ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Chemistry Engineering
Areas: Chemical Engineering
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
“Making things” has been an essential activity of human civilizations since before recorded history. Today, the term manufacturing is used for this activity. For technological and economic reasons, manufacturing is important to the welfare of the developed and developing nations. Technology can be defined as de application of science to provide society and its members with those things that are needed or desired. Technology affects our daily lives, directly and indirectly, in many ways, directly or indirectly, because it represents various technologies that help society and its members to live better. Some examples: mobile phones, digital cameras, computers, hybrid cars, integrated circuits, microwave ovens, quartz watches, etc. What do all these products have in common? They are all manufactured. These technological wonders would not be available to society if they could not be manufactured. Manufacturing is the critical factor that makes technology possible.
This course aims to answer the following questions and introduce students to the depth that a subject of 4.5 credits allows: What is manufacturing? How is it organized in industry? What are the materials, processes, and systems by which it is accomplished? What are industrial production systems? How are they organized? What are the support systems of them?
The subject is divided into two blocks. The first focuses primarily on manufacturing and the definition of industrial production systems, including three themes: the first introduces the more general aspects of manufacturing, types of manufacturing systems, processes, etc .; the second presents and defines manufacturing processes, and the third delves into manufacturing systems. The second block is dedicated exclusively to the systems of support and management of production processes presented in unit 3 of the previous block: process planning and production control, and quality control and inspection.
Therefore, the objectives of the subject are: to introduce the students to the manufacturing processes, including the importance of the materials, a classification and description of the possible processes, and will be approached in depth industrial production systems. Finally, provide the students with knowledge on the support systems and management of the production processes. Same specific objectives:
- To understand the necessary organization in a global and competitive environment for the generation of goods and services in the industry.
- To identify different types of production systems and the main problems of organizing the flow of materials and information that take place.
- To know, apply and interpret the results obtained with different techniques of organization of industrial production systems for tactical and operational decision making.
As it is contemplated in the memory of the degree in Chemical Engineering in force, the contents of the subject include the following descriptors: Manufacturing processes. Economic, technological and social factors. Production sub-systems. Support methods and techniques to management. Planning and production control. Organization and quality. Elements and tools for the management of quality systems. ISO 9000 standards. Value chain and competitive advantage. Gantt diagrams. Pert Networks. Logistics. Key functions and key performance indicators. These contents are structured in two blocks and 5 units as it is indicated below.
Section I. Manufacture and industrial production systems
Unit 1.- Introduction and overview of manufacturing
Manufacturing definition. Materials in manufacturing. Manufacturing materials. Manufacturing processes. Production systems. Manufacturing economics. The problem of distribution of facilities
Unit 2.- Manufacturing processes.
Introductión. Properties of materials and product atributes. Engineering materials. Solidification processes. Particulate processing of metals and ceramics. Metal forming and sheet metalworking. Material removal processes. Property enhancing and surface processing operations. Joining and assembly processes. Special processing and assembly technologies.
Unit 3.- Manufacturing systems.
Introduction. Automation technologies for manufacturing systems. Integrated manufacturing systems. Material handling. Fundamentals of production lines. Manual assembly lines. Automated production lines. Cellular manufacturing. Flexible manufacturing systems. Computer-Integrated manufacturing. Scheduling operations.
Section II. Manufacturing support systems
Unit 4.- Process planning and production control
Introduction. Process Planning. Other manufacturing engineering functions. Production planning and control. Just-In-Time Delivery Systems. Lean production.
Unit 5.- Quality control and inspection
Introduction. Product quality. Process capability and tolerances. Statistical process control. Quality programs in manufacturing. Inspection principles. Modern inspection technologies.
Basic bibliography
Groover, M. P. Fundamentals of Modern manufacturing : material, proceses and systems. 6ª ed. John Wiley&Sons, New York, 2015. Sinatura ETSE : A132 11
Complementary bibliography
Nahmias, S. Análisis de la producción y las operaciones.6ª ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana de México, 2014. ISBN 9786071511850. Sinatura ETSE: A132 5 B
Heizer, J., Render, B. Dirección de la producción y de operaciones: decisiones tácticas. 2008. 8ª Ed. Pearson-Prentice Hall. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-8322-361-1
Class notes will be provided at the beginning of each Unit (normally by the "Campus Virtual of the USC")
The student after this subject will have acquired the following competences:
Basic and general competences
CG.8. Ability to apply the principles and methods of quality.
CG.9. Capacity for organization and planning in the field of the industry and other institutions and organizations.
Transversal competences
CT.1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
CT.2. Ability to organize and planning
CT.7. Decision making
CT.14. Adaptation to new situations
CT.15. Motivation for quality
Specific competences
CI.9. Basic knowledge of production and manufacturing systems.
CI.11. Applied knowledge of business organization.
The class notes for each of the topics will be given to the students (through the virtual platform) along the course, as well as bulletins of proposed problems . Other work material will also be provided through the virtual platform.
In the expositive clases or lectures (28 hours in 1 group) the contents will be presented and the problems will be solved allowing the analysis of the studied concepts. There will be one or two seminars at the end of each topic (seminar classes are 9h for each student divided into 2 groups), which they will work on activities related to the problems proposed for each topic, as well as other type assessment activities.
A mandatory individual work will be proposed, although depending on the number of students this work could be done by groups of 2 students. After the individual analysis of the industrial tissue of our geography by the students, the work will consist on the selection of a productive system, and the analysis of it related to the different chapters of the subject. The analysis of the selected system will be delivered in a mailbox of the virtual platform by the students in stages, normally one for each chapter of the subject.
To carry out a mandatory group work will be also be proposed, in groups with a random composition. The works will be presented gradually in the expositive classes throughout the course, as they will be thematic related to the subject, so that in each case the subject and the group will be raised in a random way by the teacher. Once the works are ready the students will communicate it to the teacher who will give the approval for its presentation in a synthetic way to all the classmates in the expositive and / or interactive classes; all the works will be related to the course, so that prior to their presentation (to be proposed by group leaders when they consider it) will be supervised and directed by the teacher; in this work the speed in the presentation from the proposal of the work, the effective operation of the team, the synthesis, as well as the presentation, will be object of evaluation, besides the quality of the work that exclusively will be done by way of presentation.
The tutorials of the subject may include two types of activities: sessions on existing industrial production systems, which, if possible, invited workers from selected industrial installations will explain to students (in class at the School of Engineering). On the other hand, a visit to a production system will also be carried out as long as the visit can be carried out. Prior to the visit in class, the specific industrial production system will be studied. These activities of mandatory character will be evaluated by the elaboration of a document including the aspects related to the subject and the specific industry or installation.
As volunteer tasks a series of activities that the student can perform individually will be proposed, and the student could upload them to the corresponding mailbox of the virtual classroom. Among them, the students could done partial assessment activities type short questions in class and type tests available for a limited time in the virtual classroom; this will be done at the end of each topic to be analyzed in interactive classes to solve doubts.
The following is a predictable distribution of activities per week:
1 Expositive Presentation de la materia, Exp./Int. Chapter 1
2 Exp./Int. Chapter 1, Seminar 1
3 Exp./Int. Chapter 1, Seminar 2, Presentation Team work
4 Exp./Int. Chapter 1, Presentation Team work
5 Exp./Int. Chapter 2, Seminar 4, Tutoría 1, Presentation Team work
6 Exp./Int. Chapter 2, Seminar 5, Presentation Team work
7 Exp./Int. Chapter 3, Presentation Team work
8 Seminar 6, Exp./Int. Chapter 5, Presentation Team work
9 Exp./Int. Chapter 3, Seminar 6, Presentation Team work
10 Exp./Int. Chapter 4, Seminar 7, Presentation Team work
11 Exp./Int. Chapter 4, Presentation Team work
12 Exp./Int. Chapter 5, Seminar 8, Presentation Team work
13 Exp./Int. Chapter 5, Seminar 9, Tutoría 2
14 Seminar 9, Presentation Team work
The methodology will take into account the development of skills as follows:
CG.8. Ability to apply principles and methods of quality.
Exp./Int. Chapter 6, Presentation Team work, Exp./Int. Chapter 6, Seminars 8 y 9
CG.9. Ability to organize and plan in the field of the company, and other institutions and organizations.
Expositive and Interactive, Seminars, team and individual work, non-mandatory activities
CT.1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
Expositive and Interactive, Seminars to solve problems, Team work, tutorial
CT.2. Ability to organize and plan
Seminars, Team work, individual work and non-mandatory activities
CT.7. Decision making
Seminars, individual work, Team work and non-mandatory activities
CT.14. Adapting to new situations
Team work, individual work, and non-mandatory activities
CT.15. Motivation for quality
Expositive and Interactive, Seminars
EXAM: Students will have a final exam (60% of the final mark).
WORKS/ACTIVITIES: the work to be elaborated during the course will be the 30% of the final mark. Group work will have a weigth of 10% in the final mark. Individual work will have a weigth of 10% in the final mark. The pupil activity during the course in the punctual activities (questions, test, etc) will be a 10% of the final mark.
TUTORIALS: 5% of the final mark.
TEACHER REPORT: 5% aditionaly the final mark.
A minimal qualification of 3.5/10 is necessary in each part of the exam, and also in each available part of the subject (exam, works/activities, tutorials). Before the exam, the students will know the grades obtained in section b and c. It will be considered as NOT PRESENTED that student who did not do any of the 4 obligatory items (group tutorials, exam, individual work and Team work)
In case of not passing the subject in the First Chance, the student will be evaluated again in Second Chance. If the minimum were not reached in the b and/or c sections, the student will be evaluated in the second chance exam (individually for each part)
Competences assessment by activities:
- Exam: CI.9, CG.8, CG.9, CT.7, CT.1, CT.2, CT.14, CT.15
- Works/Activities: CI.11, CG.8, CG.9, CT.1, CT.14
- Tutorials: CI.11, CG.9, CT.2
- Teacher report: all the subject competences
The subject consists of 4.5 ECTS (112.5 hours of total student work). Next, the hours planned for each activity are specified.
consta de 4,5 ECTS (112,5 h de traballo total do estudante). A continuación, especificanse as horas previstas para cada actividade.
presential autonomous total
Expositive 28 34 62
Seminars 9 11 20
Group tutorials 1 4 5
individual tutorials 1 2 3
exam 5 17,5 22,5
TOTAL 44 68,5 112,5
It is advisable a certain English domain to consult the bibliography and spreadsheet tools to solve problems. Recommendations:
• Follow the subject daily.
• Participate in the class, solving doubts.
• To pay attention in the tutorial sessions.
• To solve the problems instead “to see how do the resolution”
Excel will be used as a computer program.
In the activities that are carried out telematically through MS Teams and the Virtual Campus will be used. For these activities it is recommended that the computer equipment have a microphone and a camera.
It is advisable that the student has studied the subjects of engineering of the previous courses of the degree, especially Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering, and simultaneously Fundamentals of Machines and Resistance of Materials, as well as Science of materials.
The expositive classes will be developed in Spanish and the interactive classes will be developed in Galician. Information sources in English will also be handled. As indicated above, the Virtual Campus will be used.
Pastora Maria Bello Bugallo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816789
- pastora.bello.bugallo [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Monday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A3 |
Tuesday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A3 |
Thursday | |||
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Spanish | Classroom A3 |
Friday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Spanish | Classroom A3 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Classroom A1 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A1 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A1 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Classroom A2 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A2 |
01.23.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A2 |
06.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Classroom A2 |
06.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A2 |
06.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A2 |