- 12 hours practical seminars developed in electrical engineering and computer laboratory where the methodology is as follows: brief explanation of the work development and implementation of the task by the student. (CB4, CT4, CT9)
- Support for teaching through virtual campus, which include: agenda, transparencies, practice schedules, problem sets, etc ... You will have a forum where you can ask questions of doubt that will complement the s face tutorials (CT1, CT9, CECC10)
Evaluation consists of 3 sections:
a.) Evaluation of practices (10% of the final mark). The practices will be evaluated through attendance and submission of a final report, taking 10% of weight on the final qualification of the matter. Those who do not attend practices may not submit the final report, and this section will score 0 points. Still, they may be submitted to both partial final exams, with final score described above (90% and 10% testing practices). Completion of the final reports in English will be credited with up to 0.5 points (depending on the quality and length) on the final grade once the passing grade has been reached in the total of the subject.
b) Exercises and solving theoretical questions in the classroom (20% of the final mark).
Small exercises and tests of theoretical issues will be raised on several occasions throughout the course. For this purpose the days of small group tutorials and seminars someday will be used. Be warned several days in advance the specific dates and themes to work.
Within this section may include the completion of summaries and comments of articles from international journals (usually in English) related to lighting, on current topics (road lighting, energy saving, LEDs, ...)
c) Final and partial exams (70% of the final mark). A final exam and an optional partial will be performed. The exams will consist of a part of theory and other exercises. (20-30 % theory, 70-80 % exercises) being required to achieve at least 25% of the score of each exercise to pass the exam. The partial exam will count 35% of the final mark, and the final examination of the ordinary call will count 35% of the approved status. In this case, only non evaluated mater will be evaluated in the final examination . People who do not wish to make the partial examination, or who do not overcome, will take the final exam of the whole subject, and in this case the value of 70% of the final mark. The minimum final exam mark will be 4 out of 10.
Sections a and b are not obligatory. Subject can be overcome if 50% of the final mark (the total of the three sections ) in the final examination is reached.
For the second oportunity will be on the same conditions as for the ordinary call.
Repeaters students may attend theoretical classes and problems at their discretion. In addition, they may submit to all examinations and tests carried out for students of first registration.
The practices will be valid for two academic years from its completion, so it will not repeat in this period.
Students who have a exemption of class attendance in the conditions indicated by the Orde 1/2017 of the Secretary General of USC, to pass the subject, must present the final exam on the official dates. In this case, score will be 90% of the global score. In case of not attending the practices, an examination of practices in the laboratory can be made, which will have a value of 10% of the global score. In any case, they should contact the professor to decide the specific aspects of the evaluation.
Students of plans in extinction will be evaluated with the conditions of the current course. For the case of the practices, the note of the last classroom course that they studied will be taken. In case they wish, they can also do the practical sessions in the current course, considering in this case the scores of these last practices.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
Relationship between assessment system and assessed competences.
Partial and final exam (90%): competences CG1, CG2, CECC10 and CT1
Practices performance and practice report (10%): competences CG1, CG2, CB4, CT1, CT4 and CT9
Attendance hours:
- Attendance to the theory classes and seminaries : 36 hours
- Realization of the practical seminars in group, following the professor's indications and assisting the measures of security: 12 hours
- Assistance to tutorials in small groups to carry out collective work of discussion of doubts and difficulties: 3 hours
Non-attendance hours:
- Study of the theoretical contents and personnel work to know, understand and synthesize the knowledge imparted in the matter: 45 hours
- Application of the theoretical conociemientos to practical exercises and resolution of practical exercises: 35 hours
- Association of theoretical contents to practical seminars carried out by resolution of proposed questions: 15 hours
- Examinations: 4 h
- Attendance and participation in classes, seminars and practices.
- Dedication to the theoretical study and regularly exercises and questions raised.
- Use of the virtual campus tutoring and consultation of doubts arising from the study of matter as required.
Subject will be taught in Galician Language
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Garcia
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- miguelangel.gonzalez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Tuesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) |
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) |
05.14.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) |
07.08.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) |