ECTS credits ECTS credits: 12
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 198 Hours of tutorials: 6 Expository Class: 48 Interactive Classroom: 48 Total: 300
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Nursing
Call: Annual
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
As established in the Nursing Degree, these are:
• To know the processes that trigger diseases in the field of surgical and medical pathology.
• To differentiate the mechanisms and / or problems derived from the most common pathologies in the different systems of the human organism and its medical and surgical treatment.
• To master the procedures and precise interventions to provide correct nursing care to individuals with medical and surgical problems in the systems.
• To identify and assess the needs and / or problems caused by diseases, establishing priorities.
• To prepare a plan for nursing care to meet the needs and / or problems identified.
• To participate in the execution and subsequent evaluation of the Care Plan.
The course Clinical Nursing I consists of 4 thematic units:
THEMATIC UNIT 1: Introduction to Medical and Surgical Nursing
THEMATIC UNIT 2: Alterations of the Digestive System and Nursing Care
THEMATIC UNIT 3: Alterations of the Peripheral Vascular System and Nursing Care
THEMATIC UNIT 4: Alterations of the Respiratory System and Nursing Care
Topic 1. Evaluation of the medical-surgical patient.
Topic 2. Surgical area. Nursing Care. in the preoperative, perioperative and postoperative.
Topic 3. Asepsis and antisepsis. Sterilization processes.
Topic 4. Electrolytic equilibrium. Hemorrhage and hemostase. Shock. Nursing performance.
Topic 5. Metabolic responses to aggression. Inflammation. Surgical infections. Immune response to surgery. Nursing performance.
Topic 6. Soft tissue trauma. Wounds. Normal and abnormal process gives healing. Nursing Management. Drains
Topic 7. Pain. Acute post-surgical pain. Nursing performance. Soft tissue trauma.
Topic 8. Burns. Pressure ulcers. Clinical assessment Treatment and specific care of Nursing.
Topic 1. Digestive system: nursing action. Assessment, diagnosis and planning.
Topic 2. Esophagus: anatomical memory and more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care).
Topic 3. Stomach: anatomical memory and more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care).
Topic 4. Intestine: anatomical memory and more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care).
Topic 5. Liver: anatomical memory, liver syndromes, more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care) and liver transplantation.
Topic 6. Biliary tract: anatomical memory, biliary syndromes and more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care).
Topic 7. Pancreas: anatomical memory, more frequent alterations (etiology, signs and symptoms, treatments and nursing care) and pancreatic transplantation.
Topic 1. Signs and symptoms two disorders of the peripheral vascular system. Diagnostic procedures in vascular pathology. Assessment and diagnosis of Nursing.
Topic 2. Hypertension. Hypotension, syncope. Nursing Care.
Topic 3. Chronic and acute arterial pathologies. Atherosclerosis. Ischemic ulcers. Nursing Care.
Topic 4. Venous pathologies. Pulmonary embolism. Varicose veins. Venous ulcers. Nursing Care.
Topic 5. Diabetic foot. Nursing Care.
Topic 6. Lymphatic alterations. Medical / surgical attention. Nursing Care.
Topic 1. Introduction and semiology of the respiratory pathology. Procedures diagnostics in respiratory pathology. Techniques of support or care.
Topic 2. Attention of nursing to the ill with restrictive syndromes and obstructivos.
Topic 3. Attention of nursing to the patients with illnesses infecciosas and acute alterations.
Topic 4. The pulmonary transplantation. Attention of nursing to the patients with illnesses tumorales, and professional
Topic 5. The intubated patient. Mechanical ventilation. Nursing Care.
-Fernández Aedo I, dir. Manual práctico de enfermería quirúrgica. Bilbao : Servicio Editorial de la Universidad de País Vasco: Euskal Herrico Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, D.L.; 2017
-C. Smeltzer, G Bare, L. Hinkle, H. Cheever; Brunner y Suddarth. Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica. Wolters Kluwer Health: 12º ed;2016
-Brunner y Suddarth. Manual de Enfermería Médico Quirúrgica. McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 2011
-Pamela L. Swearingen; Manual de Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica. Intervenciones enfermeras y tratamientos interdisciplinarios; Ed. Elsevier 2008
-Morillo Rodríguez J, Fernández Ayuso D. Enfermería Clínica I y II. Cuidados generales y especialidades médico-quirúrgicas. Elsevier. 2016
-Chocarro L, Venturini C. Guía de procedimientos prácticos en enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Elsevier. 2006
-Gil ER, Rovira Gil E, DAE. Cuidados al paciente con alteraciones digestivas [Internet]. S.l.: Difusión Avances de Enfermería (DAE, SL); 2015 Disponible en:
-Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ. Enfermedades digestivas y hepáticas [de] Sleisenger y Fordtran: fisiopatología, diagnóstico, tratamiento. 2018.
-Pastrana Delgado J, García de Casasola Sánchez G. Fisiopatología y patología general básicas para ciencias de la salud. Barcelona. Elsevier; 2013.
-Carpenito LJ, Gómez T, González Mejorada S, Mauri Hernández ME. Manual de diagnósticos enfermeros. 2018.
-Caballero Plasencia AM. Manual de patología digestiva. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada; 2003.
-Morillo Rodríguez J, Fernández Ayuso D. Enfermería Clínica I y II. Cuidados generales y especialidades médico-quirúrgicas. Elsevier. 2016
-Chocarro L, Venturini C. Guía de procedimientos prácticos en enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Elsevier. 2006
-Principios de Medicina Interna. Harrison. 18ª Ed. Mac GrawHill 2011. Capítulos 302 e 303.
-Brunner y Suddarth. Manual de Enfermería Médico Quirúrgica. McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2011.
-Guía de Práctica Clínica de la Asociación Española de Enfermería Vascular y Heridas. 2017. Disponible en:
-Morillo Rodríguez J, Fernández Ayuso D. Enfermería Clínica I y II. Cuidados generales y especialidades médico-quirúrgicas. Elsevier. 2016
-Chocarro L, Venturini C. Guía de procedimientos prácticos en enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Elsevier. 2006
-Harrison T., Jameson J. L., ed. Principios de medicina interna. 20º ed. México: McGraw-Hill; 2018.
-Souto Camba S, et al. Guía Práctica de fisioterapia respiratoria. A Coruña : Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2017
-Patiño Restrepo, et al. Gases Sanguíneos, Fisiología de la respiración e Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda; PANAMERICANA, Ed: 8ª, 2015.
-Monografías de Archivos de Bronconeumología. Protocolo SEPAR de control y seguimiento de las terapias respiratorias domiciliarias. Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR). 2015;2(5)
-Chunshao Hu, et al. Manual de Cuidados de Enfermería en la Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda: Principios de ventilación mecánica no invasiva y otros tratamientos de soporte respiratorio, Ed. Bubok Publishing; Edición: 1, 2015.
-Sanjuán Quiles, Serie cuidados especializados: Cuidados al paciente con alteraciones respiratorias, Ed.DAE, 2012.
-Morillo Rodríguez J, Fernández Ayuso D. Enfermería Clínica I y II. Cuidados generales y especialidades médico-quirúrgicas. Elsevier. 2016
-Chocarro L, Venturini C. Guía de procedimientos prácticos en enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Elsevier. 2006
Cinahl: databases/ cinahl-complete
Dialnet: https:// dialnet.
Asociación española de Nomenclatura, Taxonomía y Diagnósticos de Enfermería:
AEEQ. Asociación Española de Enfermería Quirúrgica.
AEEED. Asociación Española de Enfermería Endoscópica Digestiva.
SEEO. Sociedad Española de Enfermería Oncológica.
AEEVH: Asociación Española de Enfermería Vascular y Heridas:
Sociedad española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica ( SEPAR).
Asociación Española de Cirugía quirúrgica ( AEEQ).
Úlceras fóra.
According to the established in the report of the Nursing Degree of the USC (BOE 27 of February of 2008) and in accordance with the stipulated in the annex of the ministerial order that regulates the qualifications, “ORDER CIN /2134/2008 of the 3 of July, that establishes the requirements of the verification of the official University degreess that enable the exercise of the profession of nurse and the white book of the ANECA of Nursing Degree, here are shown the specific competencies that the students must get when passing this course.
ORDER CIN/2134/2008:
1) To know the alternations of adult health, identifying the manifestations that appear in the different phases.
2) To identify the care needs derived from health problems.
3) To analyze the data collected in the assessment, prioritize the problems of the adult patient, establish and execute the care plan and carry out its evaluation.
4) To perform nursing care techniques and procedures, establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and their families.
5) To select interventions aimed at treating or preventing the problems derived from health deviations.
6) To have a cooperative attitude with the different members of the team.
ANECA WHITE BOOK of the Degree in Nursing:
1) Ability to work in a holistic, tolerant, nonjudgmental, careful and sensitive way, ensuring that the rights, beliefs and desires of different individuals or groups are not compromised.
2) Ability to adjust or its role in order to effectively respond to the needs of the population or patients. When necessary and appropriate, be able to challenge the current systems to meet the needs.
3) Ability to undertake comprehensive and systematic assessments using the tools and frameworks appropriate for the patient, taking into account the relevant physical, social, cultural, psychological, spiritual and environmental factors.
4) Ability to recognize and interpret normal or changing signs of health / ill health, suffering, disability of the person (assessment and diagnosis)
5) Ability to respond to the patient's needs by planning, providing services and evaluating the most appropriate individualized care programs with the patient, their caregivers and families, and other health or social workers.
6) Ability to question, evaluate, interpret and critically synthesize a range of information and data sources that facilitate the patient's decision.
7) Ability to enforce clinical judgments to ensure that quality standards are achieved and that the practice is performed under parameters based on clinical and scientific evidence.
In the same way, the following transversal competencies are established:
CT01 - Capacity of analysis and synthesis
CT04 - Capacity of management of the information
CT05 - Resolution of problems
CT08 - Work in a multidisciplinary and multilingual team
CT10 - Critical reasoning
CT12 - Autonomous learning
CT14 - Creativity.
CT16 - Motivation by quality
The expository and interactive teaching will be face-to-face. Tutorials can be carried out partially virtually.
EXPOSITIVE TEACHING: the teachers will explain the theoretical-practical concepts of the contents.
INTERACTIVE TEACHING: The contents of the subject presented in the part of expository teaching will be reinforced and extended by means of discussions, clinical cases, elaboration of care plans, role plays and clinical simulations, training in techniques and procedures. It will be possible to count on the collaboration of invited clinical professionals of related areas.
The evaluation will be carried out continuously and globally using the following criteria and tools:
EXPOSITIVE TEACHING: the mastery of the theoretical knowledge of the subject will be evaluated by means of objective tests. It will have a value in the final grade of 60%. In the 2nd opportunity the student will have to be examined of all the theoretical teaching.
INTERACTIVE TEACHING: seminars and laboratories through continuous evaluation:
1.-SEMINARS: It will objectively evaluate:
-The quality of the proposed activity.
-The active participation, knowledge, attitude and aptitudes of the students.
Seminars will have a value in the final grade of 20%.
2.-LABORATORIES: It will objectively evaluate:
-The quality of the proposed activity.
-The active participation, knowledge, attitude and aptitudes of the students.
Laboratories will have a value in the final grade of 20%.
1.-The teaching of this degree is of face-to-face type, being compulsory the assistance to the classes, so much expository as interactive. In case of absence due to force majeure, it will be duly justified. The non-attendance to expository classes, seminars and practices, will repercute in the no surpassing of the matter, as it collects the rule of assistance to class in the educations adapted the EEES of the USC: /gl/normativa/descargas/normaasistenclase.pdf
2.-Teaching exemption will be applied (in the cases determined by the center) in the expository classes but not in the interactive ones.
3.-To pass the subject it will be necessary to pass both the theoretical teaching and the seminars and laboratory practices.
4.-In the continuous evaluation will value the attitude of the student, contributions of interest, participation, team work, behavior and respect towards the professor and to rest of classmates, as well as the fulfillment of schedules and deadlines of delivery of the tasks proposals.
5.-When the student does not appear to the final proof will consider not presented.
6.-In the test of the 2ª opportunity will keep the continuous evaluation of the interactive teaching.
7.-Attendance to seminars and laboratory practices is a mandatory requirement to pass the subject.
8.-Justification of the non-attendance. In order to consider a non-attendance as justified, a document must be presented to the teacher responsible for the subject (within a maximum period of 10 days from the end of the cause that prevented him / her from attending) that duly accredits the cause of the fault. When the absence is due to a scheduled activity (for example, a medical appointment) the student must notify the teacher in advance sufficiently to try to make up for the absence through an alternative session (for example, with another seminar / laboratory group).
9.-In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and for the review of grades" shall apply.
Information on scenarios 2 and 3 is provided in the "Comments" section.
Each ECTS is equivalent to 25 h, of which 17 correspond to autonomous student work and 8 h to face-to-face teaching.
For each hour of expository and interactive teaching, it is considered necessary to dedicate 1.5 hours and 1.5 hours of student work to the study (review of concepts and bibliography consultation).
- Daily monitoring of the different activities to be carried out.
- Establish links between the theoretical contents of the expository classes and the observations and interventions made in the interactive ones.
- Use the electronic tools of the course.
- Use the tutorials to solve doubts about the course.
Juan Manuel Fernandez Varela
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- Phone
- 881812074
- juanmanuel.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University School Professor
05.21.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 5 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
05.21.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 6 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
06.18.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2.01 |
06.18.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2.03 |
06.18.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 3.01 |
06.18.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 3.02 |