ECTS credits ECTS credits: 9
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 148.5 Hours of tutorials: 4.5 Expository Class: 36 Interactive Classroom: 36 Total: 225
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Campus Lugo
Areas: Labour Relations School
Center Labour Relations School
Call: Annual
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the complex world of business management, emphasizing particularly the function of planning as it precedes and paves the way for other management functions. To that effect, we are going to detail the planning process by itemizing the phases and contents of it.
Then, bearing in mind the importance of designing a suitable organization structure in order to implement the strategy, we are going to study the concept and involvement of the organization function in general and the organization structure in particular.
Lastly, we are going to detail the tools and the most used models to design the organization structure.
1.1 Management process.
1.2 Planning in management functions.
2.1 Business decisions.
2.2 Decision types: strategy.
2.3 Components of the strategy.
2.4 Process of strategic management.
3.1 Business objectives: concept and typology.
3.2 Planning: concept and types of plans.
3.3 Control function.
3.4 Planning and control systems.
4.1 Concept of organization structure.
4.2 Relationship between strategy and organization structure.
4.3 Primary Structure.
4.4 Operative Structure.
5.1 Parts of the organization.
5.2 Dimensions of the organization design.
5.3 Determinant factors.
6.1 Structuring tools.
6.2 Job study.
6.3 Departamentalization criterions.
6.4 Forms of organization.
Basic bibliography:
IBORRA et al. (2007): Fundamentos de Dirección de Empresas. Thomson Editores, España.
ROBBINS, S. Y COULTER, M. (2.005) : Administración. Prentice Hall- Pearson, México (8ª y 6ª Ed.)
ROBBINS, S. Y COULTER, M. (2.005) : La Administración en el mundo de hoy. Prentice Hall- Pearson, México.
Complementary bibliography:
BUENO CAMPOS, E.; Organización de Empresas. Estructuras, procesos y modelos, Pirámide, Madrid, 1996
CHIAVENATTO, I., Introducción a la Teoría General de la Administración, Mc Graw-Hill, México, 1999
DE LA FUENTE SEBATÉ, J. M. y otros, Diseño organizativo de la empresa, Civitas, Madrid, 2002
HODGE, B. J.; ANTHONY, W. P.; GALES, L. M., Teoría de la Organización. Un enfoque estratégico, Pearson Educación, Madrid, 2003
KOONTZ, H.; WEIHRICH, H. (2004) Administración. Una perspectiva global, Mc Graw-Hill, México, (12 ED)
MINTZBERG, H., La estructuración de las organizaciones, Ariel, Barcelona, 1991
ZERILLI, A., Fundamentos de organización y dirección general, Deusto, Bilbao, 1985
Depending on the development of the lectures, these texts may be complemented with other ones.
- It is expected that the students manage, understand and develop the systematic nature of the company, the interconnection of each one of its parts and the involvement of these interrelations.
- Ability to understand the integration need of the functional and hierarchical company subsystems in order to meet its aims.
- Conceptual ability
- Technical skill in the development of the organization structure.
- Language use and fluency.
- Exposition clarity.
- Analytic and synthetic ability.
- Ability to search and process information.
- Technical skill in the management of documentary databases.
- It has always to be respected and introduced the gender view in order to provide the students with skills and abilities related to this matter. To that effect several actions have to be carried out: from the the easiest (writing and exposition with non-sexist language) to the more complex ones (creation of jobs taking into account gender view).
The degree characteristics advice not to go more deeply into the most technical aspects of economic theory and auxiliary disciplines as mathematics, trying to have a more interdisciplinary training orientated to make easy for students.a comprehension of the economic reality which predictably will be developed professionally in the future.
The teaching methodology will include:
-Expositive teaching, where it will be presented by teacher the knowledge that students should acquire, and
-Interactive teaching, where it will be tried that students connect the basic concepts previously explained at class with the economic and social reality, to achieve this they will use the news which appear in the different means of communication, they will work at the I.T. classes with the main basis of economic data, and they will do expositions about topics related to the contents of the subject.
The evaluation of the subject will consider all the activities to be performed along the course, considering different aspects of the acquisition of skills that contributes to this area and other aspects such as clarity and exhibition capacity, the domain of the terminology of the subject or active participation.
To pass the course, students must achieve a minimum of 5 points, according to the following scheme:
-REVIEW: 7 points
The review is structured as follows:
- Multiple choice questions
- Questions about the contents of the subject
Students can choose from a final exam or the performing of a midterm exam on the subject given in the first semester (the date hereof will be announced by the teacher in the first days of class). In this case they need to reach 3.5 points in order to perform the second partial exam (can be maintained, if necessary, for the second time in July), the final score being the average of the two tests. Failure to reach 3.5 points in the partial examination shall be a final review of all matter.
Will take place in interactive classes through exercises, questions and proposed work by teachers, valuing especially the active participation of students. The score achieved in this section will continue, if necessary, for the second chance to pass the subject in July.
In case they obtain dispensation of assistance to class they will be evaluated exclusively across the corresponding examinations.
For the assumptions of fraudulent conduct of the exercises or tests, what is set out in the Regulations for assessing the academic performance of students and reviewing the qualifications
Provided that it is a subject of 9 credits, the students’ effort to pass successfully the subject . should reach 225 working hours, from which 45 would correspond to the classes of expositive teaching and 27 to the classes of interactive teaching, distributing students 153 remaining hours among the attendance to tutorials, accomplishment of the works and exercises, preparation of the examinations and accomplishment of these.
This is an introductory subject which puts students in contact with a big number of basic concepts of economy and where it is provided the basic tools for economic analysis. In order to advance properly in the learning of the subject it is essential that students acquire a rhythm of constant work and they should combine the study of theory with the solution of practical exercises.
The level of mathematics formalization of the course is minimal so as students can concentrate on the comprehension of concepts which must also be practiced in the practice of economic analysis through the using of easy models.
In spite of the simplicity of the techniques, the subject can suppose for some students a level of difficulty bigger than the expected. Due to this, it is very important that students practice the handling of concepts and model through practical exercises. Moreover, it will be of a great usefulness for students that are sure that they acquire enough knowledge of basic mathematics and the techniques of graphic analysis that is used during the course.
Among the contents of this subject is the beginning of the labour market study that will be developed more extensively in the 4th year of the same degree.
The subject will have a Virtual Classroom where the necessary materials for the development of interactive classes will be made available to students
For cases of fraudulent performance of the exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations on the assessment of students' academic performance and on the review of qualifications shall apply
Maria Gomez Barreiro
Coordinador/a- Department
- Campus Lugo
- Area
- Labour Relations School
- maria.gomez [at]
- Category
- Not Applicable
Wednesday | |||
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 3 |
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 3 |
05.30.2025 11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
06.27.2025 11:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |