ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Nursing
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
Course objectives
1. To know the basic vocabulary and terminology in health management.
2. To identify the Spanish health system.
3. To determine the differences between different health systems in Europe.
4. To study the differences between the different healthcare models.
5. To know the advantages and disadvantages of public and private systems.
6. To identify and understand the most relevant theories of management.
7. To apply the management process and its stages at any level of care.
8. To know the different techniques and use the appropriate priority for
9. To elaborate charts.
10. To demonstrate skills in communication, motivation, leadership.
11. To acquire skills for decision making and conflict resolution.
12. To collaborate and participate in group work.
13. To stablish interpersonal relationships.
• THEMATIC I. - The NHS .. Description of the different
sanitary models.European Union Health Systems.
• THEMATIC II.-approach and familiarity with management theories.
Conceptual frame of reference and the administration as a science
• THEMATIC III.-Administrative Process. Planning. The organization.
Management. Control.
• Seminars and case discussions.
• Exercises comparison between the different management theories.
• Implementation of the administrative process. Methods of collecting information.
• Exercise planning techniques.
• Design charts.
• Application of different managerial styles.
• Development of personal pictures. Calculation of staff.
• Exercises on communication.
• Conflict resolution.
• Decision making.
Basic and complementary bibliography
ALVAREZ C. Glosario de términos para la Administración y Gestión de Servicios
Sanitarios. Madrid. Diaz de Santos, 1998.
•M:P.MOMPART GARCÍA. Administración de Servicios de Enfermería. Editorial Masson-
•ÁLVAREZ NEBREDA N.: “Administración sanitaria y sistemas de salud”. Editorial
Síntesis. Madrid 1994
•ANN MARRINER-TOMEY. Manual para la Administración de Enfermeria. Editorial
•J.L. TEMES, V. PASTOR, J.L. DÍAZ. Manual de Gestión Hospitalaria. Editorial
•DEE ANN GILLIES. Gestión de Enfermería: una aproximación a los sistemas.
•Editorial Masson-Salvat.
•RAYNALD PINEAULT, CAROL DAVELUY. Planificación Sanitaria. Editorial Masson.
•H. PEPLAU. Relaciones interpersonales en enfermería. Editorial Salvat.1992.
•ELAINE L. LA MONICA.Dirección y Administración en Enfermería. Editorial Mosby-
•BARQUIN. Dirección de hospitales. Editorial Interamericana-McGraw-Hill.2003.
•LEVY-LEBOYER. Gestión por competencias. Ediciones Deusto 2000. Barcelona, 2002.
•LESLIE YERKES. Con humor se trabaja mejor. Deusto, Gestión 2000. Barcelona, 2005.
•ODIORNE, G.S. El lado humano de la dirección. Editorial Díaz de Santos.
•Javier Cabo Salvador, 2014.Gestión de la calidad en las organizaciones sanitarias.
• "ALL HOSPITAL." Editorial: National publications and foreign techniques, SA
0212-19721 ISSBN
• "Health Management". ed. Ex libris Ediciones SL ISSN 1137-2966. also
some articles available online, downloadable in PDF format
• "JOURNAL OF QUALITY CARE." Available online (PDF format)
Ministry of Health
World Health Organization
ORDER CIN/2134/2008, ANECA White Paper of the Degree of Nursing
1.To know the Spanish health system. Identify the characteristics of the leadership role of nursing services and care management. Know and be able to apply management techniques to groups.
2. Ability to work in a professional, ethical and regulatory and legal codes, recognizing and responding to dilemmas or moral and ethical issues in daily practice.
3. Ability to maintain dignity, privacy and confidentiality of the patient, using the skills more efficient.
4. Ability to lead and coordinate a team, delegating care appropriately.
5. Ability to adjust its role in order to respond effectively to the needs of the population or patients. When necessary and appropriate, be able to challenge existing systems to meet the needs of the population and patients.
6. Ability to realize that patient comfort is achieved through the combined resources and actions of team members to social and health care.
7. Ability to work and communicate collaboratively and effectively with all support staff to prioritize and manage time efficiently while meeting standards of quality care.
8. Use critical evaluation tools and audit care according to
relevant quality standards.
Teaching methodology
No teaching. Extintion
No teaching, extintion.
Grading system
• TEACHING EXHIBITION - (75% of final grade)
test our short question
• INTERACTIVE TEACHING - (25% of final grade)
Requirements to pass the course:
You must have passed both parts
Study time and individual work
• Teaching expository = 18h.
• Interactive Teaching = 18h.
• Total hours of students' personal work: 54h.
• Assessment hours: 3 hours
Recommendations for the study of the subject
• Daily monitoring of activities, readings and summaries of the contents
developed to further evolve the program.
• Check references.
• Plan study activities and job leads.
• Develop customized documents for the study of agenda items.
• Study group (not as usual, but with some frequency and
certain topics of the course that require interaction, this method
can increase motivation).
• Using the tutorial hours for questions and guidance.
Emilio Ruben Pego Perez
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- Phone
- 881812053
- emilioruben.pego [at]
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
05.23.2025 13:00-15:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2.01 |
05.23.2025 13:00-15:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2.02 |
05.23.2025 18:00-20:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2.02 |