The main aim of the Cultural Management Degree is to train professionals who work in the field of cultural management, whether that be serving private or public institutions or focusing their activities towards the business world.
The main aim of the Cultural Management Degree is to train professionals who work in the field of cultural management, whether that be serving private or public institutions or focusing their activities towards the business world.
4 academic years
RUCT code: 2504332
Seats number: 20
Dean or center director:
gonzalofrancisco.fernandez [at] usc.es
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orden de 8 de julio de 2021 (DOG 16/07/2021)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
The itinerary of this degree, which has a clear professional focus, combines courses from diverse areas within human and social sciences, as well as others of an instrumental nature. Together, these courses provide a cultural manager with the training required to work in fields as diverse as cultural economy, cultural policies, marketing and cultural communication, cultural projects, heritage and anthropology, sociology, cultural tourism and sustainable development, the digitalisation of heritage, ICT, Galician culture and heritage, history of art, audiovisual and editorial sectors, patronage and sponsorships, heritage legislation, literature and theatrical arts.
No se contemplan
Online teaching activities will be carried out through Microsoft Teams and through the USC’s online classroom, Campus Virtual. In order to follow and fully engage with the class activities, the following technological equipment is required: a computer with an up-to-date operating system, a webcam, earphones and a microphone, internet connection, or a mobile phone. The university will provide the necessary software in order to access educational tools (Office 365, TEAMS, etc.).
It is recommended that the student's education be of Humanities or Social Sciences profile (Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate). Within these profiles it is advisable, but not essential, to have studied subjects with contents of history, history of art, geography, philosophy, and economics.
It is recommended that the student's education be of Humanities or Social Sciences profile (Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate). Within these profiles it is advisable, but not essential, to have studied subjects with contents of history, history of art, geography, philosophy, and economics.
Every year, at the beginning of the academic year, the USC organizes welcome days organized by the Vice-Rector's Office with responsibility for student affairs, which take place in the first fortnight of the academic year in all university centers, with the aim of introducing new students to the possibilities, resources and services offered by the University.
For the students of the blended learning modality, the welcome and orientation will be carried out through the teaching platform, through the dissemination of audiovisual materials and the creation of a welcome forum that will be used to solve initial doubts or for other purposes.
Every year, the Center's Quality Commission plans the activities to be carried out to welcome, guide and tutor students from the moment they join the Faculty and throughout their training period, with the aim of favoring both the learning and development of students and their orientation towards a future labor market.
These activities are oriented in three ways:
- Student-tutors programme
- Extraordinary tutoring support
- Orientation and training activities
In addition, the USC counts with the following services for enrolled students:
1) University Information Office (OIU)
2) University Residence Service (SUR)
3) Labor and Employment Guidance Area
4) External Relations Service (SRE)
5) The University Participation and Integration Service (SEPIU)
6) Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area (AVTE)
The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.
Information about student-tutor program:
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The general requirements for undergraduate degrees.
Special access conditions or tests are not contemplated
The Humanities Faculty has six general-purpose classrooms within the building itself. All classrooms are equipped with a computer with internet connection, a video projector and multiplexers which allow the use of users’ laptops, tablets or smartphones with the projectors. Two of the classrooms boast a digital whiteboard. In terms of capacity, the smallest classroom allows for 32 people and the largest allows for 88. The main form of lighting in the classrooms is artificial. All classrooms have programmable heating, with air renewal in accordance with the applicable regulations. There is WiFi coverage in all classrooms.
One of the classrooms (aula 14) is used as a multi-media classroom as it contains, in addition to the aforementioned features, a 49” TV and a self-recording device (Galicaster Totem Kit), which facilitates the synchronised image and sound recording of the teacher’s voice and the computer they are using. The resulting videos are then used as academic resources.
The building currently has five seminar rooms used for teaching, four of which have a computer and a videoprojector. They are located on the first and second floors of the main Humanities Faculty building. They are spaces of reduced capacity (approx. 20 people) meant for group work in modules whose content is mainly interactive. All seminar rooms have large windows which provide an abundance of natural light, so artificial lighting is not required. There is WiFi coverage in all seminar rooms.
The Degree in Cultural management has as its main aim to train professionals that will develop their professional activity in the field of cultural management and that once finished their studies will enter the labour market either in the service of public or private institutions or by orienting their activity towards the business world.
- Students must demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study draw from the premise of a general secondary education. It is usually found in a level that —although it can be supported by advanced text books— also includes some aspects that imply knowledge arising from the forefront of their area of study.
- Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences which are usually demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defence of arguments and problem solving within their area of study
- Students must have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data —normally within their area of study— in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant themes of social, scientific or ethic nature.
- Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized.
- Students must develop those abilities of learning necessary to start higher studies with a high degree of autonomy
- To demonstrate flexibility and dynamism and, therefore, to be able to adapt t new situations keeping a positive and proactive attitude.
- To acquire the needed analysis and critical capacity to to provide solutions and new ideas, as well as to transmit information and knowledge.
- To organize the work, with initiative and leadership capacity, and taking the characteristics of the project and their function in an organizational structure into account.
- To recognize and assume a solid commitment with the democratic values and the fundamental rights of human beings, paying special attention to gender equality, multiculturalism and non-discrimination of people with functional diversity.
- To know and understand the cultural processes as well as the recent tendencies in the field of culture both in the international and local contexts.
- To understand the functioning of cultural and creative industries and their legal framework.
- To know the value of culture as a tool for social transformation and as an answer to the main problems of contemporary society.
- To know the basic aspects of planification, design, organization and diffusion of cultural projects, in both the private and public spheres and in both in its physical and digital aspects.
- To know the basic aspects of planification, design, organization and diffusion of cultural events, in both the private and public spheres and in both in its physical and digital aspects.
- To manage the necessary human, material and economic resources for the implementation of cultural projects and events.
- To understand and apply the strategies of cultural communication in the digital environment to disseminate and make culture and cultural projects visible through the use of ICTs.
- To know the possibilities that new digital environments offer for the reinterpretation of the cultural experience, both in terms of dissemination and generation of complementary materials, as well as in terms of digital creation.
- To identify and analyze the different cultural policies, paying special attention to their economic projection and their possibilities for the development of communities.
- To know the different dimensions of the territory and analyze the strategies for a sustainable development through cultural activities (tourism, heritage management of heritage, shows, etc.)
- Understand the functioning of cultural repositories (museums, archives, libraries, etc.) and apply digital culture procedures to their management.
- To recognise the diversity of communicative cultures and develop strategies to facilitate the communication between various human communities.
- To recognise the diversity of the cultural consumption by the different sectors of society, paying special attention to people with specific necessities and adapt cultural products for the enjoyment of each group.
- To acquire the abilities to analyze and synthesize information from different sources, evaluating their relevance and interest depending on the pursued objectives.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of the Spanish language, both spoken and written.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of the Galician language, both spoken and written.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of two foreign languages, both spoken and written.
- To know and apply correctly the informatic tools and use new technologies related to the fields of knowledge specific to the degree, for research, teaching and professional practice purposes.
- To organize and plan the work according to the objectives and available resources.
- To work in teams, sharing the knowledge and knowing how to communicate them to the rest of the team, the organization and society.
- To develop creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
- To maintain an ethical commitment and show sensitivity towards social or environmental matters.
The selection of candidates, in the academic exchange calls in which the assignment of destinations is made by the Center, will de developed according to the regulations, Thus, it will be led by the academic responsible for mobility of the Center and integrated by the academic coordinators and by the person in charge of the Center and Department Management Unit, who will act as secretary.
The Faculty, besides the above-mentioned responsibles, counts with the collaboration of various teachers that act as academic coordinators and whose function is to tutor and assist our own and host students in their academic decisions.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The syllabus of the Degree in Cultural Management includes the realization of external internships in the first semester of the last year with an extension of 6 ECTS. The main aim is to provide students with the opportunity of immersing themselves in the professional world and, likewise, of applying in an integrative way and consolidating the set of competencies and learning that they have worked on throughout the training itinerary.
During the completion of the internship, the student has a personalized educational monitoring by a professional who acts as an internship center tutor and a faculty member who acts as an academic tutor, who ensures that the internship is carried out respecting the agreed training project, following the principles of inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.
Internships can be done in collaborating entities such as companies, institutions and public and private entities, related to the field of cultural management both national and international, offering the students the possibility of completing the training internship in European countries participating in the programme Erasmus+ with the aim of helping students adapt to the demands of the European labor market and develop linguistic, cultural and professional skills.
Procedures will be established for the configuration of the offer, dissemination, application and awarding of external internships in both classroom and blended learning modalities.
This degree includes the elaboration of a Master’s Thesis of 6 ECTS
The aim is to deepen knowledge, skills and attitudes by linking students to the reality of cultural management, both in the public and private sectors, completing their theoretical training with practical experience. The purpose of the course is that during the internship period students are trained and also have the opportunity to observe the operation and general dynamics of companies and institutions.
After taking this subject the students should be able to:
1. To carry out with knowledge and responsibility a professional practice and, where appropriate, research in the framework of public or private entities dedicated to the cultural management sector.
2. Work with information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the different areas of the cultural sector.
3. To apply the knowledge acquired to future professional situations.
The evaluation of the Master's Thesis will be carried out by means of a public defense before an examining committee or according to the procedures set forth in the "Regulations of the Master's Thesis" in force at any given time.
4 academic years
RUCT code: 2504332
Seats number: 20
Dean or center director:
gonzalofrancisco.fernandez [at] usc.es
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orden de 8 de julio de 2021 (DOG 16/07/2021)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
The itinerary of this degree, which has a clear professional focus, combines courses from diverse areas within human and social sciences, as well as others of an instrumental nature. Together, these courses provide a cultural manager with the training required to work in fields as diverse as cultural economy, cultural policies, marketing and cultural communication, cultural projects, heritage and anthropology, sociology, cultural tourism and sustainable development, the digitalisation of heritage, ICT, Galician culture and heritage, history of art, audiovisual and editorial sectors, patronage and sponsorships, heritage legislation, literature and theatrical arts.
No se contemplan
Online teaching activities will be carried out through Microsoft Teams and through the USC’s online classroom, Campus Virtual. In order to follow and fully engage with the class activities, the following technological equipment is required: a computer with an up-to-date operating system, a webcam, earphones and a microphone, internet connection, or a mobile phone. The university will provide the necessary software in order to access educational tools (Office 365, TEAMS, etc.).
It is recommended that the student's education be of Humanities or Social Sciences profile (Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate). Within these profiles it is advisable, but not essential, to have studied subjects with contents of history, history of art, geography, philosophy, and economics.
It is recommended that the student's education be of Humanities or Social Sciences profile (Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate). Within these profiles it is advisable, but not essential, to have studied subjects with contents of history, history of art, geography, philosophy, and economics.
Every year, at the beginning of the academic year, the USC organizes welcome days organized by the Vice-Rector's Office with responsibility for student affairs, which take place in the first fortnight of the academic year in all university centers, with the aim of introducing new students to the possibilities, resources and services offered by the University.
For the students of the blended learning modality, the welcome and orientation will be carried out through the teaching platform, through the dissemination of audiovisual materials and the creation of a welcome forum that will be used to solve initial doubts or for other purposes.
Every year, the Center's Quality Commission plans the activities to be carried out to welcome, guide and tutor students from the moment they join the Faculty and throughout their training period, with the aim of favoring both the learning and development of students and their orientation towards a future labor market.
These activities are oriented in three ways:
- Student-tutors programme
- Extraordinary tutoring support
- Orientation and training activities
In addition, the USC counts with the following services for enrolled students:
1) University Information Office (OIU)
2) University Residence Service (SUR)
3) Labor and Employment Guidance Area
4) External Relations Service (SRE)
5) The University Participation and Integration Service (SEPIU)
6) Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area (AVTE)
The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.
Information about student-tutor program:
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The general requirements for undergraduate degrees.
Special access conditions or tests are not contemplated
The Humanities Faculty has six general-purpose classrooms within the building itself. All classrooms are equipped with a computer with internet connection, a video projector and multiplexers which allow the use of users’ laptops, tablets or smartphones with the projectors. Two of the classrooms boast a digital whiteboard. In terms of capacity, the smallest classroom allows for 32 people and the largest allows for 88. The main form of lighting in the classrooms is artificial. All classrooms have programmable heating, with air renewal in accordance with the applicable regulations. There is WiFi coverage in all classrooms.
One of the classrooms (aula 14) is used as a multi-media classroom as it contains, in addition to the aforementioned features, a 49” TV and a self-recording device (Galicaster Totem Kit), which facilitates the synchronised image and sound recording of the teacher’s voice and the computer they are using. The resulting videos are then used as academic resources.
The building currently has five seminar rooms used for teaching, four of which have a computer and a videoprojector. They are located on the first and second floors of the main Humanities Faculty building. They are spaces of reduced capacity (approx. 20 people) meant for group work in modules whose content is mainly interactive. All seminar rooms have large windows which provide an abundance of natural light, so artificial lighting is not required. There is WiFi coverage in all seminar rooms.
The Degree in Cultural management has as its main aim to train professionals that will develop their professional activity in the field of cultural management and that once finished their studies will enter the labour market either in the service of public or private institutions or by orienting their activity towards the business world.
- Students must demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study draw from the premise of a general secondary education. It is usually found in a level that —although it can be supported by advanced text books— also includes some aspects that imply knowledge arising from the forefront of their area of study.
- Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences which are usually demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defence of arguments and problem solving within their area of study
- Students must have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data —normally within their area of study— in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant themes of social, scientific or ethic nature.
- Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized.
- Students must develop those abilities of learning necessary to start higher studies with a high degree of autonomy
- To demonstrate flexibility and dynamism and, therefore, to be able to adapt t new situations keeping a positive and proactive attitude.
- To acquire the needed analysis and critical capacity to to provide solutions and new ideas, as well as to transmit information and knowledge.
- To organize the work, with initiative and leadership capacity, and taking the characteristics of the project and their function in an organizational structure into account.
- To recognize and assume a solid commitment with the democratic values and the fundamental rights of human beings, paying special attention to gender equality, multiculturalism and non-discrimination of people with functional diversity.
- To know and understand the cultural processes as well as the recent tendencies in the field of culture both in the international and local contexts.
- To understand the functioning of cultural and creative industries and their legal framework.
- To know the value of culture as a tool for social transformation and as an answer to the main problems of contemporary society.
- To know the basic aspects of planification, design, organization and diffusion of cultural projects, in both the private and public spheres and in both in its physical and digital aspects.
- To know the basic aspects of planification, design, organization and diffusion of cultural events, in both the private and public spheres and in both in its physical and digital aspects.
- To manage the necessary human, material and economic resources for the implementation of cultural projects and events.
- To understand and apply the strategies of cultural communication in the digital environment to disseminate and make culture and cultural projects visible through the use of ICTs.
- To know the possibilities that new digital environments offer for the reinterpretation of the cultural experience, both in terms of dissemination and generation of complementary materials, as well as in terms of digital creation.
- To identify and analyze the different cultural policies, paying special attention to their economic projection and their possibilities for the development of communities.
- To know the different dimensions of the territory and analyze the strategies for a sustainable development through cultural activities (tourism, heritage management of heritage, shows, etc.)
- Understand the functioning of cultural repositories (museums, archives, libraries, etc.) and apply digital culture procedures to their management.
- To recognise the diversity of communicative cultures and develop strategies to facilitate the communication between various human communities.
- To recognise the diversity of the cultural consumption by the different sectors of society, paying special attention to people with specific necessities and adapt cultural products for the enjoyment of each group.
- To acquire the abilities to analyze and synthesize information from different sources, evaluating their relevance and interest depending on the pursued objectives.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of the Spanish language, both spoken and written.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of the Galician language, both spoken and written.
- To know the norm and coherent, correct and adequate use of two foreign languages, both spoken and written.
- To know and apply correctly the informatic tools and use new technologies related to the fields of knowledge specific to the degree, for research, teaching and professional practice purposes.
- To organize and plan the work according to the objectives and available resources.
- To work in teams, sharing the knowledge and knowing how to communicate them to the rest of the team, the organization and society.
- To develop creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
- To maintain an ethical commitment and show sensitivity towards social or environmental matters.
The selection of candidates, in the academic exchange calls in which the assignment of destinations is made by the Center, will de developed according to the regulations, Thus, it will be led by the academic responsible for mobility of the Center and integrated by the academic coordinators and by the person in charge of the Center and Department Management Unit, who will act as secretary.
The Faculty, besides the above-mentioned responsibles, counts with the collaboration of various teachers that act as academic coordinators and whose function is to tutor and assist our own and host students in their academic decisions.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The syllabus of the Degree in Cultural Management includes the realization of external internships in the first semester of the last year with an extension of 6 ECTS. The main aim is to provide students with the opportunity of immersing themselves in the professional world and, likewise, of applying in an integrative way and consolidating the set of competencies and learning that they have worked on throughout the training itinerary.
During the completion of the internship, the student has a personalized educational monitoring by a professional who acts as an internship center tutor and a faculty member who acts as an academic tutor, who ensures that the internship is carried out respecting the agreed training project, following the principles of inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.
Internships can be done in collaborating entities such as companies, institutions and public and private entities, related to the field of cultural management both national and international, offering the students the possibility of completing the training internship in European countries participating in the programme Erasmus+ with the aim of helping students adapt to the demands of the European labor market and develop linguistic, cultural and professional skills.
Procedures will be established for the configuration of the offer, dissemination, application and awarding of external internships in both classroom and blended learning modalities.
This degree includes the elaboration of a Master’s Thesis of 6 ECTS
The aim is to deepen knowledge, skills and attitudes by linking students to the reality of cultural management, both in the public and private sectors, completing their theoretical training with practical experience. The purpose of the course is that during the internship period students are trained and also have the opportunity to observe the operation and general dynamics of companies and institutions.
After taking this subject the students should be able to:
1. To carry out with knowledge and responsibility a professional practice and, where appropriate, research in the framework of public or private entities dedicated to the cultural management sector.
2. Work with information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the different areas of the cultural sector.
3. To apply the knowledge acquired to future professional situations.
The evaluation of the Master's Thesis will be carried out by means of a public defense before an examining committee or according to the procedures set forth in the "Regulations of the Master's Thesis" in force at any given time.