ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Agroforestry Engineering
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
It pretends that the student deepen in the study of morphology, operation and security of the machines employed in the processes related with the forest
exploitation: aprovechamiento, repoblaciones, in general with the operations silvícolas.
The memory of the title contemplates the following contents for this matter:
Cost of use of the forest machines. Mechanization of the forest logging. Felling: power saws, feller-bunchers, harvesters. Hauling: forwarders and
skidders. Forest biomass: chippers, balers, woodcutters. Transport of the wood.
These contents will be developed in accordance with the following program 36h. face-toface /70.5h. no-face-to-face):
1: Mechanization of the felling (1.5 h. - 7.5h.).
2: The forest tractors I. Transmission (5 h. - 6h.).
3: The forest tractors II. Traction and rolling (5 h. - 7h.).
4: The forest tractors III. Stability (2 h. - 8h.).
5: Mechanization of the hauling. Skidder, forwarder, wires (4 h. - 7h.).
6: Equipments of forest biomass exploitation (3.5 h. - 7.5h.).
7: Wooden transport (3.5 h. - 7.5h.).
8: Cost of forest machinery (1.5 h. - 6.5h.).
9: Mechanization prior to the exploitation: soil tillage, plantation, transplant, application of plant healt products (3.5 h. - 7h.).
1. Problems of traction, rolling, power transmission. Problems on costs of forest machinery (2.5 h. - 2.5 h.)
2. Projection of videos and analysis of behavior of different forest machines:fellers, debarkers, harvester, skidder, forwarder, forestry chains, chippers, balers, woodcutters and other machines used in different forestry jobs (3h. - 3h.)
3. Elements of mechanical and hydraulic transmissions. (1h. - 1h.)
Basic bibliography:
BAYLOT, J. y VAILLEAU, G. (1997). Trois outils portatifs: scie à chaîne, débroussailleuse, taille-haies. Ed, France Agricole, Paris. 165 pp.
GIL,J. (1993) "Elementos hidráulicos". Ed. Mundi Prensa. Madrid 1993. 194 pp.
ORTÍZ-CAÑAVATE, J. Y HERNANZ, J.L. (1988) "Técnica de la mecanización agraria". Ed. Mundi Prensa. Madrid 1988. 641 pp.
NIETO, R.. (2001) "Manual de mecanización forestal". Ed. Rufino Nieto Ojeda. Jaén.
TOLOSANA, E.; GONZÁLEZ, V.M.; DE LINARES, G. y VIGNOTE, S. (2000). El aprovechamiento maderero. Ed. Mundi Prensa - Fundación Conde del Valle
de Salazar. Madrid 2000. 575 pp.
VIGNOTE, S.; MARTOS, J. Y GONZÁLEZ, M.A. (1993) "Los tractores en la explotación forestal". Ed. MAPA-Mundi Prensa. Madrid 1993.150 pp.
Complementary bibliography:
ARMEF, CTBA y IDF (1995). Manuel d´exploitation forestière. Tome I. Ed. ARMEF-CTBA, Paris. 442 pp.
CIVIDINI, R. (1983). Tecnologia forestale. Ed. Edagricole, Bolonia. 463 pp.
DRUSHKA, K. y KONTTINEN, H. (1997). Tracks in the forest. The evolution of logging machinery. Timberjack Group Oy, Helsinki. 254 pp.
EERONHEIMO, O. y MÄKINEN, P. (1995). Desarrollo de cosecha forestal en las plantaciones de pino radiata en Chile. Instituto de Investigaciones
Forestales de Finlandia, Helsinki. 79 pp.
In this matter the pupil will acquire or will practice a series of competences generic, desirable in any university qualification, and specific, characteristic of
the engineering in general or of the forest engineering particularly. In the frame of competences that was designed for the qualification, the following
ones will be worked:
Basic competences:
CB2 - That the students know to apply his knowledges to the his work or vocation of a professional form and possess the competitions that usually show
by means of the manufacture and defence of arguments in the resolution of problems inside the his area of study
CB4 - That the students podan transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions it a so much specialized public how no specializedtudy
General competences:
CG6 - Capacity to measure, inventory and evaluate the forest resources, apply and develop the techniques of the forest and of handle of all type of forest
systems, parks and recreational areas, as well as the technicians of valorization of forest timer products and no timber products .
Transversal competences:
CT1 - Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation.
CT3 - Capacity of individual work, with attitude autocrítica.
CT4 - Capacity to work in group and encompass problematic situations of collective form.
CT5 - Capacity to obtain suitable information, diverse and updated
CT6 - Capacity to elaborate and present a text organized and comprehensible.
CT7 - Ability to carry out a public exhibition in a clear, concise and coherent manner
CT10 - Utilization of bibliographic information and of the internet.
CT11 - Use of information in a foreign language.
CT12 - Capacity to resolve problems by means of the application integrated of the his knowledges.
Specific competences:
CECF9 - Forest Machinery and Mechanization.
Eyewitness teaching:
- Expository classes of big group: In the theoretical classes the expository method will be used, so that the pupil receives an essential theoretical base for the application of the dialectic and heuristic methods, which need of some minimum knowledge.
In any case, this didactic method will not be used in a rigid way, questions being inserted so that they encourage the reasoning and estimate the level of understanding of the exhibition.
The theoretical class must act as an introduction to the learning of a specific question and not as a substitute of his personal work, which has to be achieved by other means, to the student body. Competences: CG6, CT1, CECF9.
- Practices: It will be considered also the accomplishment of practices in which the knowledge acquired in the theoretical classes will be applied, that mechanics constitutive of the engines and machines will be complemented here with the handling of the engine elements. For the accomplishment of these practices the existing equipments will be used in the Agricultural and Forest hall of Mechanization.
For the eyewitness hours not defined as theoreticians a methodology of learning based on the work in group is suggested, the dialectic method applying, completely participative method that it takes to the student body to reason and to formulate questions correctly, stimulating the critical attitude and proving the need to doubt and to ask himself. Competences: CB2, CB4, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT6, CECF9
- Tutorials: Besides making a direct contact professor-student body possible, they allow the orientation on any type of problem related to the development of the matter. They allow the individual orientation in order to achieve a bigger efficiency in the personal work of the student body. Tutorials in group are also provided, although these are designed specifically for when the problem that they formulate refers to the set of the student body.
The virtual campus will be used and, in general, the new technologies (e-mail, etc.) as support to traditional tutorials, making use of the infrastructure of the center and the availability of the student body. Competences: CT1, CT4, CT6, CECF9.
- Tests of evaluation: The pupil will carry out written tests constituted by question and exercises of the set of the subjects of the matter. In these tests, the theoretical knowledge will be evaluated so much as the resolution of problems. Likewise the work of course will have to be exposed orally. Competences: CT1, CT3, CT6, CT12, CECF9.
Non eyewitness work
The pupil, preferably in group, will have to carry out a work of study throughout the semester of a subject complementary of the matter, suggested by the professor. He will also have to present a work elaborated of his assistance to the practices at which the acquired complementary knowledge is collected. Competences: CB2, CB4, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT10, CECF9
Test or written tests: the competences CB2, CT3, CT6, CT12 and CECF9 are evaluated. They will constitute 60% of the qualification.
Delivered and/or exposed works: they evaluate the competences CB4, CG9, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT10 and CECF9, saying 40% of the qualification.
In the extraordinary opportunity of recovery, the written tests and/or works that did not surpass the qualification of pass in the ordinary opportunity will have to be carried out. In any case, the relative weight of every indicated report would keep as in the previous paragraph
In the case of repeating students, the assessment system will be identical to the one mentioned above.
Students who have been granted the attendance waiver, according to Instruction 1/2017 of the Secretaría Xeral, must take the official exams and submit all the activities and work carried out throughout the be available on Campus Virtual. In this way, their evaluation will be under the same conditions as the rest of the students.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades” will apply.
Eyewitness work in the classroom (42 hr.):
Theoretical classes (expository, of big group) 18 hr.
Practices (with reduced groups): 18 h.
Tutorials in group (with very reduced groups): 2 h.
Activities of evaluation: 4 h.
Personal work of the student body (70.5 hr.):
Reading and preparation of subjects: 34 h.
Accomplishment of exercises: 6 h.
Elaboration of the works of course (in group or individually): 20.5 h.
Preparation of evaluation tests: 10 h.
Total: 112.5 hours (4,5 credits ECTS)
The help of the reading, base for the use of the interactive and practical teachings, is very important. The assistance to the expository and interactive
classes is essential to reinforce the teaching-learning process of the pupil. In this way he is going to develop the learning and is going to be conscious of
the level that he keeps acquaring and his limitations, always with the help and support of the professor.
The addition of the tutorials, for groups and individual, is going to allow him to do in the face of the difficulties that can present the matter.
Maximo Antonio Dugo Paton
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Phone
- 982823213
- maximo.dugo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University School Lecturer
Thursday | |||
09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |
Friday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) |
05.28.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 (Lecture room 3) |
06.30.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 (Lecture room 3) |