ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Engineering Graphics
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
This subject optativa has like main aim provide to the students skills of space reasoning, as well as tools of graphic expression chords with the new technologies of the information and basic knowledges on Normalisation in this field, that facilitate him the operations of design and representation of three-dimensional objects related with his future professional activity. It is necessary to endow to the student/the, future/to engineer/the, of the practical knowledges that allow him understand and express in a graphic language, common to the distinct technical professions.
Like this, the contents of the subject of "CAD. Graphic expression Applied" answer to one put basic, that formulates regarding this subject and to his formative block: the one to achieve that the students, when finalising his studies, was able to elaborate and manage the necessary graphic documentation for the editorial of a project of his speciality. In this case, and in accordance with the collected in the Memory of the degree, the results of the learning in this subject have to centre in the basic training in the utilisation of some program of CAD (preferably AutoCAD, by his wide utilisation in the world of the engineering), with the aim to purchase the necessary knowledges to represent gráficamente any project.
To arrive to reach this aim is necessary that the students follow developing the following skills and skills, already worked
in the subject of Basic Training of 1º course, so much of generic type (that they would have to be common and transversal to all the subjects) how specific:
a) Capacity for the analysis and the synthesis.
b) Capacity to learn.
c) Capacity to resolve problems.
d) Capacity to apply andl knowledge in the practice.
e) Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity).
f) Capacity for the taking of decisions.G
g) Capacity for the autonomous work, already was in group or individually.
Of informative type:
a) The knowledge of programs of DAO or CAD how fast and precise tool to resolve the problems of geometrical outlines of usual use in the drawings of the speciality and for the preparation of documentary bases in the field of the engineerings.
b) The conocimiento structured of a universal program of CAD for the resolution of problems.
c) The rational knowledge and deductivo of the foundations of the Geometry that allow to resolve the problems of geometrical outlines planes of usual use in the drawings of the speciality.
d) The knowledge applied of the main Systems of Representation, of his foundations and technical, with special dedication to the Systems Diédrico, Axonometric and of Bounded Planes.
e) The basic knowledge of the Normalisation in general and of the norms of application to the Technical Drawing in the professional field of the engineering.
f) The knowledge of the estructuración of the graphic documentation of a project of engineering.
Of formative type:
a) The acquisition and strengthening of vision and space understanding.
b) The acquisition of skill in the handle of the computer tools applied to the graphic expression, with the end to obtain a good representation of the reality.
c) The acquisition of capacity for the interpretation of any one of the main Systems of Representation, and to do representations in the Systems Diédrico, Axonometric and of Bounded Planes employing the new technologies.
d) The acquisition of capacity of analysis and animalolución of graphic problems.
e) The acquisition of skill in the handle of the instruments of drawing and precision and of habits of cleaning, with the end to obtain a good quality of the outlines.
f) The utilisation of the manually heaved drawing how instrument of space analysis.
All this agrees with the collected in the Ministerial order CIN/324/2009, by which establish the requirements for the verification of the university titles that enable for the exercise of the profession of Forest Technical Engineer, that establishes literally that the students, in his training, has to purchase “capacity of space vision and knowledge of the technicians of graphic representation, so much by traditional methods of Metric Geometry and Descriptive Geometry, as by means of the applications of computer-aided design”.
The Memory of the Title contemplates for this subject the following contents:
-Technical drawing in 2D.
-Introduction to the Design in 3D.
-Presentation and ploteado.
-Practical application with distinct programs of CAD.
These theoretical and practical contents of the subject mix along the interactive classes, that will be the only modality, together with the group tutoring, of classes for the students.
It chooses a program of CAD, in this case the known and widely employed
in the world of the engineering AutoCAD, for the general development of the subject. It will do in each subject an introduction to his handle with respect to the contents, and afterwards will resolve a series of exercises of application of the program in the field of the engineering. Nevertheless, they will be able to employ other programs of CAD (preferably of free software) in any of the parts of the development of the subject.
These are the following topics that encompass those essential and necessary contents to pass this subject; they constitute, at the same time, due to their interactive nature, its practical programming (which will be developed in the 36 interactive face-to-face hours HP of the subject with the support of the non-face-to-face hours HNP indicated). However, due to the imperative of separating theory and practice, something with little sense in a subject predominantly practical like this, in the following list of topics, a differentiation is made between theoretical classroom time (HPt), introductory in each topic, and practical classroom time (HPp) proper:
3.- COMMANDS OF DRAWING. (0’5 HPt + 3’5 HPp + 4 HNP)
5.- DIMENSIONING. (0’5 HPt + 1’5 HPp + 4 HNP)
6.- IMAGE MANAGEMENT. (0’5 HPt + 1’5 HPp + 4 HNP)
7.- BLOCKS AND ATTRIBUTES. (0’5 HPt + 1’5 HPp + 4 HNP)
8.- EXECUTION OF PLANES. (0’5 HPt + 2’5 HPp + 6 HNP)
9.- TRACED. (0’5 HPt + 0’5 HPp + 2 HNP)
10.- MODELLING 3D. (1 HPt + 5 HPp + 8 HNP)
In any case, its temporal development does not have to strictly adhere to this scheme, as an integrated view of the program and its application will be provided, which necessitates mixing these contents, especially as the course progresses.
Basic bibliography:
Félez, J. e outros. Fundamentos de Ingeniería Gráfica. Sintesis. Madrid, 1996
Montaño La Cruz, F. AutoCAD 2023 (Colección “Manuales imprescindibles”). Anya Multimedia. 2023
Reyes Rodríguez, A.M. AutoCAD 2021 (Colección “Manuales imprescindibles”). Anaya Multimedia. 2021
Bibliography of query (complementary):
B Bertoline, G.R. et al. Engineering and Graphics Communication. Irwin. Chicago,1995
Mora Navarro, J.G. AutoCAD aplicado a la Ingeniería Civil. Editorial de la UPV. Valencia, 2009
Mora Navarro, J.G. AutoCAD aplicado a la Topografía. Editorial de la UPV. Valencia, 2007
Reyes Rodríguez A.M.; Montaño de la Cruz, F. AutoCAD Práctico: 130 ejercicios definitivos. Anaya Multimedia. 2012
For the development of the subject, the Centre also will provide to the different students resources, between which fits to stand out licences of software of distinct programs of Computer-aided Design (AutoCAD…) with the corresponding hardware.
Asimismo, the students will explain to the start of each practical session with the exercises to develop in the same, with a script detailed of the steps to be followed.
The subject of “CAD. Graphic expression Applied” constitutes with the subject of basic training “Graphic Expression in the Engineering”, that the students cursó in 1º, a module or formative block of Graphic Expression, of big interest for the fulfillment of the global aims of the degree.
In these subjects the students will purchase and will practise the following general competence, of basic and specific training, that appear inside the picture of competence that designed for the group of the degree and that appear in the Memory verified of the title, and that as already it aimed , agrees with the collected in the Ministerial order CIN/324/2009, by which establish the requirements for the verification of the university titles that enable for the exercise of the profession of Forest Technical Engineer:
General competence:
- CG1: Capacity to comprise the biological foundations, chemists, physicists, mathematicians and of the systems of necessary representation for the development of the professional activity, as well as to identify the different biotic elements and physicists of the forest and the renewable natural resources susceptible of protection, conservation and aprovechamiento in the forest field.
- CG13: Capacity to design, direct, elaborate, implement and interpret projects and plans, as well as to draft technical reports, memories of recognition, assessments, peritajes and valuations.
Basic competence:
- CB1: That the estudiantado have showed to possess and comprise knowledges in an area of study that splits of the base of the secondary education general, and is used to find to a level that, although it supports in books of text advanced, includes also some appearances that involve pertinent knowledges of the avant-garde of his field of study.
- CB2: That the estudiantado know to apply his knowledges to his work or vocation of a professional form and possess the competences that are used to to show by means of the preparation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems inside his area of study.
- CB3: That the estudiantado have the capacity to gather and interpret notable data (usually inside his area of study) to issue trials that include a reflection on notable subjects of social type, scientific or ethical.
- CB4: That the estudiantado can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a so much specialised public as no skilled.
- CB5: That the estudiantado have developed those skills of necessary learning to undertake back studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Specific competence (associated to the group of the formative block):
- CEFB2: Capacity of space vision and knowledge of the technicians of graphic representation, tantor by traditional methods of Metric Geometry and Descriptive Geometry, as by means of the applications of computer-aided design.
Additionally, in concordance with the collected in the section of the aims of the matter regarding the skills and skills to develop in the students, establish how transversal competence to work in this subject the following:
- CT1: Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
- CT2: Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation.
- CT3: Capacity of individual work, with attitude self-criticism.
- CT4: Capacity to work in group and cover problematic situations of collective form.
- CT5: Capacity to obtain suitable information, diverse and up to date.
- CT6: Capacity to elaborate and present a text organised and comprehensible.
- CT7: Capacity to make an exhibition in public in shape clear, concise and coherent.
- CT8: Commitment of veracity of the information that offers to the other.
- CT11: Utilisation of information in foreign tongue.
The methodology and activities to develop in the subject of "CAD. Graphic expression Applied" adapt to the requirements of the European Space of Upper Education. In this sense, the distribution between the different activities of the 4'5 ECTS of this subject that presents to continuation (with 112'5 hours of total dedication), sample like the autonomous work of the estudiantado turns into the protagonist of his learning:
- Interactive classes = 36 face-to-face hours (+ 54 hours of autonomous work = 90)
- Group tutoring = 2 face-to-face hours (+ 4 hours of autonomous work = 6)
- Free tutoring = 2 face-to-face hours
- Examinations = 3 face-to-face hours (+ 10'5 of autonomous work = 13'5)
- Review of examinations = 1 face-to-face hour
Totals: 44 face-to-face hours + 68'5 hours of autonomous work = 112'5 hours
They appear as some factors that express the relation between the presencialidad and the autonomous work of the estudiantado that require the activities mentioned. Like this, for example, by each face-to-face hour in the interactive classes, the students will have to devote an and average, out of the classrooms, to complete aim them corresponding to the different subjects treated, to finish the practices initiated or to apply the learnt to new situations.
In this way, the methodology employed in this subject obeys to a series of activities that, by his participatory character, adapt to the system proposed in the EEES, with the clear leadership of the autonomous work of the above-mentioned students.
Specifically, the teaching of the subject bases in the following activities, working in all they the general and specific competence CG1, CG13 and CEFB2, the basic CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4 and CB5, and also, especially in the four last, the transversal CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4 and CT5 collected in this Guide, and in minor measured the CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT11 by the type of work that develops in this subject:
- Interactive or practical classes with computer in groups with a maximum of 20 people (given in the classrooms of drawing and computer, to resolve exercises related with the different contents of the subject). Some of these practical will be able to be tied to possible works related with projects of engineering or with the Works End of Degree of the students enrolled in the subject.
- Group tutoring with a maximum of 10 people (made also in the classroom of computing, to treat subjects related with the subject that require of a greater personalised attention).
- Free tutoring (attended in the dispatch of the professor, in the classroom if they are of collective way, or through the open Course of the subject in the Virtual Campus of the USC, to treat to resolve all the doubts that on the subject go arising to the long of the course).
-Examination of the contents and of the practical application of the knowledges purchased.
-Voluntary reviews (and recommended) of the exercises of examination.
-Support in the network with an open Course for this subject in the Virtual Campus of the USC.
The drawing is a fundamental way of expression for the engineer and the Computer-aided Technical Drawing that tackles in this subject is a powerful tool of work in this sense. Therefore, the qualification of the students would have to reflect the level purchased in the necessary training for his correct utilisation and presentation.
Like this, in all the exercises, already are of Practices or of Examination, will value two appearances:
1º.- The knowledges, the capacity of resolution and the space vision.
2º.- The precision, the legibilidad and the cleaning in the resolution and presentation of the exercise.
In this way, the qualification obtained in the correction of the procedure and results of an exercise, will be able to be recessed even 30% by bad quality of the presentation or by little precision in the drawing.
The evaluation of the learning of the students, and therefore, the form to measure purchased the general competence, of basic and specific training marked for this subject, will base in a process of continuous evaluation that will carry rigged a system of follow-up and final examination (compulsory and complementary to this follow-up, of character essentially practical and with the possible utilisation of material of support) along the course. To continuation expose his main characteristic:
For the final grade of the subject, at the first or second opportunity, in addition to the exam described below, attendance at the interactive classes and active participation in them (with a contribution of 20% of the grade, 2 points out of 10 maximum) and the completion and presentation of all the exercises of the internship (which together will account for 30% of the grade of the exam). subject, 3 points out of 10 maximum), both those developed in the interactive classes (which will be delivered at the end of each session through the Virtual Campus) and the complementary ones that are proposed and that the students will also have to solve and send within the established deadlines. The teacher will receive the submissions of these exercises at the times determined and will make their correction and subsequent comments, individual or group, through the same Virtual Campus. The resolution and submission of these materials will be mandatory, although students will have a reasonable margin of exemption, a maximum of 20%, if at any time they do not make these submissions (which in any case will reduce their grade in this section by having a grade of 0 in the exercises not sent).
FINAL EXAMINATION (first opportunity of the announcement in course):
When finishing the second semester, in the month of May or of June (in official date fixed pole Centre), will make a proof or final examination (with a contribution of 50% of the note of the subject). All the students will have to make obligatoriamente this examination, that forms part of the continuous evaluation of the subject.
With the superación of this examination, that will describe on 5 points, could approve the subject, as long as there is a regular assistance to the classes and had delivered the exercises of the practices. Nevertheless, the no superación of the same (that is to say, have not arrived to the 2´5 points) does not mean that it can not achieve this approved in the subject. Can obtain the approved with the help of the corresponding notes to the assistance and to the realisation of the exercises of the practices (as long as they reach some minima in the examination, that situate in the obtaining of at least a 2 on the 5 points, although this request will be able to modify in function of the context and always favorablemente for the students).
EXAMINATION OF JUNE-JULY (second opportunity of the announcement in course):
In the case of not approving the subject in the previous opportunity, in the following (in the one of June-July) the students will make a new examination of recovery of all the subject, with the same conditions demanded for the final examination and being the subject definite qualification to the conditions signalled previously.
Summarizing, the overrun of the subject (in 1ª or 2ª opportunity) requires to achieve 5 points on 10, taking into account that the examination suppose 50% of the note, the assistance and participation in the classes 20% and the realisation and delivery of the exercises of the practices of class and complementary 30%. In any one case, initially is indispensable to take out like minimum 2 points on 5 in the examination of the subject to be able to take into account the others criteria of evaluation (except that produce the discount that commented previously).
All these components will serve to evaluate jointly the competence CG1, CG13 and CEFB2, related with this subject. Regarding the basic competence (CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4 and CB5) and transversal (CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT11) collected in this Guide, will be worked along the educational development of the subject, without being subjected to a process of specific evaluation to check his achievement.
In the case of the no enrolled students for the first time in the subject by not to have it surpassed previously, only will have to do the final examination (in first or second opportunity) if it already did and sent the practices in a previous matrícula. In this case, the notes achieved by the assistance and participation in the classes and by the practices done in his day will serve to apply the criteria of evaluation commented for the students enrolled for the first time, that also would be of application in this supposition.
It did not have done and envoys these practices, or wanted to improve the note achieved previously, would have to do the proposals in the present course like support in the preparation of the subject, applying also in this situation the system of evaluation described in the previous paragraphs.
Remember that all the classes have “face-to-face and mandatory character” and therefore, will carry a strict control of assistance. Of not stating an upper assistance to 80%, the students in these circumstances will not be able to present to the examinations, neither in the first neither in the second opportunity. Only it would remain out of this requirement the no enrolled students for the first time if it already fulfilled this requirement in a previous matrícula.
The students that have conceded one dispenses of assistance, to be evaluated, will have to do the final examination (in his first or second opportunity), having to do also the practical proposals by his account, with the support of the tutorias, for a back sending and correction by part of the professor (that it help him to go purchasing the competence related with the subject). This autonomous work, together with the note of the examination, would be subjects to the same system of evaluation described for the previous cases, except that in this supposition, to the not having assistance and participation in the classes, 20% of the corresponding note to this criterion would add to 30% marked for the practices, that now would suppose the another 50% of the final qualification.
Say finally that in front of the fraudulent realisation of these exercises and proofs will be of application the collected in the “Rule of evaluation of the academic performance of the students and of review of qualifications” of the USC.
With the system of credits ECTS, apart from the assistance to the interactive classes (36 hours to the long of the semester, three by week during 12 weeks), to the group tutoring (2 hours in all the semester) and to the individual tutoring (the times that wish along the course), the students will have to devote him to the "settlement" of the learnt and to the resolution of the exercises of the practices and of others out of the class, an average of 4 or 5 weekly hours. In this way, the hours devoted to the subject would adjust , more or less, to the planned:
4'5 credits ECTS x 25 hours credit = 112'5 hours of dedication
36 interactive hours + 2 hours of group tutoring = 38 hours
Other face-to-face hours of compulsory character = 3 hours (examination)
112'5 - 38 - 3 = 71'5 hours of autonomous work
71'5 hours / 15 weeks of the semester = 4,8 hours by week
Although the acquisition of the space vision and of the skill in the graphic representation, even with the employment of computer tools, can have an inherent component to the person that facilitate his learning, the true is that both skills require of a constant work so that they can be developed with guarantee of success in the achievement of the marked aims in this subject.
It is important the assistance to all the classes of the subject, face-to-face or virtual if it was the case, like instrument to strengthen the learning of the students. In them it goes to develop the learnt and goes to be conscious of the level that goes purchasing and of his limitations, always with the help and the support of the professor. With the complement of the tutorias, in group and individual, will surpass any difficulty that can him present.
In any case, does not treat to memorise definitions and procedures, but to resolve real problems related with the degree, employing for this the tools that provides us the Computer-aided Technical Drawing. And these skills, that can result easier for some people that for other as already it aimed , purchase with the practice and the constant work and personnel along the course.
Say finally that it is recommended to have surpassed previously the subject of basic training "Graphic Expression in the Engineering", that the students attended in the first year.
The teaching of this subject will do in Galician.
In order to encourage students' attention to the explanations given by the teaching staff, and in view of the growing inopportuneuse of these devices in the classroom, this Guide includes the prohibition of the use of mobile phones and tablets for private use during the development of the sessions (unless their use is directly related to the content taught and always under the
supervision of the teaching staff).
Thus, students will be required to keep these devices turned off (or inactivated) and stored safely during classes, and may be expelled if they do not comply with this requirement.
In the same way, students will be asked to make good use of computers, not entering browsers or programs that are not those that are being used at all times in the development of the classes, with the same consequences as in the previous case if they do not do so.
Francisco Javier Lopez Gonzalez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Engineering Graphics
- Phone
- Ext.23211
- franciscojavier.lopez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Collaborator
Friday | |||
10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | Computer room 6 (Pav.II-PBS) |
05.30.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Computer Room 4 (Pav.III) |
07.02.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Computer Room 4 (Pav.III) |