ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.2 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.45
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Biology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
- Develop criteria for the identification of the genetic-molecular variability of the human species, as well as the specific analytical strategies, appropriate for each particular case.
- Provide criteria for analysis of the problem of molecular variability oriented to its interpretation in the general biological framework (adaptability, evolutionary reconstruction, molecular phylogenies).
- To know the specific applications, both in the field of individual and population biological identification, as well as in the clinical and environmental fields.
Theory (26 hours)
- Interpretation of the problem of genetic-molecular variability of the human species. Molecular genetic diversity measures. (3.5 hours).
- Genetic-molecular markers: Human Genome Project. DNA polymorphs (NRY, DNH, RFLP, VNTR, STR, Alu, SNP, MVR, Indels, others) (5 hours).
- Current mass genome screening strategies: Microarrays/ GWAS/ MALDI-TOF/ NNGS /others. (4 hours)
- Application of markers in the field of Pharmacogenetics and Ecogenetics. (3.5 hours)
- Genetic epidemiology, identification of risk groups. Methodological strategies. Identification of risk factors. Applications. (5 hours)
- Anthropogenetics: Non recombinant DNA markers. Genome-wide data (GWD). Ancient DNA analysis. Biodynamics and evolutionary history of human populations (5 hours).
Practices (10 hours).
1) Individual molecular profile (Part I): DNA extracction techniques. Amplification (PCR). (2h).
2) Individual molecular profile (Part I): Electrophoretic separation (PAGE). Molecular detection (Silver Staining). Identification of molecular phenotypes. (4h).
3) Analysis and biodynamics of human populations (Part I): Analysis of human genetic diversity at the individual and population level. Individual identification. (2h in computer classroom).
4) Analysis and biodynamics of human populations (Part II): Inference of Evolutionary Relationships: Phylogenetic Trees. Multivariate analysis. Anthropological interpretation. (2h in computer classroom).
Tutoring (5 hours)
Review and clarification of doubts, or other teaching aspects raised by students
Basic bibliography
- Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. and Bodmer, W.F., 1981. Genetics of human populations. Barcelona: Omega.
- Strachan, T. and Read, A.P., 2011. Human Molecular Genetics. 4th ed. New York: Garland Science.
- Ayala, F.J. ed., 1980. Evolución molecular. Barcelona: Omega.
- Cela Conde, C. J. And Ayala, F. J. 2014. Human Evolution. Editorial Alliance.*
- D. H. O'Rourke. 2019. A Companion To Anthropological Genetics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. *
Complementary bibliography
- Brown, T.A., 2018. Genomes. 4th ed. New York : Garland Science.
- Speicher, M.R. Motulsky, A.G. and Antonarakis, S.E. eds., 2010. Vogel and Motulsky's Human genetics: Problems and Approaches. 4th completely rev. ed. Berlin: Springer.
- Jobling, M.A., Hollox, E., Kivisild, T., Tyler-Smith C., 2013 (2nd Ed.). Human Evolutionary Genetics. Garland Science. [SCFJ1]
- J.H. Relethford. 2012. Human Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell.*
* References available in electronic format for USC students and PDI.
The Basic and General competences are those that appear in the memory of the Degree.
CT1 - Analytical and synthesis capability.
CT2 - Ability for reasoning and argumentation
CT5 - Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text
CT9 - Use of bibliographic and Internet information
CT10 - Use of information in foreign language
CT11 - Ability to solve problems by applying your knowledge integrated
CE1.c - Competence area: Instrumental knowledge, skills and basic technical skills in biology
CE6.b - Competitive area: Human biology, inheritance and evolution: Evolutionary mechanisms and models
CE6.d - Competitive area: Human biology, inheritance and evolution: Evolution and diversity of the human species
CE6.e - Competitive area: Human biology, inheritance and evolution: Genetic and evolutionary analysis
- Exhibition classes (non-mandatory): 3 hours of weekly master classes.
- Tutoring (non-mandatory): Clarification of the doubts raised by the students.
- Interactive classes (mandatory): Two laboratory practices (2h+4h), and two practices with computers (2h in computer classroom each).
Practices.- Two evaluation modalities that will count as 15% of the final rating:
(a) Continuous evaluation: Active participation, by attendance (mandatory non-evaluable), followed by the preparation and delivery of a final report (mandatory and evaluable). Attendance control: Appointment of each of the students listed in the group that makes up the practice. Compliance: Maximum a lack of assistance with supporting accreditation.
(b) Examination of the practices developed during the course for those students with circumstances that impede or make it very difficult to benefit from the previous evaluation modality (a) .
Repeaters who have passed internships in previous courses will be assigned the grade previously obtained.
1) Conducting questionnaires (mandatory and evaluable) of continuous evaluation (15%) on the Virtual Campus.
2) Final written review of the subject given in the course (70%), complementary to the continuous evaluation. . The contents of the theory are developed in two main parts. The overall note of the final review is established, in principle, by the weighted average for both parties. However, in order to reach 50% of the maximum score it is necessary to obtain at least 35% of the maximum possible rating of each party.
To pass the subject, the student will be required to reach at least 50% of the maximum score in each of the 3 evaluable sections (practices, questionnaires and final exam).
On the second opportunity the evaluation criteria will be modified only in the elimination of the questionnaires. In this case the weight of the score of the Practice Memory will be 30%.
The positive evaluation achieved by either side (Theory/Practice) will be kept for four academic courses.
The review and questionnaires shall assess competencies: CG1, CG2, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT5, CT9, CT10, CT11, CE1.c, CE6.b, CE6.d, CE6.e
The implementation of practices and the report of practices will evaluate the competencies: CB3, CB5, CG2, CT1, CT2, CT5, CT8, CT11, CE1.c, CE6.e.
Face-to-face hours: 45 hours
- Theoretical: 26 hours
- Practices: 10 hours
- Tutoring: 5 hours
- Evaluation (exam and online questionnaires): 4 hours
Non-face-to-face hours: 67.5 total hours (54.5 hours of study and 13 h elaboration Practice report)
Total hours of work: 112.5 hours
- Continuous assistance and monitoring of the teaching of theoretical teaching.
- Literature oriented support for the preparation and study of the subject.
- Tutoring as a support system to clarify/deepen individually those aspects that the student needs to establish.
Throughout the course direct communication channels will be established with students (forums and Moodle messaging, virtual tutorials with MS-Teams and USC email...) especially through an operational Virtual Classroom of the subject on the Moodle platform , available to students from the first moment.
For cases of fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests, what is included in the Student Academic Performance Assessment and Grade Review Regulations shall apply.
The distribution by different means (for example, on web pages, distribution to people outside the course, etc.) without the consent of the teaching staff, of any teaching material available in the virtual classroom is also strictly prohibited.
06.06.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 12.Vasili Dokucháyev |
07.08.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |