ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 24
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
This subject provides knowledge about the different types of land tenure and land management instruments.
These are some of the learning outcomes:
To identify and analyse the main variables that define land tenure types.
To understand the fundamentals of land management instruments with examples from Galicia and other territories orientated towards the rural environment.
Theoretical Program:
Unit 1 (0.10 ECTS)
- Land administration
- Land ownership and possession
Unit 2 (0.10 ECTS)
- Agrarian structures.
- Land management instruments: governance in the management of land structures.
Unit 3 (0.10 ECTS)
- Land information systems. Cadastre
Unit 4 (0.10 ECTS)
- The spatial reorganisation of property and land use rights management.
Practical Program:
Unit 1. Familiarisation with Land Information Systems (0.06 ECTS)
Unit 2. Work preparation seminar (0.06 ECTS)
Unit 3. Work monitoring seminar (0.10 ECTS)
Unit 4. Work completion seminar (0.22 ECTS)
Practical group work will focus on analysis, diagnosis and land management proposals for action in a rural Galician area.
Each student will analyse one or more rural plots and the following:
- Possession status
- Transmission system
- Status in the Cadastre office and Property Registry
- Sectoral legislation and urban planning that affect property rights.
Bibliografía básica
Bouhier, A. 1979. La Galice. Essai géographique d'analyse et d'interpretation d'un vieux complexe agraire. La Roche-sur-Yon, Imprimarie Yonnaise (2ª parte, cap. V: "Les correlations entre le systéme agricole, les structures d'exploitations et le régime foncier").
Cabo, A. 1981.Transformaciones recientes en la propiedad y en los regímenes de tenencia de la tierra. En La propiedad rústica en España y su influencia en la organización del espacio. Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, pp. 177-194.
ECE/HBP/1996. Land Administration Guidelines.
Gómez, J. 1987. Ausencia de un modelo unilineal de evolución de los regímenes de tenencia en el siglo XX. En Estructuras y regímenes de tenencia de la tierra en España. Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, pp. 143-185.
Jacobs, H. (ed.) 1998. Who Owns America? Social Conflict Over Property Rights. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
López, E. 1996. Movilidad de la tierra y dinámica de las estructuras agrarias en Galicia. Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
Miranda, D. et al. 2006. Land consolidation in inland rural Galicia, N.W. Spain, since 1950: An example of the formulation and use of questions, criteria and indicators for evaluation of rural development policies. Land Use Policy 23 (2006) 511–520.
Bibliografía complementaria
Ónega, F. J. et al. 2010. Planning Innovations in Land Management and Governance in Fragmented Rural Areas: Two Examples from Galicia (Spain). European Planning Studies 18(5).
Pat van der Jagt et al. 2007. FARLAND (Far Land Near Future). Future approaches to land development. INTERREG IIIC.
De Soto, H. 2000. The Mystery of Capital. Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. New York: Random House.
During the course, students are expected to acquire the following skills:
Basic skills:
CB03. Students will develop skills in autonomous learning acquiring a proactive approach to solving problems.
Cross-cutting skills:
CT01. Ability to search and select information
CT02. Analytical and synthesis capacity
CT03. Making a presentation in public and debate freely on the topic being presented
CT06. Teamwork and leadership skills in cooperative, multi-disciplinary and highly competitive level environments.
Specific skills:
CE03. Know the different instruments of land management.
CE18. Improve knowledge about territorial management.
Participatory Master Class (skills: CE03, CE18)
Individual and team work (skills: CB3, CT01, CT02, CT03, CT06, CE18)
Individual and group tutorials (skills: CB03, CE18)
The evaluation system will be the same for the 1st and 2nd opportunity (June and July respectively) and consists of two components:
- Continuous evaluation based on the presentation of work - 50% of the final grade. This will evaluate the following skills: CB03, CT01, CT02, CT03, CT06 and CE18.
- Written test - remaining 50% of the final grade.
This will evaluate the following skills: CT02, CE03 and CE18.
Students will need a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in both parts of the evaluation and 5 points out of 10 in the whole subject for it to be considered passed.
Repeating students who passed one of the parts, will be able to repeat this part or keep the previous grade.
Both evaluation modalities will be face-to-face.
Cases of fraudulent exercises or tests will be subject to the Regulations applied to evaluate student’s academic performance and grade reviews
This subject comprises of total of 10 classroom hours of theory, 11 hours of face-to-face practical content, 3 hours of tutoring and 51 hours of personal work by the student.
It is recommended that students have a personal computer and an internet connection to properly carry out the work, as well as the monitoring of classes in Scenarios 2 and 3.
David Miranda Barros
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Phone
- 982822830
- david.miranda [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
01.16.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 18 (Pav.II-PPS) |