ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 68 Hours of tutorials: 4 Expository Class: 12 Interactive Classroom: 16 Total: 100
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
Systems knowledge related to animal production technology: mechanization of milking and food handling. Knowledge of facilities to ensure hygiene and animal welfare. Namely livestock housing design and knowledge of the specific elements that are part of its facilities.
The degree report for this subject includes the following contents:
Mechanized milking systems: milking parlours and robots. Mechanization of harvesting forage. Mechanized distribution of food and bedding. Design of buildings for animal production. Design of milking parlours. Design of forage silos. Special features of the wiring and plumbing in livestock housing. Additional facilities: cleaning systems, slurry pit, dungs, roads, fences, warehouses, necklaces for food, heat detection devices, fans, calf feeders, etc.
These contents will be developed according to the following list of topics (the duration assigned to each topic is approximate):
Unit I. Mechanical distribution of feed and bed material (1 h).
Unit II. Milking facilities: construction, functioning and mechanical testing (4 h).
Unit III. Automatic Milking Systems (2 h).
Unit IV. Mechanization of treatment and distribution of slurry (1 h).
Unit V. Design of animal housing barns (4 h).
Unit VI. Design of milking parlours (2 h).
Unit VII. Design of forage silos (1 h).
Unit VIII. Complementary facilities (1 h).
Practice 1. Identification and components of milking facilities (2 h).
Practice 2. Functioning and mechanical testing of milking facilities (2 h).
Practice 3. Control computer systems in automatic milking (1 h).
Practice 4. Sizing of housing barns considering hygiene and animal welfare (3 h).
Practice 5. Integrated design of farm (4 h).
Practice 6. Particularities of electrical and plumbing installations (1 h).
Field trip. A trip will be done where practical applications of aspects related with the contents of the subject will be observed (3 h).
In the sessions of group tutoring, the questions raised by students about the problems formulated in lectures and practice sessions will be addressed.
Basic bibliography:
AENOR. 1998. Instalaciones de ordeño : construcción y funcionamiento, ensayos mecánicos, vocabulario. Norma española UNE 68050 - 68061 - 68048 = ISO 5707 - 6690 - 3918. AENOR. Madrid.Recoméndase unha listaxe non moi extensa, dunhas 10 referencias como máximo. O resto de bibliografía pode ser proporcionada ao alumnado por outros medios.
Blanco, I.; Cantalapiedra, J.J.; Carreira, X.C.; Fernández, Mª.E.; Mariño, R.; Méndez, M.; Pereira, J.M.; Pérez, X.C.; Veiga, J.A.; Torres, M.L. 2013. Benestar animal e instalacións. Gando vacún leiteiro. Xunta de Galicia. Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar. Santiago de Compostela 96pp.
Buxadé Carbó, C. 2002. El ordeño en el ganado vacuno: Aspectos clave. Mundi-prensa. Madrid.
Callejo Ramos, A. 2009. Cow comfort. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
Giordano, J.M.; Gallardo, M.; Bragachini, M.; Peiretti, J.; Cattani, P.; Casini, C. 2010. Mecanización de la alimentación. INTA E.E.A. Manfredi. Córdoba (AR) 100 pp.
Hulsen, J.; Rodenburg, J. 2012. Robotic milking. Roodbont publishers. Zutphen 52 pp.
ISO 3918: 2007. Milking machine installations – Vocabulary. International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
ISO 5707: 2007. Milking machine installations – Construction and performance. International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
ISO 6690: 2007. Milking machine installations – Mechanical test. International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Pereira, J.M.; Bueno, J. 2011. Gestión de residuos orgánicos de uso agrícola: Manipulación y tratamiento de purines en las explotaciones ganaderas. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela pp. 85-96.
Pereira, J.M.; Castro, A. 2014. Una visión actual de los sistemas de ordeño robotizado. Rev. AFRIGA, vol. 112, pp. 32-46. Asociación Frisona Galega.
Complementary bibliography:
BTPL (Bureau Technique de Promotion Laitière). 2011. Le logement du troupeau laitier. Ed. France Agricole, Paris, Francia.
Holmes, B.; Cook, N.; Funk, T.; Graves, R.; Kammel, D.; Reinemann, D.; Zulovich, J. 2013. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment. MidWest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA.
Basic, general and transversal competences:
• CB7 - That the students know how to apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
• CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle to the complexity of formulate judgments based on information that being incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
• CB9 – That students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
• CB10 - That students have the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
• CG1 - Ability to plan, organize, direct and control systems and production processes developed in the agriculture and food industry, in a framework guaranteeing the competitiveness of enterprises without forgetting the protection and conservation of the environment and improving and sustainable development of rural areas.
• CG3 - Ability to propose, manage and conduct research projects, development and innovation in products, processes and methods employed in companies and organizations linked to the agri-food sector.
• CG4 - Ability to apply acquired knowledge to solve problems formulated in new situations, analyzing information from the environment and summarizing it in an efficient way to facilitate the process of decision making in companies and organizations in the agri-food sector.
• CG7 - Ability to develop the skills to continue learning autonomously or directed, incorporating his/her professional activity new concepts, processes or methods derived from research, development and innovation.
• CG5 - Ability to convey their knowledge and the findings of their studies or reports, using the means that communications technology allows and taking into account the knowledge of the receiving public.
• CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
• CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
• CT3 - Ability to work individually with self-criticism.
• CT4 - Ability to work in problem situations include group and collectively.
• CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
• CT6 - Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
• CT7 - Ability to make a public display in a clear, concise and consistent manner.
• CT8 - Commitment to accuracy of the information provided to others.
• CT9 - Skill in managing information technology and communication (ICT).
• CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and the Internet.
• CT11 - Use information in a foreign language.
• CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific competences:
• CE11 - Appropriate knowledge and ability to develop and apply appropriate technology in systems related to animal production technology.
Quarterly subject, with 16 hours of participatory lectures in which besides the expositive teaching (competences CG1, CG3, CG4, CB9, CB10, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT7, CT8, CE11), the course works will be exhibited, and 16 hours of laboratory and field practices.
Practices are held in groups of 20 students, with application of methodologies and techniques to specific cases. The milking machine located in the workshop building will be employed, with the necessary instruments to make the necessary mechanical tests for controlling the operation of the machine; in the computer rooms, control and management software of robotic milking systems will be addressed (competences CB8, CB9, CB10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT12, CE11).
A field trip will be performed, that will complement what is learned in the subject with the problems and application in real working conditions (competences CG1, CT12, CE11).
Also two hours of tutorials in small groups are included, in which students jointly address problems about the studied items and exhibition of works (competences CG7, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG5, CT2, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT10, CT11, CE11).
Using the platform of the virtual USC will streamline the information flow bidirectionally between student and teacher, giving agility to the teaching of the subject, and facilitating access to documentation by the student (competences CT9, CT10, CT11).
- Attendance and active participation (10%). Evaluated competences CB8, CB9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT12, CE11.
- Leveraging practices (20%). Evaluated competences CB7, CB8, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT9, CT12, CE11.
- Oral and/or written tests (50%). Evaluated competences CG1, CB7, CB8, CB9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT12, CE11.
- Works submitted/exposed (20%). (Application of computer tools to control milking systems. Description of a dairy cattle facility -employing information in English and French-) Evaluated competences CG1, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CE11.
The assessment system is the same for all students of the subject: first and second opportunity students, repeating students, as well as students with an academic exemption (exemption according to the applicable order of the General Secretariat of the USC).
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of qualifications” will be applied.
The student will receive 16 hours of expositive teaching; will participate in 16 hours of interactive teaching practices and the field trip. Also 2 hours of group tutoring in small groups and 2 hours for oral and written tests of the evaluation system are planned. Additionally, the student must develop non-contact work, preparing documentation for classes, doing works, solving problems of the subject and preparing the written tests evaluated. These tasks will be devoted 66 hours of personal work.
• Attendance at all teaching activities.
• Consultation of the recommended bibliography.
• Make frequent use of tutorials for any question relating to the subject.
Subject in extinction in the 2024/25 academic year, without teaching but with the right to evaluation with the system specified for repeating students.
María Elena Fernández Rodríguez
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- melena.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jose Manuel Pereira Gonzalez
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- j.pereira [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
05.27.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) |
07.08.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) |