ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 70.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 10 Interactive Classroom: 30 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Electronics and Computing
Areas: Computer Architecture and Technology
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The objective of this course is to present future engineers with the basic and design aspects of current voice and data communication networks, as well as the management and administration of network devices. Firstly, issues related to quality of service and multimedia transmissions will be addressed, and then the main LAN technologies (Ethernet, WLAN), residential access networks (FTTH, GPON, VoIP) and wide area technologies (5G, MetroEthernet, MPLS) will be discussed. It will be attempted that the student knows the design methodology of the business networks and is capable of making decisions about technologies, interconnection devices, protols and security.
The practices will deal with the configuration and administration of network devices (switches, routers, firewalls, etc.). Specifically, it will study how to distribute or limit bandwidth, manage routing algorithms, establish firewalls, and build VLANs and tunnels.
Since this is a specialization course, it will be assumed that students have previously acquired a basic understanding of network architectures and protocols. Technologies, models and protocols will be explored in depth. The course is, on the other hand, complementary to the courses of "Systems and Network Administration" and "Cloud Computing" in which different aspects of network administration are also taught.
10 one-hour sessions + 18.5 hours of personal work:
Topic 1: Quality of service (1.5 sessions + 3.5 hours of personal work)
In this topic we will study the characteristics that networks and protocols must have to provide QoS, essential for new applications for telephony and IP video conferencing, network games, pay-per-view (streaming), real-time applications, etc.
* Session 01: Quality of Service, IntServ and DiffServ
* Session 02: RTP, VoIP and Multicast.
Topic 2: Local and metropolitan area networks (2.5 sessions + 5 hours of personal work)
This topic studies the different possibilities that a company has to build its local and metropolitan area networks.
* Session 03: Ethernet. LAN interconnection
* Session 04: Wireless networks
Topic 3: Wide area networks (3 sessions + 5 hours of personal work)
This topic studies the networks that telephone companies and Internet service providers provide to their customers to build wide area data and voice networks.
* Session 05: Switched telephone network
* Session 06: Mobile telephony
* Session 07: MPLS and backbone networks
Topic 4: Network design (3 sessions + 5 hours of personal work)
This topic is a direct application of the contents presented in the previous two. Once the commercially available network models are known, a enterprise network design methodology is studied using a top-down strategy.
* Session 08: Enterprise network design 1
* Session 09: Enterprise network design 2
* Session 10: Design examples
12 sessions of 2.5 hours and + 50 hours of personal work:
Simulations with virtual machines and applications available on Linux address issues related to the configuration of devices (switches, bridges and routers), configuration and management of networks (firewalls, virtual private networks, VLANs) and quality of service. In addition, a enterprise network design work is proposed. Approximate planning of practices in sessions of 2.5 hours:
* P01. Network scheme and RIP protocol, (3 hours (session 01) +4 hours of personal work)
* P02. Router configuration (5 hours (sessions 02 and 03) +8 hours of personal work)
* P03. VLANs (2 hours (session 04) +2 hour of personal work)
* P04. Firewall (2 hours (session 05) +2 hours of personal work)
* P05. Quality of service (4 hours (sessions 06 and 07/1) +9 hours of personal work)
* P06. Bridges and switches (2 hours (session 07/2) +2 hour of personal work)
* P07. Multicast (2 horas (session 08) +3 hours of personal work)
* P08. Advanced routing (4 hours (sessions 09 and 10/1) +9 hours of personal work)
* P09. MPLS (4 hours (sessions 10/2 and 11) +2 hours of personal work)
* P10. Design of a enterprise network (2 hours (session 12) +9 hours of personal work)
- Apuntes de Diseño y Administración de Redes. Notes prepared by the teacher are provided that cover all the theoretical and practical courses of the course. In Spanish.
- Cisco Systems, "Small Enterprise Design Profile Reference Guide", 2010,…
- Cisco Systems, "Medium Enterprise Design Profile Reference Guide", 2013,…
- Cisco Systems, "Design Zone",
- A. Bruno and S. Jordan, "CCNP Enterprise Design ENSLD 300-420 Official Cert Guide: Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks", Cisco Press, 2020. It is the book that best adapts to the course, although, given its advanced nature, it does not strictly cover all topics.
- D. Benchimol, "USERS: Redes CISCO, Instalación y administracion de hardware y software" (1st ed), Creative Andina Corp, 2010, ISBN: 978-987-663-024-5. A more basic book than the previous one.
- P. Oppenheimer, "Top-down network design" (3th ed), Cisco Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-58720-283-4. It is a very interesting book that deals with the design methodology of business networks. It will be used mainly in topic 4.
In this course, the student will acquire the fundamental knowledge to deal with the wide and complex field of communications and computer networks. Specifically, it will be attempted that the student knows the design methodology of business networks and is capable of making decisions about technologies, interconnection devices, protocols and security.
This course contributes to acquiring the competencies collected in the memory of the Degree in Computer Engineering CG4, CG8, CG9, CG10, FB5, RI1, RI2, RI10, TI5, and TI6. With greater intensity, CG6, RI5, TI2 and TI4 competencies are developed, related to the ability to select, design, deploy, integrate and manage communication networks and infrastructures in an organization.
The generic competences that will be developed are the following: capacity to solve problems, capacity for analysis and synthesis, capacity for organization and planning. Ability to manage information (information gathering and analysis), problem solving, decision making, ability to apply knowledge to practice, ability to work autonomously, and written expression, which are part of the transversal competences TR1 and TR3.
In addition to the previous competences, the following competences and learning outcomes are developed in this course, collected within the thematic group networks in the Computer Engineering degree memory:
- Know the different network technologies, both local and wide area, cable and wireless.
- Choose the most suitable network technology and protocols given some requirements.
- Configuration of routers and other interconnection elements.
- Design and develop small and medium-scale corporate networks.
- Analyze and optimize computer networks in terms of utilization, performance and quality of service.
In the lectures the basic and design aspects of the current voice and data communication networks will be described. These classes will be taught in the USC classroom and for the explanations, multimedia systems will be used.
Through the expository classes the competences CG8, CG10, FB5, RI10, TI5, TI6, CG6, RI5, TI2 and TI4 will be developed, as well as the competence of knowing the different network technologies, both local and wide area, of cable and wireless, and the competition to choose the most suitable network technology and protocols given certain requirements.
In the laboratory classes the student will develop the aspects introduced in the theory classes, in addition to tasks of management and administration of network devices. The practice sessions will be taught in small groups in the computer rooms of the USC. In order to carry out administration tasks, Linux virtual machines will be used intensively in which the student will perform the installations and configurations of advanced routing, router programming, quality of service, etc. The student will be able to do the practices on their own laptop, since all the programs used are free software. There will also be a design work for corporate networks.
Through practices, the skills CG1, CG2, CG4, CG9, RI1, RI2, TR1 and TR3 will be developed, as well as the competence of configuring routers and other interconnection elements, and the ability to analyze and optimize computer networks in terms of use, performance and quality of service. Competence for the design and development of small and medium-scale corporate networks will also be covered.
The teaching methodology will focus especially on the individual work of the students, but a special effort will also be made to encourage discussion in class and on the forums.
The tutorials will be done face-to-face or virtual.
Student learning will also be supported by virtual teaching, through the USC Virtual Campus. On the course page the student will be able to obtain a digital copy of the material used in the classes, as well as supplementary material and links to the web pages related to the course contents. Various systems (MS Teams, email, discussion forum, chat) will be available to students, where they can make inquiries and establish discussions on the different topics of the course. All the programs, both the virtual machines and the applications used in this course are free software.
The grade of the course will be 70% of the score obtained in the continuous evaluation and 30% in the exam.
The continuous evaluation supposes 70% of the punctuation of the course and will be based on the effective realization by the student of the practices proposed throughout the quarter, being the overcoming of this part a requirement to pass the subject. The requirement of the realization of the practices during the quarter is justified in that these are carried out progressively (configuration of protocols and devices), and in that the work presented allows the teacher to evaluate the progress of the student.
Practices will be done individually. At the end of each of the proposed practices, the student will present it in the classroom and it will be evaluated by the teacher. Each of the proposed practices will have a specific date of completion. After this date, the practice will be considered not carried out.
30% of the evaluation of the course will be obtained through a written exam carried out on the material taught in the lectures.
To pass the course it is necessary to get at least a 5 in the sum of the points obtained in the practices and the exam.
In this opportunity the student will have the possibility to deliver a single additional practice or substitute one of the practices delivered during the semester. In the first case the points obtained with the new practice will be added, while in the second case the points of the substituted practice will be replaced. To pass the course, it is necessary to obtain at least a 5 in the sum of the points obtained in the practices and the exam carried out on this occasion.
The same criteria will be applied as in the second opportunity.
It will have the condition of not presented when the student does not attend the exam.
Students who have failed the course in previous calls will have to do the practices and the exam again under the same conditions as the rest of the students.
The points of each part in the final grade are indicated below:
* P01. Network scheme and RIP protocol: 0.4 points.
* P02. Router configuration: 1.1 points.
* P03. VLANs: 0.4 points.
* P04. Firewall: 0.4 points.
* P05. Quality of service: 1.2 points.
* P06. Bridges and switches: 0.4 points.
* P07. Multicast: 0,4 points.
* P08. Advanced routing: 1.1 points.
* P09. MPLS: 0.4 points.
* P10. Enterprise network design: 1.2 points.
* Exam: 3 points.
To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain at least 5 points.
Within the practical part of the course (70% of the grade) the evaluation of the works and reports presented will take into account the degree of achievement of the competences CG4, CG9, RI1, RI2, TR1 and TR3. Also by means of practices, the competences collected within the thematic group networks of configuration of routers and other interconnection elements will be evaluated, as well as analyzing and optimizing computer networks in terms of use, performance and quality of service.
Within the theoretical part of the course (30% of the grade) the competences CG8, CG10, FB5, RI10, TI5, TI6, CG6, RI5, TI2 and TI4 will be evaluated, through different questions and exercises posed in the theoretical exam. Also in this way, the competences collected within the thematic group networks will be evaluated to know the different network technologies, both local and wide-area, cable and wireless, as well as choose the most appropriate network technology and protocols given certain requirements and small and medium-scale enterprise network design and development competition.
Specific measures will be established to avoid plagiarism and the fraudulent realization of the practices, for example, it will be verified that each student works on their own virtual machine and in no case will machine sharing be allowed. In addition, the documents submitted will undergo plagiarism detection tests.
For the cases of fraudulent realization of exercises and tests, the provisions of the Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións of the USC will apply.
Lectures: 10 classroom hours and 18.5 hours of autonomous study by the student.
Laboratory practices: 30 classroom hours and 50 hours of personal work by the student.
Tutoring and personalized attention: 2 classroom hours.
Evaluation activities: 2 classroom hours.
Total: 44 hours of classroom work and 68.5 hours of individual work.
For lectures, it will be assumed that students have knowledge of network architecture at the level of the second-year course Networks. Doing the practices on Linux virtual machines will require knowledge of the basic command line commands and basic administration in this operating system.
Consistency in study and class attendance is one of the keys to studying this course. It is very important for the course to be easy to study daily. In this way, the explanations received in the class are made profitable. In addition, a serious attitude in practices will allow concepts to become entrenched and increasingly complex problems can be addressed without too much effort.
This course is taught in Spanish and Galician.
On the subject page at the Campus Virtual the student will be able to obtain a digital copy of the material used in the theoretical and practical classes, videos showing what must be delivered in the practices, as well as supplementary material and links to the web pages related to the course contents. Various systems (MS Teams, email, discussion forum, chat) will be available to students, where they can make inquiries and establish discussions on the different topics of the course.
All the programs used in this course, both virtual machines and applications are free software.
Javier Lopez Fandiño
- Department
- Electronics and Computing
- Area
- Computer Architecture and Technology
- Phone
- 881815504
- javier.lopez.fandino [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Jorge Alberto Suarez Garea
Coordinador/a- Department
- Electronics and Computing
- Area
- Computer Architecture and Technology
- Phone
- 881816763
- jorge.suarez.garea [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Alvaro Ordoñez Iglesias
- Department
- Electronics and Computing
- Area
- Computer Architecture and Technology
- Phone
- 881815508
- alvaro.ordonez [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Francisco Javier Cardama Santiago
- Department
- Electronics and Computing
- Area
- Computer Architecture and Technology
- javier.cardama [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Monday | |||
09:00-11:30 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | Galician, Spanish | IA.03 |
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | IA.S1 |
Friday | |||
11:30-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician, Spanish | IA.03 |
01.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | IA.S1 |
01.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | IA.S1 |
01.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | IA.S1 |
07.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A2 |
07.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | Classroom A2 |
07.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A2 |