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Documentary repository of regulations referring to Students


Student Statute of the USC approved by the University Senate of November 28, 2019

Rules of Permanence

Agreement of the Social Council of 06-05-2012 approving the Regulations on Permanence in Degrees and Maartes Degrees


Rectoral resolución of 05-30-2013 by which makes public the Correction of errors of Rule on Permanence in Degrees and Master Degrees

Agreement of the Social Council of 11-03-2014 by which the Permanence Regulation is modified

Agreement of the Governing Council of the 05-08-2015 by which modifies the Rule of Permanence in the case of simultaneity of studies

Agreement of the Governing Council of 03-10-2016 approving the transitory new opportunity agreement for those who have exhausted the maximum numer of calls

Agreement of the Governing Council of July 24, 2024 that approved the modification of the Regulations on permanence in USC bachelor's and master's degrees

Rules of Evaluation

Agreement of de Governing Council of the 06-15-2011 by which approves the Rule of Evaluation of the Performance of the Students and of Review of Qualifications 


Agreement of the Governing Council of the 04-05-2017 by which modifies the rule of evaluation of the performance of the students and of reviews of qualifications

Agreement of the Governing Council of the 04-22-2020 by which regulates  the special regime of evaluation for the 2019-2020 academic year as consequence of the suspension of the classroom teaching by the COVID-19

Norm of assistance

Agreement of the Governing Council of de 03-25-2010 by which approves the norm of assistance to class in the educations adapted to the EHEA


Instruction 1/2017 of the 04-27-2017, of the General Secretariat, on the dispensation of class attendance in certain circumstances


Resolution of 26 February 2020, jointly of the General Secretariat of Universities and the General Directorate of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation, which dictates Instruction for the realization, within the 2019/2020 course, of the evaluation of baccalaureate for access to universities (ABAU) for the academic year 2020/21

Admission Master

Agreement of the Governing Council of June 10, 2024 that approved the modification of the Agreement of the Governing Council of October 28, 2022, on the admission procedure and conditional enrollment in university master's studies. Consolidated text

High level athletes

Agreement of the Governing Council of 05-05-2011 by which the Regulations on High Level Athletes at the USC are approved


Agreement of the Governing Council of 05-27-2010 establishing the admission criteria for undergraduate studies due to change of university or university studies

Agreement of the Governing Council of June 10, 2024 that approved the modification of the agreement of the Governing Council of May 27, 2010, on admission criteria for change of university and/or university studies in degree studies

Language requirements for the access of foreigners

Agreement of the Governing Council of 02-28-2019 which approves the requirement for a level of knowledge of the Galician or Spanish language for the enrolment in undergraduate studies, master’s degree and official doctorate

Ages over forty years

Agreement of the Governing Council of 03-23-2011 approving the Regulations for Access to the USC for People Over 40


Valuation of records

Collaboration protocol of 06-27-2011 between the Council of Education and the Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo for the evaluation of academic records

Agreement of the Monitoring Committee of the Agreement between SUG Universities and the Council of Education on the Valuation of academic records

Recognition of studies and competences

Agreement of the Governing Council of 14-03-2008 approving the rules for the transfer and recognition of credits for degrees adapted to the EHEA


Agreement of the Governing Council of 07-05-2016 on the recognition of credits in undergraduate studies under Article 12.8 of Royal Decree 1393/2007

Agreement of the Governing Council of 05-12-2017 amending the Agreement of the Governing Council of 07-05-2016 on the recognition of credits in undergraduate studies under Article 12.8 of Royal Decree 1393/2007

Agreement of the Governing Council of 07-10-2018 amending the Agreement of the Governing Council of 05-12-2017 on the recognition of credits in undergraduate studies as provided for in Article 12.8 of R.D. 1393/2007 on information competence

Agreement of the Governing Council of 02/21/2014 by which the Protocol of Validations and Recognitions is approved

Rectoral Resolution of 04-15-2011 establishing the procedure for the recognition of competences in degree and master


Rectoral Resolution of 01-30-2013 modifying the procedure for the recognition of competences in degree and master

Recognition of studies and competences (Effective date: 1 February 2025)

Agreement of the Governing Council of 24-07-204, which approved the Regulations on the recognition and transfer of credits for official undergraduate and master's studies at the USC


Recognition of vocational training studies

Agreement between the Council of Culture, Education and University and the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of A Coruña and the University of Vigo for the recognition of correspondence between Higher Level training cycles of Initial Vocational Training and university study subjects (2021).


Rectoral Resolution of 10-13-2014 by which the application criteria of the agreement of recognition of studies of vocational training by subjects of university studies regarding the qualification of practices are modified

Recognition of professional experience

Rectoral resolution of 06-05-2012 giving indications for the recognition of professional experience in the files of the students of degree and master.

Recognition in the exchange regime

Agreement of the Governing Council of 03-03-2017 approving the recognition of studies carried out in exchange


Agreement of the Governing Council of 05-24-2018 approving the Modification of the Agreement on the Recognition of Studies carried out in Exchange Regime approved by the Governing Council of 3 March 2017


Agreement of the Governing Council of 07-29-2015 approving the Regulation of External Academic Practices of the University of Santiago de Compostela


The contents of this page were updated on 09.03.2024.