ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 40.5 Hours of tutorials: 1.5 Expository Class: 21 Interactive Classroom: 6 EEES Clinics: 6 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
Areas: Paediatrics
Center Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Know the growth, maturation, development and normal function of the different devices, organs and systems from the neonatal period to the end of adolescence.
Know and acquire the corresponding skills and attitudes for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the main pathological situations with a comprehensive biopsychosocial vision throughout the pediatric age.
- Explain the characteristics that define the healthy newborn, the premature newborn, and with intrauterine growth retardation
- Explain the initial care of the healthy newborn and the strategies necessary to prevent the problems of birth adaptation.
- Show resuscitation at birth, the consequences of anoxic damage in the perinatal stage and its clinical implication.
- Explain the most prevalent pathology in the neonatal period
- Describe the practices of auditory and endocrine-metabolic neonatal screening.
- Define healthy eating at different stages of the child's life and during pregnancy and with practical recommendations
-Define disorders derived from eating behavior and alterations in nutritional status, both malnutrition due to excess and defect linked to disease
- Define the most common bacterial and viral infectious pathologies in childhood, their presentation, their symptomatology, etiology and characteristics according to age.
- Show the most prevalent congenital immunodeficiencies and their usual clinical forms of presentation
Theoretical program (27 topics-29 hours)
1. Concept of Pediatrics. Content and its limits
2. Characteristics and care of the newborn: immediate assistance in the delivery and subsequent; physical and neurological examination; general care
3. The premature newborn: care and characteristics of the premature newborn; feeding; more specific pathology of the premature newborn (enterocolitis, persistent ductus arteriosus, apneas, retinopathy); monitoring and evolution
4. The newborn with intrauterine growth retardation. Characteristics, evolution.
5. Neonatal hypoglycemia: definition, etiology, symptomatology, treatment. The son of a diabetic mother: characteristics, risks, management. Neonatal hypocalcemia: Definition, classification, etiology, symptomatology, treatment. Hypomagnesemia
6. Neonatal jaundice. Indirect hyperbilirubinemia jaundice: bilirubin metabolism, causes, evaluation, differential diagnosis, treatment. Neonatal cholestasis: differential diagnosis, evaluation, treatment.
7. Respiratory distress: Hyaline membrane. Transient tachypnea Meconial Aspiration Pulmonary hypertension. Other causes of respiratory distress
8. Initial neonatal resuscitation and in special situations. Perinatal asphyxia. Brain protection strategies.
9. Neonatal Screening. Congenital Errors of Metabolism.
10. Initial neonatal resuscitation and in special situations. Perinatal asphyxia. Brain protection strategies. Seemingly lethal episodes. Sudden death of the infant.
11. Bacterial neonatal infections
12. Antennatal and perinatal infections: Cytomegalovirus; Toxoplasma; Lues; Herpes; Rubella; HIV; Chlamydia Trachomatis.
13. Healthy eating from pregnancy and child and adolescent health. Assessment of nutritional status. Calculation of a diet.
14. Feeding in the first year of life: exclusive breastfeeding; supplementary feeding; modified adult. Breastfeeding.
15. 2nd year and preschool meals.
16. School and adolescent feeding: collective feeding; Alterations in eating behavior.
17. Child-youth obesity and comorbidities
18. Nutritional deficiencies. Hypovitaminosis D.
19. Alterations of lipid metabolism.
20. Infections of the Bordetella Group. Whooping cough.
21. Staphylococcal infections and toxic shock
22. Streptococcal infections: streptococities in general; scarlet fever; rheumatic fever.
23. Infectious Pathology of the Central Nervous System: Meningitis, Encephalitis and Brain Abscess. Meningococcal sepsis.
24. Tuberculous infection in children and adolescents: more important pulmonary and extrapulmonary clinical forms; diagnosis; prevention and treatment
25. Rash disease and its differential diagnosis: Measles, Chickenpox, Sudden Rash, Infectious Erythema, Infectious Mononucleosis, Enterovirus and Kawasaki Disease.
26. Child HIV.
27. Immunodeficiencies in children and adolescents
Recommended textbooks
* CRUZ (Manual of Pediatrics, 4rd edition 2020)
* CRUZ (Treaty of Pediatrics, 11th edition 2014).
* NELSON (Treaty of Pediatrics, 21th edition 2020).
* Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 5 Ed. Lissauer T, Will Carroll W (eds). Elsevier 2017
In addition, teachers will provide sufficient complementary bibliographic material in advance depending on the topics taught.
The student must know that the child is a human being in growth, maturation and development with special physiological, pathological and semiological components.
Learning outcomes
Acquisition of specific skills both in the history, as for the assessment of normal and pathological growth and development, as well as for the diagnosis and treatment in the pediatric age of the different pathologies.
• Contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the health of the child population.
• Know the principles and foundations of child growth and development as well as nutrition in different pediatric ages.
• Train the student for the correct preparation of the clinical history, with special emphasis on the particular aspects of the pediatric history.
• Know the characteristics of the various diseases in the pediatric age.
• Provide the student with the ability to recognize frequent situations of pediatric emergency and immediate actions to be taken.
Expository classes, seminars and clinical practice, with the use of simulation.
Teaching can be face-to-face or non-face-to-face according to the scenarios contemplated in the “Guidelines for or development of safe face-to-face teaching. Course 2020-2021 ”and the“ Bases for the development of a safe face-to-face teaching shower. Course 2020-2021 "
The formative activities of exposition of knowledge and procedures and of individual study of the student will be evaluated by means of a written test, that will suppose 90% of the final mark. It will be carried out using an objective multiple-choice test of four options with a single true answer. Each correct answer adds 1 point and is penalized by subtracting 0.33 points for each incorrect answer. The estimated time to complete the exercise is one minute per question.
10% of the final mark will be obtained from the training activities in which students carry out some type of work or group or individual activity, which will be evaluated based on the documentation provided by the student (reports) and the activity carried out in the clinical practice, which will be evaluated based on the work done by the student, as well as the skills and attitudes shown during their performance.
The student must work his time of personal work in individual study, search of materials,
elaboration of works and exhibition of materials, solution of problems and revision of the support material.
It is recommended to be able to read texts in English, as well as to have basic knowledge of working with a PC.
Contingency Plan
In the Teaching Methodology and in the Learning Assessment System, both synchronous and asynchronous telematic means will be used in order to contemplate the possibility of implementing the three possible scenarios:
normality, scenario 2 and scenario 3
María Rosaura Leis Trabazo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Paediatrics
- mariarosaura.leis [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Maria De La Luz Couce Pico
- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Paediatrics
- mariluz.couce [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Federico Martinon Torres
- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Paediatrics
- federico.martinon.torres [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Ana Concheiro Guisán
- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Paediatrics
- ana.concheiro [at]
- Category
Monday | |||
10:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLE_03 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 2 |
Tuesday | |||
10:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLE_03 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 2 |
Wednesday | |||
10:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_03 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 2 |
11:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 1 |
Thursday | |||
10:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 1 |
Friday | |||
10:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Aulario-Classroom 1 |
12.19.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 1 |
12.19.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 2 |
12.19.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 3 |
12.19.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 4 |
12.19.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Main Hall |
06.13.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 1 |
06.13.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 2 |
06.13.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 3 |
06.13.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Classroom 4 |
06.13.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Aulario-Main Hall |