ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 11 Interactive Classroom: 32 Total: 45
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Chemistry Engineering
Areas: Chemical Engineering
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
As indicated in the title report, this master's degree is mainly aimed at professionals in the field of water management and graduates of the engineering and sciences branch who want to develop their careers in this field.
The contents of this subject have been configured based on a common knowledge base of conventional water treatment processes, present in a large number of degrees both in Experimental Sciences (Degree in Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, etc.) and in Engineering (Chemical, Civil Engineer, etc.). Thus, a first block focused on the characterization of water based on its origin is established, while the second block is oriented to the conditioning of process water for industries and water purification processes.
Subsequently, the third block represents the central body of the subject, comprising 5 topics where the most important aspects of the most innovative biological reactors used in urban and industrial water treatment plants are studied using the retention mechanism as study criteria. of the biomass (suspension, biofilm or membranes), the redox conditions applied (anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic) or the objective pursued (elimination of organic matter, nutrients), with special emphasis on the concept of hybrid systems.
Finally, the last block presents in a more qualitative way the new ideas that are being developed in the field of wastewater treatment grouped into two points: one related to the reduction of impacts and another towards revaluation strategies that are completely changing the idea classic of wastewater treatment plants. This block also includes a topic focused on ethical and health and safety aspects.
The focus of the subject will be eminently practical, focusing on the theory classes and problems on the most frequent types of units used based on the criteria pursued, as well as a critical judgment of advantages and disadvantages associated with each technology.
The subject's program contemplates a technical visit to industrial facilities that will serve to complement the training received in the classroom.
The contents that are developed in the course are articulated around those indicated in the descriptor of the subject included in the study plan of the Master's Degree on Sustainable Water Management:
• Fundamentals of conventional processes applied to drinking water and wastewater treatment and current challenges.
• Innovative technologies in DWTP and WWTP: Innovative processes.
• Strategies for drinking water, treatment and recovery of resources based on innovative technologies.
The subject program is divided into 4 theory blocks with 10 basic lessons, which are detailed below:
Block I: Water characterization (4 h)
Lesson 1. Characterization of water
Origin and types of water. Water characterization: physical, chemical and biological parameters. Importance of the resource: water footprint and SDG.
Block II: Process water conditioning and water purification (12 h)
Lesson 2. Drinking Water Treatment (8 h)
Drinking water treatment, legislation. Water Intake. Water and sludge line at DWP. Main unit operations: Roughing and pumping, coagulation-flocculation, chemical oxidation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Innovative processes for drinking water production. DWP sludge management.
Lesson 3. Process water conditioning for the industry (4 h)
Process water in the food industry. Water treatment for cooling towers.
Block III: Wastewater treatment (26 h)
Lesson 4. Wastewater characterization and treatment (4 h)
Classification of wastewater: flow and pollutant load. Polluting sources: domestic, industrial and agricultural origin. Characteristics of urban wastewater. Wastewater of industrial origin. WWTP: Water line, pretreatment operations, primary, secondary, tertiary treatment. Sludge line. Legislation on wastewater treatment.
Lesson 5. Fundamentals of biological treatment processes (6 h)
Introduction. Microorganisms and microbial kinetics. Bioreactors and classification of technologies. Balances and modeling of growth systems in suspension. Systems with fixed biomass. Aerobic oxidation. Biological oxidation of nitrogen. denitrification. Anaerobic oxidation of ammonium. Biological removal of phosphorus.
Lesson 6. Aerobic biological processes (8 h)
Evolution of the activated sludge process: i) selection of types and design considerations for activated sludge processes. Processes for BOD removal and nitrification: i) general design considerations; ii) SBR sequential reactors; iii) advantages and limitations of nitrogen removal processes. Processes for the biological elimination of nitrogen: i) fundamentals and types of processes; ii) pre- and post-anoxic processes; iii) cyclical processes; iv) alternative configurations.
Lesson 7. Biological membrane reactors (2 h)
Use of membranes in water treatment, types and characteristics. Fundamentals of membrane processes: Driving force, polarization and critical flux. Fouling and clogging of membranes. Aerobic and anaerobic membrane bioreactors. Design and operation of membrane processes.
Lesson 8. Anaerobic treatment technologies (6 h)
Bases of anaerobic processes. Factors to consider in the design and operation of equipment. Main technologies: AC, UASB, EGSB, AF, IC. Operational strategy of anaerobic digesters. Applications.
Block IV: New perspectives and innovative processes (10 h)
Lesson 9. Innovative trends for water treatment (8 h)
Conception of innovative technologies. Patents and new designs. New trends in wastewater treatment: i) resource recovery, phosphorus; ii) micropollutants.
Lesson 10. Ethical aspects, safety and health (2)
Ethical dilemmas in environmental engineering. Safety and health aspects in water treatment plants.
Basic books
• Guang-Lo Ha C., Van Loosdrecht, M., Ekama, G. Brdjanovic, D. Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, modelling and design. 2nd Edition. IWA Publishing. London, UK (2020). Available as electronic book in B-USC:…
• Metcalf & Eddy Inc. Wastewater Engineering. Treatment and reuse (5ª Ed.) New York: Editorial Mc-Graw Hill Higher Education, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-259-01079-8. ETSE Library code: A213 13 H
• The American Water Works Association (AWWA), and The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2012. Water Treatment Plant Design. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Available in the USC library web page, in the field “base de datos”, “Access Engineering”:…
Other recommended books
• Henze, M., van Loodsdrecht. M.C.M., Ekama, G.A. Brdjanovic, D. Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, modelling and design. London: IWA Publishing, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-843-39188-3 ETSE Library code: 213 17
• Judd S. The MBR book (2ª Ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011. ISBN 978-1-843-39518-8. ETSE Library code: 213 32 A
• Poch, M. y J. M. Lema (Eds) Tecnologías y estrategias para el rediseño de EDAR. USC: Santiago de Compostela, 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-7741-9. ETSE Library Code: 213 45 1
• Speece, R.E. Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewaters. Nashville: Archae Press, 1996. ISBN 0-9650226-0-9.
ETSE Library Code: 213 9
• Suez Degremont. Water handbook. Digital Version. Available as e-book in the web page of the company Suez:
• Tomei M.C. and Garrido J.M. Anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater, present status and potentialies. IWA Publishing, 2024. ISBN 9781789063479. E-book available in Doi: 10.2166/9781789063479
• Udo Wiesmann, In Su Choi, Eva-Maria Dombrowski. Fundamentals of Biological Wastewater Treatment. Winheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2007. ISBN: 978-3-527-31219-1. Available as electronic document, USC library
• Van Haandel, A.C. and Lettinga, G. Anaerobic sewage treatment. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. ISBN 0-471-95121-8.
ETSE Library code: 213 22
• Water, Nalco. 2018. Nalco Water Handbook. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Available in the B-USC web page in the field “base de datos”, “Access Engineering”:…
In this subject, the student will acquire or practice a series of competencies, abilities and knowledge described in the study plan report:
CON4 List the water treatment systems, both for supplying populations or industries, as well as for treatment and subsequent restitution to natural environments and reuse of reclaimed water. Identify and describe emerging challenges in water treatment.
HAB3 Select and operate innovative treatment systems adapted to different realities, geographical environments and quality requirements, including emerging challenges and the application of green or nature-based treatments. Experiment with pilot water treatment systems.
COM3 Judge the performance and suitability of various water treatment proposals. Compare different alternatives. Integrate expert criteria in the planning of water treatment systems, considering emerging challenges and green solutions.
The USC learning management system will be used through the Moodle application, as a communication tool with students, offering them information on the teaching schedule throughout the course in the classroom and complementary materials for the study of the subject (teacher's notes as well as scientific-technical articles), encouraging the student's autonomous study and the management of bibliographic sources in English.
At the beginning of the course, students will be provided with the following material on the virtual campus of the subject:
• TEACHING GUIDE: the teaching guide approved for the subject (Galician, Spanish, English).
• DAILY PLANNING: a guide where the detailed planning of day-to-day activities will be indicated.
• PRESENTATIONS: the presentation-guides used by the teacher in the lectures (pdf format).
• PROBLEMS: pdf file with the list of problems as well as their resolutions (in some cases)
• SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: for each topic such as relevant legislation, scientific articles, links to web pages with content of interest (products, companies, etc.)
• Expository and interactive classes: The classes will be carried out combining both the master class (exposition and discussion of topics) and in the form of seminars (exercises) where the teacher will try to emphasize the most outstanding aspects of the state of the art, and where the assimilation of contents by the students will be verified. It is therefore very important that the student work on the material available to promote teacher-student interaction. A spreadsheet (Excel) will be used as basic computer tools for the computer classroom sessions.
• Teamwork: students are planning to do teamwork, which they will present orally in the last tutorial session for the subject.
• Group Tutorial: There will be a group tutorial focused on the modeling of biological reactors using the Excel spreadsheet.
telematic teaching
• Individualized tutorials: they will be carried out at the request of the student face-to-face or eventually through the MS Teams platform.
Training activities (according to title memory)
expositive classes
• Face-to-face classes
• Online classes
• Participation of external company speakers
• Participation of prestigious speakers/researchers
interactive classes
• Seminars and practical classes (problem solving, case discussion)
tutoring classes
• Scheduled group tutorials
• Individual tutorials
Autonomous work of the student
• Study and personal work of the student
• Preparation of the presentation for the public defense of works
• Exam completion
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and grade review will apply.
In this matter, the continuous evaluation weighting is 50%, with the remaining 50% corresponding to a final test.
The student's grade is a weighted average between his performance in the parts in which he is evaluated: exam, classroom performance (participation, cooperative work) and technical visit.
Activities included in the Continuous Assessment
Continuous Evaluation includes monitoring of the following activities:
• Follow-up questionnaires: 3 short questionnaires (15 min) to be carried out individually. Face-to-face modality.
• The teamwork will consist of a brief exposition (around 3-4' maximum per person) that will include the following modalities: a) study of expansion of a topic of the subject; b) presentation of an innovative technology; c) case study. Quantitative information will be especially valued. Face-to-face modality.
• The group tutorial will be evaluated through a small modeling exercise to be solved in Excel. To be done in teams. Telematic modality.
• With "proactive behavior" it is intended to assess the daily attitude of each student, especially: a) shows that the subject and the discussions that take place in the classroom are up to date; b) pertinent comments on what was discussed; c) motivation and positive attitude in class, among others. To be done individually. Face-to-face or telematic modality.
Final exam (face-to-face)
• The exam will consist of two well differentiated parts: theory questions and numerical problems to be solved for which a calculator and form can be used. A minimum of 3 out of 10 must be obtained in both parts. Students connected during the exam from the Vigo or Coruña campus will have to do so through the Teams application, keeping the microphone and camera open throughout the exam.
The consideration of "not presented" will be taken if you do not attend any evaluation activity (exam, teamwork or technical visit). If one of them is not attended, the qualification at the first opportunity will be "failed".
Those who have to attend the second opportunity will keep the qualifications obtained in teamwork and proactive behavior in the classroom. If you have not participated in a specific activity, you will have additional questions:
- If they did not participate in the teamwork, questions about innovative technologies will be included.
Distribution of the marks
Continuous evaluation 5 points
- Questionaries 3
- Team work 1,25
- Tutorial (teams) 0,5
- Proactivity 0,25
Final exam 5 points
- Theory (mín. 30%) 3
- Problems (mín. 30%) 2
TOTAL 10 points
Assessment of competencies, skills and knowledge
The competencies, skills and knowledge to be developed are:
• Knowledge: CON4
• Skills: HAB3
• Skills: COM3
And its evaluation is expected as follows:
• Expositive classes: CON4, HAB3, COM3
• Interactive classes: CON4, HAB3, COM3
• Proactive behavior: CON4, HAB3, COM3
• Group tutoring and group work: CON4, HAB3, COM3
• Questionnaires and exams: CON4, HAB3, COM3
The subject has a workload equivalent to 6 ECTS that are distributed as shown in the table. The face-to-face hours indicate the number of hours of subject classes, through the various activities that are carried out, the factor indicates the estimate of hours that the student must dedicate per hour of activity, being the hours of autonomous work a computation of the product of the factor by the activities and the total workload that each activity entails.
Distribution of training activities in total hours and ECTS credits
Activity Total hours
Lectures (master classes) 22
seminar interactive 22
Computer classroom interactive 9
Group 2 tutorials
exam 2
Self-employment 93
Total 150 (6 ECTS)
It is important that students previously study those texts, documents or articles that are indicated in the teaching guide. It is essential to have a medium command of the English language, as well as it is advisable to have basic knowledge of handling a spreadsheet
The use of the virtual campus is recommended as the backbone of all the activities to be carried out in the matter.
Recommendations for telematic teaching:
• It is necessary to have a computer with a microphone and camera to carry out the telematic activities that are programmed throughout the course. The acquisition of computers with the MS Windows environment is recommended, since other platforms do not support some of the computer programs available at USC.
• Improve informational and digital skills with the resources available at the three Universities.
The vehicular language of the subject will be Spanish or Galician depending on the origin of the students.
Francisco Omil Prieto
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816805
- francisco.omil [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Juan Manuel Garrido Fernandez
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816778
- juanmanuel.garrido [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Monday | |||
15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom A8 |
Tuesday | |||
15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom A8 |
Wednesday | |||
15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom A8 |
17:00-18:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom A8 |
Thursday | |||
15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom A8 |
Friday | |||
15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom A8 |
01.17.2025 15:00-18:50 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A8 |
01.17.2025 15:00-18:50 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A8 |
01.17.2025 15:00-18:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A8 |
06.27.2025 15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A8 |
06.27.2025 15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A8 |
06.27.2025 15:00-16:50 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A8 |