ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 27 Interactive Classroom: 21 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Microbiology and Parasitology
Areas: Microbiology
Center Faculty of Biology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
# The knowledge and correct uilization by students of the basic terminology of the discipline.
# Identify and place in context the different biological entities object of study of Microbiology.
# Acquire basic knowledge about the biology of microorganisms, including morphological, physiological, genetic, clinical, and ecological aspects.
# Acquire the theoretical and methodological base necessary to address without difficulty later specialization in any area of the discipline, either basic or applied.
# Learn how to properly handle the materials and instruments of a microbiology laboratory, acquiring manual skills that require the microbiological methods.
# Learn the techniques used in microbiology: microscopy, staining, isolation of pure cultures, identification of micro-organisms.
# Learn to manage the sources of documentation.
# To make the student understand and appreciate the interest of Microbiology in the context of biotechnological studies, and social impact of Microbiology.
In conclusion, we try to encourage habits of initiative, creativity, critical thinking and teamwork, and the acquisition of basic skills that allow students to understand what they are like living organisms and easily address a subsequent specialization in any area of discipline, taking in mind the following learning results:
To know the structure and physiology of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms
To know the factor affecting the development of microorganisms
To know the methods for obtention of axenic cultures
To know the methods for viral isolation and growth
To know the basis for classification of microorganisms: prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses.
To know the relationships among microrganisms and their environment.
Theoretical Class Schedule.
Item 1. Origin and histriacl development of Microbiology. (1 h).
Definition of Microbiology. Historical Development of Microbiology. The three "domains": Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. Main differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. General characteristics of the virus.
Item 2. Techniques for the Study and Observation of Microorganisms. (seminar)
Types of optical microscopy. Types of preparations for microscopic examination. Staining. Transmission electron microscopy and scanning. Other types of microscopy.
Item 3. Bacterial morphology and structure. (1 h)
Morphology, size and bacterial groupings. Essential and non-essential structures. Cytoplasm and Cytoplasmic Formations: Ribosomes. Membrane bound organelles of a single layer. Reserve cytoplasmic inclusions. Nuclear area. Extrachromosomal DNA.
Item 4. Plasmatic Membrane and Membranous structures (1 h)
Chemical composition, structure and functions of the bacterial membrane. Types of transport across the plasma membrane. Differential characteristics of the membranes of Archaea. Membranous structures.
Item 5. Bacterial Cell Wall (2 h)
Structure and chemical composition: differences between Eubacteria Gram positive and Gram negative. Functions of the various cell wall polymers. Specific features of the wall of Archaea.
Item 6. External Structures to Cell Wall (1 h)
Capsules: Chemical nature and functions. Flagella and flagellar movement: Structure and chemical composition of the flagellum. Pili or fimbriae: types and functions.
Item 7. Specialized Cells: The Bacterial Endospore (1 h)
Structure, chemical composition and properties of the endospore. Observing the presence endospores. Differences between vegetative cell and bacterial endospores. Kinetics of sporulation. Genetic aspects of the process of sporulation. Germination of endospores.
Item 8. Microbial Nutrition (2 h)
Principles of microbial nutrition. Nutritional categories of microorganisms: Sources of energy, electrons and carbon. Sources of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus. Assimilation in inorganic form of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.
Item 9. Cultivation of Microorganisms and Physical-Chemical Conditions for Growth (1 h)
Types of bacteriological culture media. Mixed cultures and pure cultures. Methods of isolation of pure cultures. Conservation. Effect of physico-chemical factors on growth. Temperature. pH. Osmotic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure. Oxygen requirements. Classification of microorganisms depending on the physico-chemical conditions of growth.
Item 10. Bacterial growth and Measurement of Bacterial Growth. (1 h + seminar)
Cell growth: bacterial division cycle. Growth stocks: Growth curve and characteristics of the different phases. Mathematical expression of growth. Effect of antimicrobial agents on growth. Synchronous and asynchronous growth. Direct and indirect methods of determination of grwoth. Continuous culture and its applications.
Item 11. Control of Microorganisms. (2 h + seminar)
Definition of terms: sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis, etc.. Factors influencing the antimicrobial action. Modes of action of antimicrobial agents. Control by physical and chemical agents. Main groups of disinfectants. Determining potency disinfection. Chemotherapy. Types of chemotherapy: natural (antibiotics) and synthetic. Determination of antimicrobial activity. Resistance to chemotherapeutic agents: mechanisms and transmission. Importance of antimicrobial peptides.
Item 12. Classification of microorganisms. (1 h)
Bacterial species and biological species concepts . Phenetic and phylogenetic classification. Bacterial nomenclature. Major groups of bacteria and archaea.
Item 13. Major groups of Gram negative bacteria (2 h)
Photosynthetic bacteria. Chemolithotrophic bacteria: Importance in the biogeochemical cycles of matter. Pseudomonas and Burkholderia. Methane-oxidizing bacteria. Acetic acid bacteria. Atmospheric nitrogen fixing bacteria. Families Enterobacteriaceae and Vibrionaceae. Strict anaerobic bacteria. Rickettsias and Chlamydias.
Item 14. Major groups of Gram positive bacteria (2 h)
Gram positive bacteria with low G+ C content. Endospore-forming and Non Endospore-forming bacteria: Clinical, industrial and ecological significance. The Mycoplasmas. Gram-positive bacteria with high G+ C content. Actinobacteria. Coryneform Group: Ecology and industrial and clinical importance. Mycobacteria. Filamentous Actinobacteria with sporangia and conidia. General characteristics and importance of the genus Streptomyces.
Item 15. Domain Archaea. (1 h)
Phylogeny of the domain Archaea. Extreme halophilic Archaea. Methanogenic Archaea. Thermoacidophilic Archaea. Environmental and industrial interest.
Item 16. Eucaryotic Microorganisms (1 h)
Main differences between procaryotic and eucaryiotic cells. The origin of eucaryotic cells: the theory of endosymbiosis. Main eucaryotic lineages.
Item 17. Nature and Characteristics of the virus. (2 h)
Characteristics and nature of the viral particle. Distinctive properties of the virus. Viral structure and architecture. Classification of viruses. Infective cycle and synthesis of viral components. Viral nucleic acid replication: types of cycles. Subviral particles.
Item 18. Biogeochemical Cycles. (2 h)
Cycles and microorganisms involved: Cycles of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon. Microbial degradation of natural polymers in soil and water.
Item 19. Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. (3 h)
Role of microorganisms in the biotechnology industry. Search, selection and manipulation of microorganisms of applied interest. Main microorganisms of applied interest. Obtaining industrial products using microbial biotechnology. Main products obtained by Industrial Microbiology. Use of microorganisms for the production of food and beverages. Wastewater treatments.
Therefore, the agenda of the course is organized into 6 blocks that encompass the full range of issues to study in this area. The different topics and sections are ordered so as to enable the student to gradually acquire concepts that will be useful for understanding the later sections. Will be explained in more detail the contents of each section to justify the inclusion of items in one section or another.
Laboratory Class Schedule
Block I. Introduction. Preparation of Media and Materials.
Practice 1. The microbiology laboratory.
Description of laboratory equipment. Description of the collection of microorganisms. Labor standards in the laboratory.
Block II. Isolation and Culture of Microorganisms.
Practice 2. Culture of Microorganisms in either solid or liquid medium.
Inoculation on solid medium. Characteristics of microorganisms in culture: solid media and liquid media. Techniques for obtaining pure cultures: serial dilution method and spline method of isolation on solid medium.
Block III. Morphology and Structure of Microorganisms.
Practice 3. The optical microscope.
Handling and Care of the optical microscope. Observation of microorganisms in fresh by phase contrast microscopy.
Practice 4. Staining methods of microorganisms.
Differential staining: Gram stain.
Block IV. Growth and Control.
Practice 5. Methods for the measurement of growth.
Microscope cell counting. Agar plate counting for the estimation of viable cells. Spectrophotometric measurement of growth.
Practice 6. Antimicrobial agents.
Measurement of antimicrobial activity o f chemotherapeutic agents: disk diffusion method (Antibiogram)
Block V. Microbial identification.
Practice 7. Identification of pure bacterial cultures by conventional methods in plate and tube (IMViC). Miniaturized bacterial identification methods.
Block VI. Virology.
Practice 9. Bacteriophage titration.
Madigan, M.T. et al. eds., 2015. Brock Biología de los microorganismos. 14ª ed. Madrid: Pearson.
Martín, Béjar, Gutiérrez, Llagostera & Quesada. 2019. Microbiología Esencial. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Willey, J.M., Sherwood, L.M. y Woolverton, C.J., 2009. Microbiología de Prescott, Harley y Klein. 7ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
Atlas, R.M. y. Bartha, R., 2001. Ecología microbiana y microbiología ambiental. 4ª ed. Madrid: Addison-Wesley.
Balows, A., Truper, H.G, Dworkin, H., Harder, N. and Schleifer, K.H., 1992. The Prokaryotes: a handbook on the biology of bacteria: ecophysiology, isolation, identification, applications. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer- Verlag.
Ingraham, J.L. y Ingraham, C.A., 1998. Introducción a la microbiología. 2 vol. Barcelona: Reverté.
Lederberg, J. ed., 2000. Encyclopedia of microbiology. 2nd ed. 4 vol. San Diego: Academic Press.
Schaechter, M. 2012. Eukaryotic microbes. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.
Singleton, P. and Sainsbury, D., 2006. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Struthers, J.K. y Westran, R.P., 2005. Bacteriología clínica. Barcelona: Masson.
Gamazo, C., Lopez, I. y Camacho, A.I. eds., 2013. Manual práctico de microbiología. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.
Gamazo, C., Sánchez, S. y Díaz, R. eds., 2005. Microbiología basada en la experimentación. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Masson.
Koneman, E. W., Allen, S.D., Janda, V.M., Schreckenberger, V.C. y Winn W.C. Jr., 2008. Koneman diagnóstico microbiológico: texto y atlas en color. 6ª ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
McFaddin, J.F., 2003. Pruebas bioquímicas para la identificación de bacterias de importancia clínica. 3ª ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Olds, R.J., 1982. Atlas de Microbiología. Barcelona: Editorial Científico-Médica.
Seeley, H.W., Van Demark, P.J. and Lee, J.J., 1991. Microbes in action: a laboratory manual of microbiology. 4th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman.
Con1 - Know the most important concepts, methods and results of the different branches of Biotechnology.
Con2 - Have an integrated vision of the functioning of cells and organisms, including their biomolecules, metabolism, gene expression, relationship between cellular compartments, as well as perception, signaling and communication mechanisms.
H/D01 - Think in an integrated way and approach problems from different perspectives.
H/D02 - Search, process, analyze and synthesize information from various sources.
H/D03 - Organize and plan your work.
H/D04 Interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
H/D05 - Work as a team.
H/D06 - Maintain an ethical commitment, as well as a commitment to equality and integration.
H/D07 - Initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and adaptation to new situations (resilience).
Comp01- That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant topics of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
Comp02- That students are able, both in writing and orally, to debate and transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions related to Biotechnology to both a specialized and non-specialized/general public.
Comp03- That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Comp05- Study and learn autonomously, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in Biotechnology and acquire the ability to work as a team.
- Lectures: 27 hours (2 hours weekly during the first quarter)
- Seminars: 3 seminar 2 hour each. The seminars will be taught by the teacher or by students. The use of other approaches can be also employed (cooperative learning, discussion of current issues, etc).
- Laboratory Practice: 15 hours. There will be groups of 20 students and the practices of each group will be performed during one week. All practices will take place in the afternoon during the first quarter.
- Tutoring group. - These tutoring hours imply the performance of activities (ywitter work) that will be evaluated within the 15% corresponding to seminars.
- Volunteer activities related to the theory or laboratory classes can be organized. Possibility of a practice within the SWI (Small World Initiative: crowsourcing antibiotic discovery) international learning program collaborative for exploration of microbial biodiversity in soil searching new microorganisms that produce antibiotics.
-Theory.- To pass the subject you must pass a mandatory final exam, which may include questions about the seminars presented in the
class. The Theory grade will represent 65% of the final grade for the subject.
- Practices.- Mandatory attendance at all practices, and it will be a requirement to be able to sit the theory exam. The students will carry out a examination on the foundations, methodology and results obtained. The qualification for this exam will represent 20% of the final qualification. The preparation of reports on laboratory work could be requested, which will be evaluated together with the exam.
- Seminars.- The total weight of the seminar activities will be 15% of the final qualification. In the case of being taught by the teacher, the content of they will be subject to examination.
In the case of being taught by students, for the evaluation of the seminars, the following will be taken into account:
1) The formal correction of the written summary and public presentation
2) The work of synthesis of the information collected
3) The ability to respond appropriately to the questions asked.
In the case of other teaching alternatives, the student's participation in them will be valued. The activities corresponding to the group tutorials will be valued at 15% corresponding to the evaluation of the seminars.
Note: The minimum grade for the theory and practice exam to be able to assess the other concepts will be 4.5.
Continuous evaluation will be carried out, both in expository and interactive classes, and may include oral or written tests, completion and presentation of work (via Virtual Campus), participation of students in the classrooms, and their assessment will be included in the sections respective indicated above.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for the Approval of Academic Performance” will apply.
These instruments will be used to evaluate competencies according to the following scheme:
-The exam will evaluate the skills: Con1, Con2, H/D01, H/D02, H/D04, Comp1, Comp2, Comp3.
-In the practices the competencies will be evaluated: Con2, H/D02, H/D05
-In active participation in the classroom and seminars, the competencies will be evaluated: Con2, H/D01, H/D02, H/D04, H/D06, H/D07.
-In the other teaching alternatives the competencies will be evaluated: H/D03, H/D05, H/D06, H/D07.
Repeater students
For repeating students who have had their practices positively evaluated, this qualification will be maintained during the following two academic years.
Classroom lessons 54 hours:
27 hours lectures
15 hours practical classes
seminars 6 hours
small group tutoring in 3 hours
Individualized tutoring 1 hours
exam 3 hours.
Student personnel work 90 hours:
Individual study 74 hours (3-4 hours per week)
Preparation of work and recommended reading 20 hours
Assistance to conferences and other activities 2 hours
Comprehensive study, linking the contents of the subject with those of related subjects.
Regular attendance and active participation in lectures and seminars.
Follow the recommendations of the teacher that may arise along the semester.
The course will have a virtual classroom operational on the Moodle platform available to students.
Jesús Ángel López Romalde
Coordinador/a- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- Phone
- 881816908
- jesus.romalde [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Manuel Romero Bernardez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- manuelromero.bernardez [at]
- Category
Tuesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
05.16.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
07.09.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus |