ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Campus Lugo
Areas: Labour Relations School
Center Labour Relations School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
It is expected that the students achieve a clear vision of the way in which different workplaces can be organized, as well as the relationship between strategies, technologies and organization formulas used in workplaces and the effort to improve productivity. They should also be able to differenciate the most importante features of each work organization model, to calculate different types of productivity and to understand the recent business and organization development in order to obtain a higher adaptability of its function ways, in particular in those related to interventions in working time.
All this should allow the students to make proposals and to use different techniques in their future as professional technicians or people in charge of staff groups or human resources.
LESSON 1.- Production and productivity
1.2.- Production strategy
1.3.- Alternative production strategy
1.4.- Types of production processes
1.5.- Productivity concept
1.6.- Factores that influence productivity
1.7.- Productivity formulation and measuring
1.7.- Some considerations about productivity
1.8.- Productivity and time: the basic content of work
LESSON 2.- Models of work organization and production
2.1.- Work organization
2.2.- The craft model
2.3.- The Taylor model
2.4.- The Fordist model and the mass-production
2.5.- Life quality in work: redesign of jobs and sociotechnical approach
2.6.- The model Toyota or of light production
LESSON 3.- Labour flexibility
3.1.- The freedom to “restructure”
3.2.- Strategies or types of flexibility
3.3.- The labour flexibility
3.4.- Te flexible business
LESSON 4.- Flexibility and working time
4.1.- External numerical flexibility
4.2.- Internal numerical flexibility
4.2.1.- Organization of working time
4.2.2.- Duration of the working day
Albizu, E. (1997): Flexibilidad laboral y gestión de los recursos humanos, Ariel, Barcelona
Aldag, R. J.(1993): Diseño de tareas y motivación de personal, Trillas, México
Aguirre de Mena, J. M. et al.(2002): Organización y métodos de trabajo, Pirámide, Madrid
Alonso García, A.(1998): Conceptos de organización industrial, Marcombo, Barcelona
Álvarez Fernández, C. J. (2010): Organización del trabajo. Modelos, Bubok Publishing, Madrid
Asociación Española de Dirección de Personal (1995): Flexibilidad en el trabajo. Estrategias y prácticas en Europa, Gestión 2000, Barcelona
Boyer, R.; Freyssenet, M. (2003): Los modelos productivos, Fundamentos; Madrid
Castillo, J. J. (compil.) (1991): Las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Madrid
Coriat, B. (1993): El taller y el cronómetro. Ensayo sobre el taylorismo, el fordismo y la producción en masa, Siglo XXI, Madrid
Coriat, B. (1993): Pensar al revés, Siglo XXI, Madrid
Dominguez Machuca, J. A.(Coordinador) (1995): Dirección de operaciones. Aspectos estratégicos en la producción y los servicios, Mc Graw-Hill, Madrid
Duval, G. (2004): L’entreprise efficace a l’heure de Swatch et de Mc Donald’s. La seconde vie du taylorisme, La Decouverte, París
Fernández Sánchez, E. (1993): Dirección de la producción. Fundamentos estratégicos, Civitas, Madrid
Finkel, L. (1994): La organización social del trabajo, Pirámide, Madrid
Gómez Sánchez, A. (Coordinador) 1994): Cambio Tecnológico y organización del trabajo en la industria del automóvil, Comisiones Obreras, Madrid
Martín Artiles, A. (1995): Flexibilidad y relaciones laborales, CES, Madrid
Kanawaty, G. (1996): Introducción al estudio del trabajo, OIT, Ginebra
Ohno, T. (1991): El sistema de producción Toyota, Gestión 2000, Barcelona
Prokopenko, J. (1989): La gestión de la productividad, O.I.T., Ginebra
Rodriguez Fernández, M. (2007): Procesos de trabajo. Teoría y casos prácticos, Pearson, Madrid
Sarries Sanz, L. (1994): Nuevos modelos de organización industrial, Dykinson, Madrid
Womack, J. P.; Jones, D. T.; Roos, D. (1992): La máquina que cambió el mundo, Mc Graw-Hill, Madrid
Contribution to the general skills of the degree:
To find, analyse, summarize and manage different types and information sources.
To work alone and as part of a team.
To set out and defend orally and/or written a matter or a topic related to the subject.
To work together with other people respecting the basic rules of living together, the fundamental rights and the democratic values.
To plan, organize and take decisions during the development of activities and other processes.
Contribution to the specific skills of the degree:
To fifferentiate, describe and apply techniques, as well as to take decisions on a organizational basis and in the context of human resource management .
To recognize and connect the processes of social change, from a historical, economic and sociological point of view with innovations in work organization and development of labour relation systems.
Specific skills of the course:
Ability to assess the performance and productivity of the production and work processes
Knowledge about different forms and systems of work organization
Ability to carry out diagnosis and proposals of organization improvement
Knowledge and ability to choose and use different systems and formulas to distribute working time and to make proposals to that effect.
The teaching of the subject can be devided into to main parts: theoretical and practical lectures, where the students will have to give expositions, do exercises and analyse different cases.
The assessment system of the course will be adapted to the teaching: theoretical lectures and interactive lectures where expositions, exercises and case analysis will be carried out.
On the one hand, it will be assessed the knowledge and, on the other hand, the ability of the students to develop the above mentioned skills. Attendance and participation in class are important.
There will be only one final exam set on the date approved by the university board.
The attitudes and skills showed during the interactive lectures will follow a continuous assessment.
To have attended priviously the courses “Companies and Organizations” and “Organization Planning and Design” of the first year, although it is not compulsory to have passed them.
The attendance to the lectures is determining to successfully pass the course.
As the lessons of the contents are presented in the lectures.
María Teresa Hermo López
Coordinador/a- Department
- Campus Lugo
- Area
- Labour Relations School
- teresa.hermo [at]
- Category
- Not Applicable
Tuesday | |||
09:00-10:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 3 |
05.23.2025 11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
07.03.2025 11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |