ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 24
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The objectives of the subject are:
· Introduce the student to the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), its principles, components and regulations.
· Introduce students to web technologies and learn the languages and architectures related to Geographic Information.
· Know the geographic data of reference, web cartography, metadata, catalogs and their rules.
· Know the geoservices and provide students with the skills to use the services of a SDI. Create and manage your own geoservices and share geographic data.
· Know the applications of the SDI, in the field of territorial information, land planning and land management.
The memory of the Master contemplates for this subject the following contents:
· Basic concepts of SDI and geographic information on the Internet: Actors, policies, technologies and regulations in an SDI.
· Geographical information web services: visualization, download, processing and location.
· The servers of maps and geographic information: catalogs, dictionaries and metadata.
· The creation and management of web geoservices for land planning and land management.
These contents configure the theoretical and practical program of the subject, which will be developed according to the following theoretical and practical programs (The estimated time of study, both face-to-face and indidual work and/or study of the student, is indicated below the title; These times are indicative and may vary slightly, depending on the dynamics of the group and the student himself):
· Unit 1. Introduction to SDIs. Basic concepts of SDIs and geographic information on the Internet: Actors, policies, technologies, regulatory framework and standards of SDI. SDI nodes (Face-to-face time: 1 hours. Individual work time: 2 hours)
· Unit 2. Web technologies and languages of geographic information. Viewers and clients (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 3 hours)
· Unit 3. The geographic information web services: visualization, download, processing and location. Standards (OGC, INSPIRE), Technical Guidelines and Implementation Guides (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 4 hours)
· Unit 3. Maps and geographic information servers: catalogs, dictionaries and metadata (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 3 hours)
· Unit 4. The creation and management of web geoservices for land planning and land management. Applications and SDI nodes, in the field of territorial information, land planning and management (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 3 hours)
· Practice 1. Location, access and visualization of public geographic data for the land planning and management. (Face-to-face time: 3 hours. Individual work time: 6 hours)
· Practice 2. Structure of XML documents and creation of geographic information metadata (Face-to-face time: 3 hours. Individual work time: 6 hours)
· Practice 3. Management of visualization and download services for land planning and management. (Face-to-face time: 3 hours. Individual work time: 6 hours)
· Practice 4. Implementation of a visualization service and construction of a visualization web client (Face-to-face time: 3 hours. Individual work time: 6 hours)
The practical contents are developed in interactive classes in which the previous theoretical contents are deepened and put into practice, once the theoretical exposition is finished. In addition, students will carry out an individual WORK where they will analyze a SDI node for land planning and management at the local, provincial or autonomous level. (Individual work time: 12 hours).
Basic bibliography
• Iniesto, M., Nuñez, A. et al. (2014). Introducción a las Infraestructuras de datos espaciales. Ed. Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) (
• Especificaciones del Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). (
• INSPIRE. Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community.(…)
Complementary bibliography
• Blake, L., Olaya, V. (2011). Metadatos. Sistemas de Información Geográfica de Olaya, V. Capítulo 31. (
• Crompvoets, J., Rajabifard, A., Van Loenen,B., Delgado Fernández, T. (2008). A Multi-View Framework to Assess Spatial Data Infrastructures. Ed. Space for Geo-Information (RGI), Wageningen University and Centre for SDIs and Land Administration, Department of Geomatics, The University of Melbourne. (
• Infraestructura de Datos de Espaciales de España. (
• Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE):
• International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research (
• Jornadas Ibéricas IDE (
• Normas ISO/TC 211. (
• Olaya, V., Turton, I. (2011) Estándares Sistemas de Información Geográfica de Olaya, V. Capítulo 31.(
• Valencia, J. (2012). Pasado, presente y futuro de las IDE. Ed. Bubok, 2012. (…
CG01 - Ability to search and select useful information for on complex problems, fluently managing existing bibliographic sources and statistics.
CG03 - Ability to collect spatial information from different sources and integrate it into spatial databases.
CB7 - That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem-solving capacity in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support it, to specialized and non-specialized audiences, in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be in goog part self-directed or autonomous.
CT01 - Ability to search and select information.
CT03 - Ability to make a presentation in public and debate with skill about the subject that is being exposed.
CT04 - Knowledge of the main cartographic and territorial information sources.
CE05 - Training to extract, analyze and present the information necessary for decision-making in land and environmental planning and management
CE08 - Know the technical tools and technologies that allow efficient land planning and management to be carried out at different scales (regional, urban, etc.)
- Theoretical classes / Master Session (Competences: CG01, CT04, CE05 e CE08). The teacher will explain the theoretical program of the subject.
- Practical classes / Practices explained through TIC (Competencies: CG03, CB7, CB9, CB10, CT04, CE05 e CE08) . The student will perform the practices according to de guide of the teacher and will deliver the results as a short memory.
- Supervised work (Competencies: CG01, CB9, CB10, CT01, CT04 e CE05) . The student must do a job individual related to the contents of the subject whose objective will be to demonstrate the mastery of the theoretical and practical contents acquired.
- Presentation of the work (Competences: CB9 e CT03). The student will prepare and make a presentation of the individual supervised work. The teacher will review the presentation in class of each work.
- Tutorials. The teacher will be available to solve doubts in the realization of works and practices.
The knowledge and skills will be evaluated by a system based on assessment tests, continuous evaluation and implementation of an individual work. So that, the aspects to be evaluated and their corresponding weighting in the final grade will be the following:
- Continuous evaluation of attendance and active participation in class (10%), Skills: CB7, CB9 e CB10.
- Realization of the proposed practices (40%), Competences: CG01, CG03, CB7, CB9, CB10, CT04, CE05 e CE08.
- Resolution of assessment tests (25%) Competences: CT04, CE05 e CE08.
- Preparation and presentation of the individual job (25%) , Competences: CG01, CB9, CB10, CT01, CT03, CT04 e CE05 .
Practices have compulsory and the note will not be saved for the following courses.
The system described above will be used at both the ordinary and the extraordinary call for evaluation.
The necessary requirements to pass will be the same for the students of the first matriculation that for the repeaters.
The minimum qualification to pass the course is 5 points.
Students that have been gave exemption to attendance at some of the programmed learning activities, according to the Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretary's Office, must take into account that, to pass this subject is mandatory attendance at the practical activities indicated in the schedule and in the learning guide.
Regarding plagiarism and the improper use of technologies, it is important to note that: “In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, what is included in the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and grades review will be apply”.
The time that every student must dedicate to the different activities of learning is detailed below (face-to-face hours; hours of indivudual work):
- Theoretical classes: 9; 15 h.
- Practical classes: 12; 24 h.
- Tutored Work: 0; 12 h.
- Tutorials: 3; 0 h.
- Total: 24; 51 h.
Previous knowledge of basic computer as a user and office packages.
Assistance to lectures. The practical classes are compulsory.
Continued study of the subject
Assistance to individual or small group tutorials to discuss, comment and resolve doubts or questions.
The subject also uses the virtual USC:
María José Iniesto Alba
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- mariaj.iniesto [at]
- Category
- Professor: Collaborator
Tuesday | |||
15:00-16:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Outros |