ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Plant Production and Engineering Projects
Areas: Genetics, Plant Production
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
•Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of inheritance focused on application to production improvement and preservation of biologic diversity.
•Knowledge and comprehension of the basis of nursery production of high quality bare root and containerized forest seedlings.
•Acquisition of critical thinking, necessary to the development of the scientific method.
•Approach to the resolution of problems and to experimentation in the field of Genetics through interactive activities, in the context of research in Departments involved in the teaching of the subject.
-Approach to forest nursery reality in the country, through technical visits (field trips). Ability to solve practical problems related to nursery production.
•Promotion of crosscurricular abilities: analysing, synthesising, reasoning, argument; seeking for diverse and updated suitable information; solving problems through integrated use of knowledge; public exposition of knowledge in a clear, attractive and coherent way.
The following contents are mentioned in the Degree Report:
Mendelian, quantitative and population genetics.
Seed orchards.
Tests of provenances.
Concept of provenance.
Variability of important traits in forest trees.
Site selection and design of the nursery.
Seed and vegetative propagation.
Techniques for production of forest plants.
Pest and disease management in the nursery.
Theory programme (about 1.5 hours in-class + 4.0 of individual work per lesson)
•Lesson 1. Principles of hereditary material. Overview on DNA, eukaryotic chromosome, cell division and karyotype. Chromosomal variations.
•Lesson 2. Basis of inheritance of traits: Mendelian genetics. Mendel’s experiments and his conclusions. Patterns of inheritance and extension of mendelism.
•Lesson3. Bases of inheritance: quantitative genetics. The nature of continuous variation. Genetic model for quantitative traits. Concept of heritability and methods for its estimation.
•Lesson 4. Applications of genetics:Population and conservation genetics. Genetic Engineering.
•Lesson 5. Principles and scope of genetic forest tree improvement. Tree improvement programs. Special features in forest tree improvement.
•Lesson 6. Seed orchards. Objectives, types, selection of site, experimental design, management.
•Lesson 7. Tests of provenances and introduction of species. Concept of provenance. Nursery trials. Experimental design. Establishment and management.
•Lesson 8. Forest tree nurseries. Site selection criteria. Basic structure of the nursery.
•Lesson 9. Greenhouses in forest nurseries. Components. Heating. Cooling. Artificial lighting. Carbonic fertilization.
•Lesson 10. Bareroot production. Soil preparation. Fertilization. Irrigation. Undercutting. Transplanting and lifting. Shipping.
•Lesson 11. Container production. Special features of plants in container. Containers for forest production: genetal characteristics, types, selection criteria. Organic and mineral substrates: typos, properties, mixtures. Fertilization: fertirrigation. Controlled mycorrhization.
•Lesson 12. Seed propagation. Storage and pretreatments of seeds. Bareroot and in-container sowing. Seeders.
•Lesson 13. Vegetative propagation. Principles and objectives. Cutting propagation. Grafting. Layering.
•Lesson 14. In vitro propagation. Concept. Media and culture conditions. Types of micropropagation. Stages. Rejuvenation methods for adult material. Applications in genetic improvement.
•Lesson 15. Protection in forest nurseries. Protección against inclemencies: wind, frost, sun. Frequent diseases and pests. Prevention and fighting.
Practical lessons programme
•Practical 1. Analysis of genetic variation of a quantitative trait in natural conditions(3h in-class)
•Practical 2. Analysis of quantitative traits: estimation of heritability (3h in-class)
•Practical 3. Solving problems of genetics (Several sessions).(6h in-class + 6h individual work)
•Practical 4. Micropropagation. Media preparation and subculturing.(2h in-class + 2h individual work)
•Practical 5. Sowing of tree seeds in container.(2h in-class + 2h individual work)
•Practical 6. Cutting propagation of a woody species.(2h in-class + 2h individual work)
•Practical 7. Field visit. Visit to nurseries producing bareroot and in-container forest plants. Justification: the visit permits students to observe in the field methods and procedures of nursery production, as well as facilities, machinery and aspects related to plant quality.(6h in-class + 2h individual work)
- Aldhous, JR y Mason, WL (eds.) (1994). Forest Nursery Practice. Forestry Commission Bulletin 111, HMSO, Londres.
- Benito, C y FJ Espino. 2012. “Genética: Conceptos esenciales”. Médica Panamericana. Libro electrónico…
- Falconer, DS. 1996. “Introduction to Quantitative Genetics”. Longmans Green, Harlow.
- Fita Fernández, AM, Rodríguez Burruezo, A y Prohens Tomás, J. 2008. “Genética y Mejora Vegetal”. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Klug WS, MR Cummings. 2013. “Conceptos de Genética”. Pearson-Prentice Hall. Lib.electrónico:…
- Macdonald, B. 1986. Practical woody plant propagation for nursery growers. Vol. I. Timber Press. Oregón.
- Pierce, BA. 2015. “Genética: Un enfoque conceptual”. Médica Panamericana. Enlace al libro electrónico…
- Catalán Bachiller, G (1977). Semillas de árboles y arbustos forestales. Monografía Nº 17. ICONA. MAPA. Madrid.
- Hartmann, HT y Kester, DE. 1987. Propagación de plantas. Principios y técnicas. Cia.
- Martínez Moreno, F y Solís Martel, I. 2010. “Mejora Vegetal para Ingeniería Agronómica”. Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
- Mensua Fernández JL. 2003. “Genética: problemas y ejercicios resueltos”. Síntesis.
- White, TL, Adams, WT and Neale, DB. 2007. “Forest Genetics”. CAB International.
• CB2 The students should be able to apply their knowlegde to their work or vocation in a professional way and should have the competence usually demostrated through the development and defense of arguments and the solving of problems within their field of study
• CB4 The students should be able to transmit informations, ideas, problems and solutions to a wether or not specialized public.
• CG1 The students should be able to understand the biological, physical, chemical and mathematical principles, and systems of representation necessary to develop their professional activity, as well as to identify the different biotic and physical components of the forest environment and the natural resources susceptible of protection, preservation and exploitation in the forestry field.
• CG3 The students should know the processes of degradation affecting forest systems and resources (pollution, pests and diseases, fires, etc) and be able to use the methods of forest protection, of forest water resources restoration, and of preservation of biodiversity.
• CG5 The student shoud know the basis of forest improvement be able to apply his knowledge in a practical way to plant production and biotechnology.
• CG14 The student should comprehend, interpret and make use of scientifical advances in forestry, in order to develop and transfer technology, and to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
• CETEEF4. Forest Improvement.
• CETEEF5. Gardening and Nurseries.
• CT1 Ability for analysis and synthesis
• CT2 Ability for reasoning and argumentation
• CT3 Ability to work individually with an auto-critical ability
• CT4 Ability to work in group and deal with problematic situations collectively
• CT5 Ability to obtain suitable, diverse and updated information
• CT6 Ability to elaborate and present well organized and understandable texts
• CT7 Ability to make public presentations in a clear, concise and coherent way
• CT11 Use of information written in a foreign language
• CT12 Ability to solve problems by the integral application of his/her knowledge
The Virtual Classroom will be used as a support and as a communication tool during the course. Both theory and practical teaching will be carried out in person. Furthermore, terminology in English related to the main scientific-technical concepts will be used in theory lessons and during the practicals.
• Lectures (theory classes)
For the whole group. The specific contents of the different lessons of the programme will be explained. Different materials helping to the comprehension of concepts will be used (PC presentations, slides, videos, animations, blackboard, etc).(CB 2, 3, 4, CT2, CT4, CT12; CG 1, 3, 5, 14 CETEEF 4, 5)
• Interactive teaching (practicals) (CG 1, 3, 5, 14; CB 2, 4; CEETEEF 4, 5; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT11)
For little groups. It includes:
Lab lessons : every lesson has a specific guideline which is given to the students at the beginning. The practicals will be done in general in pairs. After the practical, the students must fill in a specific questionnaire for evaluation.
Technical visits: The students will visit two forest nurseries (bare root and in-container production) in Galicia. They must individually hand over a report of the trip.
Greenhouse practicals: every practical has a specific guideline which is given to the students at the beginning. The students will work individually. At the end of the practicals, the students must analyze and discuss the results obtained.
Practical seminars: The students must solve sets of problems related to genetic and/or nursery concepts.
Tutorial support for groups: Solving, discussing and presenting of problems and practical cases proposed by the teachers for every session programmed.
Use of English: both in theory lessons and in practicals, English terminology will be mentioned concerning the main scientifical-technical concepts.
The primary method of assesment is by continuous evaluation. Attendance to practicals (including technical visit) and expository lessons is mandatory (>85%). Not to meet minimum attendance requirements involves the loss of the right to take the Final Exam, as well in the first as in the second call.
If the student evaluated by continuous evaluation does not achieve the required mark to pass the subject, he can take the Final Exam, to be evaluated for all or a part of the contents.
The students evaluated exclusively by means of the Final Exam can achieve a maximum mark of 8.0.
Assesment system (Competence)= Weight in evaluation:
Participation in expository and interactive lessons (CB 2, 4, CT 2, 4)= 10%
Periodic evaluations -midterms- (CG 1, 3, 5, 14; CETEEF 4, 5; CT 1, 2, 12)= 35%
Realization of proposed activities, in-class and virtual classroom (CG 1, 3, 5, 14; CETEEF 4, 5; CT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11)= 35%
Reports of practicals (CB 2; CETEEF 4, 5, CT 6)= 20%
Final exam -for students not passing continuous evaluation- (All of the corresponding to the subject, excepting CB 4)= 0- 70%
The above-mentioned assessment conditions apply separately to two independent content blocks: Block 1: Forest Genetic Improvement; Block 2: Nurseries. Each block receives an independent grade, with a minimum passing grade of 5.0. The overall grade is the average of the grades of each block.
The assessment conditions are the same for the first and for the second call.
Repiters are exempt from attendance to the practicals (lab, greenhouse, technical visit) passed the previous year. The have a new chance to be evaluated continuously through participation in lessons, midterms and activities proposted in virtual classroom, as well as through the Final Exam, if necessary.
The exemption from attendance in this subject, for those students who meet the requirements, is partial, covering the theory part. As for the practice part, in-class (Scenario 1 and 2) or on-line (Scenario 3) attendance (> 85 %) is mandatory.
Regarding the theory part, the student can choose to carry out the activities and tests proposed for the continuous evaluation, within the deadlines defined for each activity and test (for the tests, there will be no special schedule for students with exemption), and will be evaluated under the same conditions that were previously mentioned for this type of evaluation. If they are only evaluated through the Final Exam, it will have a maximum grade of 10 and its weight in the evaluation will be 80%.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply."
The students need about 1.73 hours of personal work per hour of in-class teaching.
95 hours:
Reading and preparing themes 30 hours.
doing exercises 20 hours.
Preparing practicals, and practicals report 20 hours.
Doing works (individual or group) 10 hours.
Preparing tests 15 hours.
Ask about any doubts arising in the lessons.
Solve the sets of problems proposed.
Make use of tutorial support to remove doubts and solve questions concerning the subject.
Read and consult sources of information (data bases, books, reviews, websites).
Check regularly the Virtual Classroom.
Rafaela Maria Amaro Gonzalez
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- rafaela.amaro [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Juan Luis Fernández Lorenzo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- juanluis.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Adrian Casanova Chiclana
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- adrian.casanova [at]
- Category
- Posdoutoral USC_Campus Terra
Inés Martinez Sambade
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- inesmartinez.sambade [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra
Friday | |||
11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |
05.19.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2 (Lecture room 1) |
07.01.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2 (Lecture room 1) |