ECTS credits ECTS credits: 9
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 148.5 Hours of tutorials: 4.5 Expository Class: 36 Interactive Classroom: 36 Total: 225
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Campus Lugo
Areas: Labour Relations School
Center Labour Relations School
Call: Annual
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The general aims of this matter are that the student:
1. Understand and dominate the tools of the economic analysis that allow him to come closer the functioning of the labor market.
2. Be able to recognize the economic aspects of the labor relations and be able to analyze them from a perspective of economic theory.
3. Be able to integrate the results of the analysis and the recommendations of economic politics, being able to locate the effects that certain labor measures have or can have on the economy in his set and the own labor market.
1.1. The labor economy like discipline.
1.2. Economic perspective.
1.3. Panoramic vision.
1.4. The job market in the different schools of economic thought.
2.1. The demographic base.
2.2. The rates of activity.
2.3. Secular trend and cyclical variations of the rates of activity.
3.1. Concept.
3.2. The basic model of individual choice between work and leisure.
3.3. Aplication and extension of the model.
3.4. The curve of offer of individual work and of market. His elasticity.
4.1. Concept.
4.2. The model of the human capital.
4.3. Investment in human capital and the distribution of profits.
4.4. The formation in the work. His costs.
4.5. Critiques to the theories of the human capital.
5.1. Concept.
5.2. The work like derivative demand.
5.3. The demand of short-term work on competitive markets.
5.4. The demand of short-term work on markets of imperfect competition.
5.5. The demand of work of the market.
5.6. The demand of long-term work.
5.7. The elasticity and the demand of work.
5.8. The interdependence of the wages and the productivity.
5.9. The work like an almost fixed factor.
6.1. The theory of a perfectly competitive labor market.
6.2. The monopsony. The bilateral monopoly.
6.3. The delay in the supply response. The model of the web.
7.1. The external search of employment.
7.2. The internal markets of work, dual and segmented.
8.1. The unions. Facts and figures.
8.2. What do they maximize the unions?
8.3. The monopolistic union.
8.4. Agreements efficient models.
8.5. Models of negotiation.
8.6. The strikes and the process of negotiation.
8.7. The economic effects of the unions.
8.8. The union activity and the economic cycle.
8.9. The unions and the structure of the market of products.
8.10. The unions and the assignment of the resources.
9.1. The discrimination and his dimensions.
9.2. The model of the taste for the discrimination.
9.3. Discriminating monopsony.
9.4. Theory of the statistical discrimination.
9.5. The model of the concentration: the occupational segregation.
9.6. Measures to fight against the discrimination.
10.1. Economic analysis of the compensations extrasalariales.
10.2. Theory of the compensations extrasalarialess ideal.
10.3. The problem of the principal one and the agent.
10.4. The remuneration according to performance.
10.5. The wages of efficiency.
10.6. Reconsideration on the efficiency on the labor market.
11.1. The perfect competition: workers and homogeneous working places.
11.2. Wage differences due to the heterogeneity of jobs.
11.3. Wage differences due to the heterogeneity of workers.
11.4. The hedonistic theory of the wages.
11.5. Wage differences as a result of market imperfections.
12.1. Macroeconomic determination of employment and unemployment.
12.2. The frictional unemploymentl.
12.3. The structural unemployment.
12.4. The unemployment caused by an insufficient level of the demand.
12.5. The relation unemployment - vacancy.
Practical theme
Statistical basic sources on the labor market in Spain and Galicia.
Basic features of the labor market in Spain.
Basic features of the labor market in Galicia.
Basic recommended bibliography:
- C. R. McConnell C., S. L. Brue. and D.A. Macpherson, Economía laboral, McGraw-Hill, 7ª Ed. 2007.
Complementary bibliography
• Becker, G. El capital humano, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1983.
• Bentolila, S. (2001): “Las migraciones interiores en España”, in J.A. Herce y J.F. Jimeno (coord.), Mercado de trabajo, inmigración y estado del bienestar: aspectos económicos y debate político, Fedea y CEA.
• Boyer et. al. La flexibilidad del trabajo en Europa, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1986
• Cantó, O. (1997), “Desempleo y pobreza en la España de los 90”, Papeles de Economía Española, 72, 88-105.
• De la Rica and Ugidos. “¿Son las diferencias en capital humano determinantes de las diferencias salariales observadas entre hombres y mujeres?”. Investigaciones Económicas. 1995
• Dobb, M. Salarios, F.C.E.
• Estudios de Economía del Trabajo en España, Vols. I, II, III. Ministerio de Trabajo y Seg. Social.
• Garcia, G. (1999): “Mercado de trabajo: el problema del paro”, en J.L. García Delgado (dir.), España, Economía: Ante el Siglo XXI, Editorial Espasa Calpe, Madrid.
• Garcia, G. and E. Sanromà (2001): “Mercado de trabajo”, en J.L. García Delgado (dir.), Lecciones de Economía Española, 5ª ed. , Editorial Civitas, Madrid.:
• García-Serrano, C. and Malo, M.A. (2001): “Mercado de trabajo, pobreza y exclusión”, chapter of G. Rodríguez Cabrero y D. Sotelsek (eds.), Apuntes de Bienestar Social, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, pages 317-344.
• García Mainar, I. and Toharia, L. (1998), “Paro, pobreza y desigualdad en España: análisis transversal y longitudinal”, Ekonomiaz, 40 (1), 135-165.
• Hicks, J.R. (1976) Teoría de los salarios, Editorial Labor, Madrid, 2a ed.
• Layard, R., S. Nickell and R. Jackman (1991), Unemployment. Macroeconomic performance and the labour market, Oxford University Press.
• Martín Rodríguez, M. (1999): “Disparidades regionales: perspectiva histórica y europea” in García Delgado, J.L. (dir.) España, Economía: Ante el Siglo XXI, Editorial Espasa Calpe, Madrid.
• McCormick,J. Los salarios, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1984
• Palacio, J.I. and Álvarez, C. (2004) El mercado de trabajo: Análisis y Políticas, Akal.
• Pérez and Vega (2000). “Los salarios en España”. Colección economía española. Edited for Fundación Argentaria.
• Sánchez, M. (1993): “La segregación de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo español: evidencia para el período 1964-1988”, Hacienda Pública Española, 124(1), pages 123-131.
• Segura, J. (2001): “La Reforma del Mercado de Trabajo español: un panorama”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, num. 25, pags. 157 a 190.
• Solow, R. (1990) The labour market as a social institution, Easil Blackwell.
Personal details:
- To learn autonomous.
- To locate, to analyze, to synthesize and to manage different types and sources of information.
- To apply the critical reasoning in the study and analysis of a certain matter or topic.
- To exhibit adequately, of oral and / or written form a matter or topic of character general or related to his speciality.
- To work individually or in equipment.
- To recognize and to relate the processes of social change, from a historical, economic and sociological perspective, to the innovations as for organization of the work and the evolution of the systems of labor relations.
- To understand, to relate and to work with necessary information and diverse regulation to rest, to advise and to realize the follow-up of the relay in practice of territorial strategies of socioeconomic promotion and labor insertion
- To locate, to interpret, to synthesize and to represent information and labor and socioeconomic indicators.
Specific competitions of the matter:
- To identify the specific features of the labor market
- To understand the variations of the offer and the demand of work
- To make clear the wage differences in the company
- To understand the paper of the unions in the process of collective bargaining
- Aptitude to value the influence of the decisions of the State, particularly across the taxes
- To identify the existence of some type of discrimination (for sex, age ...)
- Capacidade to explain to evolution you give taxas of unemployment.
The educational methodology will include:
- Explanatory teaching, where they will appear the teacher puts the knowledge that the pupils must acquire.
- Interactive teaching, where there will be tried that the pupils connect the basic concepts before explained in the classes with the reality of the labor market, for which the appeared news will use us different mass media, they will be employed with the databases, and, at his case, will do exhibitions on topics related to the contents of the matter and will realize exercises or comments of text related to the same one.
Regarding tutorials, students can permanently contact the teacher via email and, by appointment, arrange a meeting (preferably individual) in the teacher's office or in Teams.
The evaluation of the subject will take into account all the activities that owe realize along the course, considering distinct aspects of the acquisition of the competitions to the that contributes this subject as well as other aspects such as the clarity and capacity expositiva, the dominance of the own terminology of the subject or the active participation.
It structures of the following form:
- 1º : EXAMINATION (7 points)
At the end of the 1º semester will realize a partial examination envelope to subject imparted in this period. Once finalized the second period lectivo, in the official dates of examination:
- The students that approved the partial examination (3,5 points) will owe to examined of the subject imparted in the 2º semester. The note of this apartado will be the average aritmética of the obtained in the two examinations realized. Of not surpassing the subject in this 1ª opportunity will repeat the same process in the 2ª opportunity.
- The students that did not approve the partial examination will owe to examined of all the subject. The note of this apartado will be it of the last examination.
The qualification up to 2 points will correspond to the exercices proposed by the teacher in the Virtual Classroom for the realization in the interactive classes. The exercices will have to be carried out in a compulsory way in the class so that they score.
The qualification up to 1 point will correspond to the evaluation of a work, presented at the end of the course in which certain indicators will be developed, discussed and worked on the interactive classes throughout the teaching period.
The punctuation obtained in this apartado will keep, of not to surpass the subject in the 1ª opportunity, for it 2ª opportunity.
To approve the course the students will owe to achieve, so much in the first how in the second opportunity, a minimum of 5 points in the sum of the qualifications of the two items previous and a minimum note in the EXAMINATION of 2,5 points on 7.
The qualification of an announcement in that the student no presents or does not surpass the objectives established will be of suspenso, save that the student do not realize any academic activity avaliable consistent to the established in the programming or teaching guide, case in that will feature how not presented.
In all scenarios, in the case of exemption from class attendance, students will be evaluated exclusively through the corresponding exams.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply.
Provided that the effort of the student treats itself about a matter of 9 credits to overcome successfully the matter it should reach 225 working hours, of which 45 would correspond to the classes of explanatory teaching and 27 to the classes of interactive teaching, distributing 153 remaining hours between the assistance to titorías, accomplishment of the works and exercises, preparation of the examinations and accomplishment of the same ones.
It is important that the student has the matter overcome Economy of the second course of this Degree, since in the theoretical - practical development of the program of Labor Economy there is presupposed that the pupil knows the basic notions of economy. To advance adequately in the learning of the matter is essential that the students acquire a pace of constant work and that they combine the study of the theory with the solution of practical exercises.
Since this matter tries to study of detailed form the labor market from an economic point of view, this discipline precise to have acquired the competitions that are provided in the second course of the Degree in the subject of Economy. The knowledge of the labor market from this perspective complements and completes that acquire the students from other scientific areas, especially from the legal one.
Maria Gomez Barreiro
- Department
- Campus Lugo
- Area
- Labour Relations School
- maria.gomez [at]
- Category
- Not Applicable
Jackiline Brígida Salazar Torres
Coordinador/a- Department
- Campus Lugo
- Area
- Labour Relations School
- jackiline.salazar [at]
- Category
- Not Applicable
Thursday | |||
16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 7 |
05.21.2025 11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |
06.26.2025 11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |