ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 136 Hours of tutorials: 14 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Morphological Science, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics, Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation, Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
Areas: Human Anatomy and Embryology, Pharmacology, Legal and Forensic Medicine, Statistics and Operations Research, Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Radiology and Physical Medicine
Center Faculty of Nursing
Call: End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The Final Degree Project aims at the accreditation by the student of the knowledge and skills acquired during the undergraduate studies, through the preparation, presentation and defense of an original work focused on some aspect of Nursing. Specifically:
1. Integrate knowledge related to the nursing profession.
2. Demonstrate skills to plan, develop, evaluate and innovate professional practice.
3. Systematically develop an original work.
It will consist of the preparation, by the student, individually or in groups (up to a maximum of 2 students) of an original work (bibliographic review, field work or research project) in which the Knowledge, capacities, competences and skills acquired during the studies of the Nursing Degree.
It will include, as a minimum, tasks of bibliographic search and review, reading and integration of information, preparation
of relevant results, writing, and presentation and defense of the work.
Structure of the work:
-The TFG will have a cover showing the title of the work, the name and surnames of the student and the tutor, the call and the year.
-In the case of fieldwork or bibliographic review, it will include, at least, the following sections: Index
Structured summary of maximum 300 words (introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions)
Hypothesis (if applicable)
Annexes (if applicable).
-In the case of the project modality, it will include, at least, the following sections:
300 word maximum structured summary (introduction, objectives, methods)
The bibliography will be guided by the tutor of the work.
In general it will consist of documents that refer to:
- the subject of the work
- research methods, procedures and techniques
- orientation on the writing and presentation of academic papers.
As it is a transversal subject, the competences will be those of the subjects to which it is linked, contained in ORDER CIN / 2134/2008, of July 3, which establishes the requirements for the verification of university degrees. officers who enable the exercise of the nursing profession (BOE July 19, 2008).
The TFG will be oriented to the evaluation of competences associated with the degree in Nursing such as: training for the search, management, organization and interpretation of relevant data, issuing judgments that include a reflection on outstanding issues of a social, scientific, technological or ethical nature, as well like all those that facilitate the development of critical, logical and creative thinking and judgment.
The tutor will guide the student in the process of preparing the work and may carry out expository sessions in order to explain the general characteristics of the TFG as well as identify the most relevant training needs. In the tutoring sessions, proposals will be established that will allow acquiring and / or expanding training in specific aspects related to knowledge and skills to face the job (documentary search, handling of computer programs, etc.). The tutorials will allow evaluating the degree of commitment, responsibility and monitoring of the guidelines established by the tutor, as well as the capacity for initiative and problem solving.
The autonomous work activities to be carried out by the student include: readings to define the theoretical framework, preparation of a content script. search, selection and treatment of information, preparation of written work and preparation of the presentation.ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE IN INFORMATION COMPETENCES (Nursing and Medicine Library)
The autonomous work activities to be carried out by the student include: readings to define the theoretical framework, preparation of a content script. search, selection and treatment of information, preparation of written work and preparation of the presentation.
In order to carry out the TFG, it is highly recommended that you take the "Advanced training course in information skills" given by the USC Library of Medicine and Dentistry / Nursing Library. @Dito training takes place in a virtual environment for four weeks, with an investment in student time of 25 hours. The competences in information are included, at the level of the EHEA, within the digital competences that all students must have acquired at the end of university studies, since knowing how to manage information is a transversal practice.The course is organised in seven modules based on the competences to be acquired according to the advanced level: (1) What do I need to learn and what for for the Final Degree Project; (2) How to prepare a Final Degree Project; (3) The University Library (BUSC). USC ICT resources for you; (4) Searching for information; (5) Evaluating and organising information; (6) Citing and referencing information. Avoiding plagiarism; (7) Digital skills. Students considered fit may request a diploma issued by the USC in the library of their center that accredits completion of this course. The USC recognizes this activity with 1 ECTS credit that will be charged in the file at the request of the interested person. The credit will not be recognized for those who take a competency course in information other than that of their degree.
The guidelines for the defense of the TFG, composition of the court, qualifications and calls are governed by the corresponding Regulations of the Faculty of Nursing and, in addition, by the Regulation of registration, preparation and defense of the TFG and TFM of the USC.
Both the defense request and the deposit of the work will be made through the virtual Secretary of the student following the procedure and dates established by the corresponding Commission, being necessary the previous report of the tutor for the deposit of the work. The delivery and defense dates will be set according to the academic calendar of the USC.
The evaluation of the TFG will be done in the Faculty of Nursing and, when it is not possible, in other centers of the USC through its presentation and public defense in front of a court.
The maximum time that the student will have for her presentation or defense will be 10 minutes. Each student, whatever the method of preparation, must defend their entire TFG individually.
The common modality of public defense of the works will be the individual exhibition made by the student in person, both for individual and group works.
The qualification will be linked to the achievement of the aforementioned competences and the following criteria will be made second:
-Tutor's report: 30%
-Memory of the work: 50% (25% adaptation of the contents to the proposed structure and 25% clarity of the content exposition)
-Defense: 20% (10% oral presentation and 10% answer to questions / debate).
In any case, according to article 12 of the aforementioned Regulation: “The TFG and TFM must be original works of their own elaboration and the sources that were taken into account for their realization must be duly cited. Failure to comply with the one indicated in the previous section will qualify as “suspense” in the call ”.
The courts will grade second the following numerical scale, from 0 to 10, with expression of a decimal, to which the corresponding quantitative grade will be added:
- Not Presented (NP)
- 0-4.9: Suspense (SS)
- 5.0-6.9: Passed (AP)
- 7.0-8.9: Notable (NT)
- 9,0-10: Outstanding (SB)
The TFG has a value of 6 ECTS credits, which is equivalent to a set of 150 hours of work.