ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 12 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 25
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Production and Engineering Projects
Areas: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Production, Engineering Projects
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Equipping the student with the ability for diagnosis and control of pollution. Acquisition of the necessary training to optimize production and control pollutant processes in the natural environment derived from industrial activities and waste management. Acquiring the capacity to develop environmental auditing systems.
The contents of the subject are:
Origin and types of pollution. Biogeochemistry of pollutants. Soil as a filter. Waste management in the agroforestry sector. Legislation on waste. Effects of using waste on production and quality. Fertilization and environmental pollution. Economic activity and the environment. Implementation of Environmental Management Systems. Legislation applicable to environmental auditing.
These contents will be developed according to the following syllabus:
Module 1 - Origin and types of pollution. Dynamics of pollutants
Topic 1. Origin of pollution. Types of pollutants (1.5 hours).
Topic 2. Biogeochemistry of pollutants (1.5 hours).
Topic 3. Role of soil as a pollutant filter. Bioindicators (1 hour).
Module 2 - Environmental audit
Topic 4. Environmental Management Systems (1.5 hours)
Topic 5. Applicable legislation (1 hour)
Topic 6. Environmental audit: development methodology (1.5 hours)
Module 3 - Waste management as fertilizers in agriculture. Agricultural and Forestry Production and Quality
Topic 7. Typology of waste and its fertilizing value (1 hour)
Topic 8. Waste management in the agroforestry sector and corrective measures (1 hour).
Topic 9. Quantification and timing of waste use: effects on production and quality (1 hour).
Topic 10. Fertilization and environmental pollution (1 hour)
Module 1 - Origin and types of pollution. Dynamics of pollutants
Practice 1. Case studies (2 hours)
Practice 2. Case studies (2) (2 hours)
Module 2 - Environmental audit
Practice 3. Implementation of an ISO 14001 in a company (2 hours)
Practice 4. Implementation of an Agenda 21 in a municipality (2 hours)
Module 3 - Waste management as fertilizers in agriculture. Agricultural and Forestry Production and Quality (2 hours)
Practice 5. Seminars on fertilization scheduling models with waste (2 hours)
Basic bibliography
Module 1
Alloway, B.J.; Ayres, D.C. 1993. Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution. Blackie Academic and Professional. London.
Harrison, R.M. (ed.). 1992. Understanding our environment. The Royal Society of Chemistry. London.
Module 2
- AENOR EDICIONES (2008).- Gestión ambiental. Madrid. 539 pp.
- AENOR EDICIONES (2007).- Aspectos ambientales: Identificación y evaluación. Madrid. 223 pp.
- Rodríguez Ruiz, J., Rodriguez Fernández, P., José Francisco, C. G., & Alcaide Arenales, Á. (2012). Auditoría ambiental. UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. 195 pp.
- ISO (2017). ISO 14001:2015 para la pequeña empresa. AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación. 210 pp.
- Valdés Fernández, J. L., Alonso García, M. C., & Calso Morales, N. (2019). Guía para la aplicación de UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015. AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación. 368 pp.
Module 3
Sullivan, D.M., Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I. 2007. Fertilizing with biosolids
Sullivan, D.M., Granatstein, D.M., Cogger, C.G., Henry, C.L. and Dorsey, K.P. Revised 2000. Biosolids Management Guidelines for Washington State. Washington Department of Ecology Publication #93-80. Olympia, WA.
USEPA Biosolids Publications. http://www.epa. gov/owm/mtb/biosolids/index.htm
Complementary bibliography
Module 1
González Delgado, Mª Nieves; Orozco Barrenetxea, Carmen; Pérez Serrano, Antonio; Alfayate Blanco, José Marcos; Rodríguez Vidal, Francisco J. 2003. Problemas resueltos de contaminación ambiental: cuestiones y problemas resueltos. Ediciones Paraninfo S.A., Madrid (España).
Module 2
Romero González, E.M. 2020. Evaluación y gestión medio ambiental para planes, programas y proyectos de ingeniería. Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla.
Gómez Orea, D., Gómez Villarino, M. 2007. Consultoría e ingeniería ambiental. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
Module 3.
Fertilisation with biosolids in a silvopastoral system established with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco in Galicia (NW Spain)
Agroforestry Systems, Vol. 95, Núm. 5, pp. 881-893
Use of sewage sludge in silvopastoral systems under Pinus radiata D. Don: soil, tree growth, and pasture production
Agroforestry Systems, Vol. 95, Núm. 5, pp. 867-880
Sewage sludge stabilisation and fertiliser value in a silvopastoral system developed with Eucalyptus nitens Maiden in Lugo (Spain)
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 566-567, pp. 806-815
Effect of liming and organic and inorganic fertilization on soil carbon sequestered in macro-and microaggregates in a 17-year old Pinus radiata silvopastoral system
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 150, pp. 28-38
Effect of lime and sewage sludge fertilisation on tree and understory interaction in a silvopastoral system
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 188, pp. 72-79
In this subject, the student will acquire a series of knowledge through specific contents, as well as a set of skills and abilities, and will put into practice a series of specific competencies regarding pollution control and environmental auditing.
Regarding knowledge and contents, the following will be worked on:
COM2-01. The types, origins, and biogeochemistry of pollutants, waste, and fertilizers produced, used, or that may affect the forest environment.
COM2-02. Legislation on pollutants and waste management.
COM2-03. Environmental auditing techniques in the company.
Regarding skills and abilities, the following will be worked on:
HAM2-01. Analyze the risks of environmental pollution that a forestry company may generate, as well as the influence of environmental pollution on forest ecosystems.
HAM2-02. Design and implement an environmental management system in a forestry company.
Regarding competencies, the following will be worked on:
A) Specific:
CEM2-05. Capacity to control pollution of the natural environment due to industrial activity and waste management.
CEM2-07. Capacity to develop forest quality systems and environmental auditing.
B) General:
CG04. Ability to apply and define criteria and indicators in the field of environmental auditing.
The subject will be taught in accordance with the curriculum of the degree regarding both face-to-face (expository and interactive) and non-face-to-face teaching, in which exercises proposed in the USC virtual platform will be carried out and reports of practical work will be presented.
Expository teaching will consist of lectures where participation will be encouraged, and both classic and digital boards (computer presentations) will be used. In these lectures, basic concepts of the subject will be conveyed to the students, and they will be guided to search for complementary information and for their personal work. The following knowledge will be acquired: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. The following skills will be acquired: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. And the following competencies will be developed: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04.
Interactive teaching will include case studies, exercises, and the use of models. In these interactive classes, the work developed by the students will be presented and discussed, encouraging participation from the rest of the students and posing questions by the teacher. Group work and cooperative learning will be enhanced, including sessions of active discussion.
In both expository and interactive classes, English bibliography will be provided to the students. For the completion of assignments, they must use English sources.
The student will prepare papers on a specific topic, agreed upon by the teacher and student, which will be publicly presented. In interactive teaching, the following knowledge will be acquired: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. The following skills will be acquired: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. And the following competencies will be developed: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04.
Individualized tutorials, where the following knowledge will be acquired: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. The following skills will be acquired: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. And the following competencies will be developed: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04. It is recommended that the student attend the professors' tutorials, with whom they can also contact through email. The student will need to submit reports of practical work and assigned tasks through the USC virtual platform. The student must carry out independent work and study, adhering to the hours scheduled in the curriculum.
The evaluation system will take into account the following aspects: Student participation in theoretical and practical classes. Submission of exercises and proposed works. Presentation of works. Written tests.
Participation in theoretical and practical classes will be evaluated by the teacher based on the questions asked in the debates and the answers given.
The written tests will consist of three optional partial exams, which will exempt the student from the obligation to take the final exam if passed.
The exercises and proposed works will be submitted electronically (through the USC virtual platform) or in paper format (as requested) on the dates indicated by the teacher. Oral presentations will be evaluated considering the clarity of the presentation, communication skills, audiovisual support, ability to answer questions asked, etc.
Evaluated knowledge: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. Evaluated skills: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. Covered competencies: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04. Weight in the grade: 20%
Written tests. Evaluated knowledge: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. Evaluated skills: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. Covered competencies: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04. Weight in the grade: 50%
Submission of exercises and proposed works. Evaluated knowledge: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. Evaluated skills: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. Covered competencies: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04. Weight in the grade: 15%
Presentation of works. Evaluated knowledge: COM2-01, COM2-02, COM2-03. Evaluated skills: HAM2-01, HAM2-02. Covered competencies: CEM2-05, CEM2-07, CG04. Weight in the grade: 15%
The evaluation criteria will be the same in the second opportunity. Repeat students will be treated the same as non-repeat students regarding evaluation.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulation on the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades" (Article 16 of the Resolution of 15/06/2011 of the USC, DOG of 21/07/2011) will apply.
Dispensing attendance to classes is not recommended, given the importance attached to participation in expository and interactive classes and the weight given to this participation in the evaluation process.
The memory of the Degree includes:
Reading and studying: 18 hours
Completion of exercises: 5 hours
Preparing practices and further working on them: 7 hours
Elaboration of studies (individually or in group): 5 hours
Preparing exams: 10 hours
Others (team work): 2 hours
Performing exams: 3 hours
Class attendance. Consultation of recommended bibliography. Use of the tutorial hours of professors, especially with reports and practical work. Study regularly.
María Rosa Mosquera Losada
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- mrosa.mosquera.losada [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Esperanza Alvarez Rodriguez
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- esperanza.alvarez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Emilio Rafael Diaz Varela
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- emilio.diaz [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Tuesday | |||
13:00-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 20 (Pav.II-PPS) |
Thursday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 20 (Pav.II-PPS) |
05.26.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Seminar I (Pav.III) |
07.01.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Seminar I (Pav.III) |