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Doctoral Programme in Education

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
pd.educacion [at]

Doctoral studies in Education are aimed at training researchers, with high emphasis on quantitative and qualitative methodology and research techniques.

Duration: 3 academic years
RUCT code: 5600488
Seats number: 20

Title coordinator:
Ana Maria Porto Castro

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:

Last accreditation date:

ISCED codes:
(142) Ciencias de la educación
(141) Formación de docentes (=143+144+145+146)
(0111) Ciencias de la educación

Los estudios de doctorado en Educación están dirigidos a la formación de investigadores, con un fuerte énfasis en la metodología y las técnicas de investigación tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa. Este programa permitirá seguir avanzando en la investigación en el amplio campo de conocimiento de los estudios en educación, formando a nuevos investigadores e investigadoras, fortaleciendo las líneas de estudio, abriendo nuevas líneas de indagación, introduciendo y consolidando la complementariedad de enfoques de investigación cualitativos y cuantitativos, especializando a nuestro alumnado en nuevas metodologías y favoreciendo la transferencia de conocimiento. Todo ello contribuirá notablemente a fortalecer la formación metodológica, teórica y técnica en investigación en Educación y, en consecuencia, realizar una investigación de calidad.

This programme enables students to further their research in the wide field of education studies by strengthening lines of study, opening new lines of enquiry, introducing and consolidating related qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The aim of all this is to specialize our students in new methodologies and foster methodological, theoretical and technical training in Educational research with the ultimate goal of carrying out high quality research.

Without supplementary training:

Students who have taken any of the following USC Master's courses:

  • University Master's Degree in Education, Cultural Diversity and Community Development
  • University Master’s Degree in Training Processes
  • University Master's Degree in Education, Gender and Equality
  • University Master's Degree in Didactics of Experimental Science and of Mathematics.

Other profiles: in the case of candidate profiles different to the above, the Academic Committee evaluates each case individually and could demand supplementary training (up to a maximum of 15 ECTS).

International Students:

Students with an unaccredited foreign degree can apply for admission to doctoral studies provided they can certify a level of studies equal to the Spanish official University Master's Degree and authorises the holder to access Doctoral level studies in the issuing country. This admission will under no circumstances entail the accreditation of the previous degree nor its recognition for purposes other than to access these courses.

Points for each merit are evaluated by the committee in the following way:

  1. Academic transcript: 50%
  2. Knowledge of languages: (English, French, German). Candidates must provide proof: (First Certificate, etc.): 10%
  3. Professional experience (candidates must provide documentary proof: certificate of employment history, copy of contracts, etc.): 15%
  4. Research experience (candidates must provide documentary proof: publication of articles, monographs, participation in research groups, etc.): 20%
  5. Other merits: 5%
    • Participation in mobility programmes
    • Optionally, interview with the DPAC.

No training complements:

- Students who have completed the following USC master’s degrees:

• Master's Degree in Research in Education, Cultural Diversity and Community Development.
• Master's Degree in Training Processes.
• Master's Degree in Equality, Gender and Education.
• Master's Degree in Research in Didactics of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics.
• Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education.

- Students who have completed master's degrees from other universities as long as they prove that they have taken educational research credits. Likewise, students with the DEA degree obtained through the corresponding programmes at USC or other universities.

Other profiles:

- In the case of other profiles of students who have not completed a master’s degree, a training equivalence in research credits will be required, equal at least, to the credits of the master’s enabling direct access.

- For any other profile, the CAPD will study the cases individually, and may or may not admit the students and establish training complements if necessary. These complements may not exceed 15 ECTS.

Foreign Students:

- Students with a foreign degree that has not been approved may apply for admission to doctoral studies as long as a level of training equivalent to the Spanish university master's degree is accredited and entitles the country issuing the degree to access doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree or recognition for purposes other than those of access to these teachings.



1) In general, to access a doctoral programme it will be necessary to be in possession of the Spanish bachelor's degrees, or equivalent, and a university master's degree.

2) Likewise, anyone who is in any of the following cases may access:

a) Be in possession of a Spanish university degree or from another country that is a member of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies for access to the master's degree in accordance with that established in article art.18 of the R.D. 822/2021, and pass a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level.

b) Be in possession of a Spanish graduate degree, the duration of which, in accordance with community law standards, is at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must take the complementary training required by the programme on a compulsory basis, except that the study plan of the corresponding bachelor's degree includes research training credits equivalent in training value to the research credits from master's studies.

c) University graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding test for access to specialised health training places, pass with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme to obtain the title of one of the specialties in health sciences.

d) Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the Spanish university master's degree and that it authorizes in the country issuer of the degree for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree of which the interested party is in possession or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral education.
e) Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

f) Be in possession of a university degree that had obtained correspondence to level 3 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education, in accordance with the procedure established in Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21, for which establish the requirements and procedure for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to a degree and to an official university academic level and for the validation of foreign Higher Education studies, and the procedure to determine correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education of the titles of Architect, Engineer, Graduate, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and Diploma.

3) Doctoral students who will begin their doctoral programme in accordance with previous university regulations will be able to access doctoral education, after their admission in accordance with that established in the USC Doctoral Studies Regulations. In any case, they must meet the requirements generally established in the aforementioned Regulations to access doctoral studies.

4) Graduates, architects or engineers who have a diploma of advanced studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or who achieve research proficiency regulated in the Royal Decree may access doctoral studies: decree 185/1985, of January 23.

5) Graduates, architects, or engineers who hold a master's degree in accordance with Royal Decree 56/2005 or Royal Decree 822/2021, or have completed 60 ECTS of master's studies, may access doctoral studies.

6) Graduates, technical engineers or technical architects who can prove they have completed 300 ECTS credits in all university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level, may also enter.

1) Feasibility report issued by a professor within the framework of the line of research to which it is linked.
2) In addition, the student must have accredited a minimum level of knowledge of Spanish/Galician equivalent to level B1. This level is accredited with the corresponding official certification included in the list of accreditations recognised by the Centre for Modern Languages (CLM) of the USC for the different levels of the Common European Framework.:

1. Academic Record: 50%

2. Languages Knowledge (Englis, French, German) Supporting documentation must be submitted (p.e. First Certificate, etc.): 10%

3. Professional experience: Supporting documentation must be submitted (insurance history, copy of contracts, etc.): 15%

4. Research experience: Supporting documentation must be submitted (articles publication, manuals, participation in research groups, etc.): 20%

5. Other merits: 5%

• Participation in mobility programmes
• Optionally, interview with the CAPD n which communicative skills (argumentative and analytical) will be valued, motivation and researcher attitude.
• Other relevant merits taken into consideration by the CAPD

El programa de doctorado podrá extinguirse por alguna de las siguientes causas:

Que no supere el proceso de renovación de la acreditación establecido en el artículo 10 del RD 99/2011.

• Que no acredite el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos por la normativa estatal o autonómica vigente.

• Que se formule una propuesta de extinción del programa al amparo de los procesos de revisión y mejora del título de acuerdo con el procedimiento aprobado por la universidad.

• Que concurra cualquier situación excepcional que impida el correcto desarrollo del programa de doctorado.

La extinción producirá los siguientes efectos:

• Comportará la pérdida de su carácter oficial y la baja en el RUCT.

• No se podrá matricular nuevo alumnado en el programa de doctorado.

• En cualquier caso todo el alumnado afectado deberá ser informado de la extinción y de las consecuencias en lo relativo al desarrollo de sus estudios.

La Universidad adoptará las medidas necesarias para garantizar los derechos académicos del estudiantado que esté cursando dichos estudios en los términos establecidos en la resolución de extinción del plan de estudio, y aprobará el procedimiento de extinción de los programas de doctorado en el seno de la universidad.

Collaborative seminars

  • E3061A01

Research seminars

  • E3061A02

Stays in other institutions and research organisations

  • E3061A04

Training course in information skills.

  • E3061A06

Congresses and scientific workshops

  • E3061A07

Initiation in the analysis of quantitative data with the IBM SPSS Statistic programme.

  • E3061A08

Research in education.

  • E3061A09

Introduction to the creation of scientific articles in the education field: key aspects.

  • E3061A10
Teachers Area
Beatriz Cebreiro Lopez
Didactics and School Organisation
Pablo Angel Meira Cartea
Theory and History of Education.
Maria Del Mar Lorenzo Moledo
Theory and History of Education.
Elena Fernandez Rey
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Isabel Garcia-Rodeja Gayoso
Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Jose Antonio Caride Gomez
Theory and History of Education.
Miguel Angel Santos Rego
Theory and History of Education.
Maria Belen Caballo Villar
Theory and History of Education.
Antonio Rodriguez Martinez
Theory and History of Education.
Alejandro Sotelino Losada
Theory and History of Education.
Rita Gradaille Pernas
Theory and History of Education.
Diana Priegue Caamaño
Theory and History of Education.
Monserrat Pena Presas
Didactics of Language and Literature
Julia Maria Crespo Comesaña
Didactics and School Organisation
German Vargas Callejas
Theory and History of Education.
Maria Carmen Santos Gonzalez
Didactics and School Organisation
Teachers Area
Elena Fernandez Rey
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Maria Esther Martinez Piñeiro
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Ana Maria Porto Castro
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Maria Del Carmen Fernandez Morante
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Josefa Mosteiro Garcia
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Maria Del Mar Sanjuan Roca
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Cristina Ceinos Sanz
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Ruben Navarro Paton
Didactics of Body Expression
Joaquín Lago Ballesteros
Didactics of Body Expression
Iris Estevez Blanco
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Carmen Santos Gonzalez
Didactics and School Organisation
Teachers Area
Beatriz Cebreiro Lopez
Didactics and School Organisation
Eduardo Jose Fuentes Abeledo
Didactics and School Organisation
Adriana Gewerc Barujel
Didactics and School Organisation
Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Esther Martinez Piñeiro
Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
Jose Felipe Trillo Alonso
Didactics and School Organisation
Carol Jean Gillanders
Didactics of Musical Expression
Maria Del Carmen Fernandez Morante
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Dolores Fernandez Tilve
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Del Mar Sanjuan Roca
Didactics and School Organisation
Josefa Del Carmen Fernandez De La Iglesia
Didactics and School Organisation
Noelia Estevez Rionegro
Didactics of Language and Literature
Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Isabel Dans Alvarez De Sotomayor
Didactics and School Organisation
Joaquín Lago Ballesteros
Didactics of Body Expression
Iris Estevez Blanco
Didactics and School Organisation
Teachers Area
Eduardo Jose Fuentes Abeledo
Didactics and School Organisation
Maria Del Carmen Franco Vazquez
Didactics of Plastic Expression
Maria Teresa Fernandez Blanco
Didactics of Mathematics
Isabel Garcia-Rodeja Gayoso
Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Carol Jean Gillanders
Didactics of Musical Expression
Jose Angel Armas Castro
Didactics of Social Sciences
Andres Dominguez Almansa
Didactics of Social Sciences
Blanca Puig Mauriz
Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Noelia Estevez Rionegro
Didactics of Language and Literature
Monserrat Pena Presas
Didactics of Language and Literature
Fatima Maria Faya Cerqueiro
Didactics of Language and Literature
Pablo Gonzalez Sequeiros
Didactics of Mathematics
Paula Rodriguez Abruñeiras
Didactics of Language and Literature
Maria Jose Caamaño Rojo
Didactics of Language and Literature
Maria Isabel Dans Alvarez De Sotomayor
Didactics and School Organisation
Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez
Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Paloma Blanco Anaya
Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Cristian Abelairas Gómez
Didactics of Body Expression

Los estudios de doctorado en Educación están dirigidos a la formación de investigadores, con un fuerte énfasis en la metodología y las técnicas de investigación tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa. Este programa permitirá seguir avanzando en la investigación en el amplio campo de conocimiento de los estudios en educación, formando a nuevos investigadores e investigadoras, fortaleciendo las líneas de estudio, abriendo nuevas líneas de indagación, introduciendo y consolidando la complementariedad de enfoques de investigación cualitativos y cuantitativos, especializando a nuestro alumnado en nuevas metodologías y favoreciendo la transferencia de conocimiento. Todo ello contribuirá notablemente a fortalecer la formación metodológica, teórica y técnica en investigación en Educación y, en consecuencia, realizar una investigación de calidad.

- Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and research methods related to said field.
- Ability to conceive, design or create, put into practise, and adopt a research or creation process.
- Ability to contribute to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
- Ability to carry out critical analysis and assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
- Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their areas of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
- Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic, or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.

- Ability to identify relevant dimensions of learning, teaching or skill development, to formulate research objectives that contribute to expanding knowledge and to design, conduct and communicate research on these issues in one or more of these fields: Experimental Sciences, Social. Sciences, Mathematics, or literary, linguistic, or artistic languages.

- Ability to design a research project to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation of complex and imprecise situations, using the relevant knowledge and work methodology to produce a more in-depth knowledge of the diversity of processes, contexts and conditions of training and enable its transfer to different work and institutional settings.

- Ability to develop their research activity with social responsibility and scientific integrity, demonstrating mastery of quantitative and qualitative research skills and methods that make it possible to analyse the educational processes of individual development in multicultural societies.

The Doctorate in Education Programme offers training to doctoral students that enables them to work in the field of scientific research in education.

The graduate of the Doctorate Programme in Education will be a researcher with the skills to lead high-level research groups, to design and carry out research and innovation capable of generating new knowledge and solving practical problems in the field of education.

The doctors of the Doctorate in Education Programme work in public and private institutions/research centres, in universities and educational centres of other public levels and also in private educational centres and institutions.

The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

No data available for the selected academic year.

Ana Maria Porto Castro

Paloma Blanco Anaya

Maria Belen Caballo Villar
Carol Jean Gillanders
Eugenio Manuel Otero Urtaza
Maria Teresa Fernandez Blanco
Maria Del Carmen Franco Vazquez
Maria Josefa Mosteiro Garcia
Julia Maria Crespo Comesaña
Josefa Del Carmen Fernandez De La Iglesia
Pablo Cesar Muñoz Carril
Diana Priegue Caamaño

The contents of this page were updated on 07.31.2024.