This interuniversity master's, provides advanced training aimed at qualifying students for teaching and research in Contemporary History, conveying theoretical, methodological, heuristic and thematic pluralism of historiography and carrying out a discussion exercise on the construction of the discipline.
Master in Contemporary History
1 academic year
RUCT code: 4311727
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 21
Dean or center director:
Title coordinator:
Luisa Maria Muñoz Abeledo
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Valencia
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Complutense University of Madrid
University of Cantabria
University of Valencia
University of País Vasco
University of Zaragoza
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Autonomous University of Madrid
International University Menéndez Pelayo
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
13/2007 do 1 de de febreiro (DOG 08/02/2007)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
With extensive participation of different universities, this master’s aims to provide advanced training in contemporary history with a teaching and research orientation, making it a real highly qualified “school of historians”. The master’s must transmit to students the theoretical, methodological, heuristic and thematic pluralism of historiography, carrying out ongoing reflection on the construction of this discipline.
It is an interuniversity master’s with the universities of Cantabria, Barcelona Autonomous, Madrid Autonomous, Madrid Complutense, International Menéndez Pelayo, Basque County Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Valencia and Zaragoza.
1 academic year
RUCT code: 4311727
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 21
Dean or center director:
Title coordinator:
Luisa Maria Muñoz Abeledo
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Valencia
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Complutense University of Madrid
University of Cantabria
University of Valencia
University of País Vasco
University of Zaragoza
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Autonomous University of Madrid
International University Menéndez Pelayo
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
13/2007 do 1 de de febreiro (DOG 08/02/2007)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
With extensive participation of different universities, this master’s aims to provide advanced training in contemporary history with a teaching and research orientation, making it a real highly qualified “school of historians”. The master’s must transmit to students the theoretical, methodological, heuristic and thematic pluralism of historiography, carrying out ongoing reflection on the construction of this discipline.
It is an interuniversity master’s with the universities of Cantabria, Barcelona Autonomous, Madrid Autonomous, Madrid Complutense, International Menéndez Pelayo, Basque County Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Valencia and Zaragoza.
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 10
Optativos 30
Trabajo Fin de Máster 20
Total 60
Non se contemplan
Research Lines: Great Masters and New Values
- P5012101
- Compulsory Credits
- 10 Credits
Conferences Cycle
- P5012103
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Networked Laearning
- P5012104
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Spanish Constitutionalism: Citizens and Parliamentarianism
- P5012201
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Transitions: a Comparative Analysis
- P5012202
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
State and Nation
- P5012203
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Church and State in Spain
- P5012205
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Church in Contemporary Spain
- P5012206
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Society and Policy during Franco´s Regime
- P5012207
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Transitions to Democracy in the 20th Century
- P5012208
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spanish Liberalism and Contemporary State
- P5012209
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Consolidation Strategies of Franco´s Regime
- P5012210
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Conflict and Violence in Latin America
- P5012211
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mass Media: Sources and Documents
- P5012212
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
To be able, to know and to wish: Selection of Political Elites in Contemporary Spain
- P5012213
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Constitución, parlamentarismo y partidos políticos en la España contemporánea
- P5012302
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Poder y territorio en la España contemporánea
- P5012303
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Politics and power elites in contemporary Spain
- P5012304
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Autoritarismo y democracia
- P5012305
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Relaciones de poder y políticas económicas en el mundo contemporáneo
- P5012306
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Marxism and Nation
- P5012214
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures, Nationalism and Popular Classes
- P5012215
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nation and Liberalism in Spain and Europe
- P5012216
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
From a Republic to other: Catalonia and Spain 1873-1939
- P5012217
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nations and Nationalism in the 20th Century
- P5012218
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Basque Nationalism in Comparative Perspective
- P5012219
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nationalisms and Identity in Contemporary Spain
- P5012220
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Liberalism, Democracy and State-Nation in the 19th Century: Political Cultures and Collective Identities
- P5012221
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Procesos de nacionalización y movimientos nacionalistas en la España contemporánea
- P5012307
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Franquismo, nación y nacionalismos
- P5012308
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Public Opinion and Mass Society
- P5012223
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political and Union Mobilization in Urban Societies
- P5012224
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Business Bourgeoisie in Spanish Port Cities
- P5012225
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Urban Society in the 19th Century
- P5012226
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Town History in Spain
- P5012227
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Behaviour in Rural Galician Society (1875-1923)
- P5012228
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Clientelism and Political Power in Rural Societies (19th -20th Centuries)
- P5012229
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Technological Innovation and Sustainability in the 20th Century Rural Europe
- P5012230
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Types of Conflicts and Rural Violence in Contemporary Europe
- P5012231
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Woman and Rural World: Work, Consumption and Sociability
- P5012232
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Agrarian Historiography in Contemporary Spain
- P5012233
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Forest, Hydraulic and Colonizing Policy in Contemporary Spain
- P5012234
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La opinión pública en la época contemporánea
- P5012309
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Movilización política y social en las sociedades urbanas
- P5012310
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La burguesía de los negocios en la España contemporánea
- P5012311
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La sociedad urbana, 1780-1930. Panorámica y fuentes
- P5012312
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Movimiento obrero en la España contemporánea
- P5012314
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political behaviour in Galician rural society
- P5012317
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Master Dissertation
- P5012102
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 20 Credits
Culture, Policy and Society in the Fascism
- P5012237
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Extreme Right in the 20th Century
- P5012238
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Extreme Right in the 20th Century
- P5012239
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Republican Cultures in Contemporary Spain
- P5012240
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Culture in the Liberalism Century
- P5012241
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Intellectuals and Political Life in Spain
- P5012242
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History of the Edition and Reading
- P5012243
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultural Policies
- P5012244
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Sociocultural History of the War in Europe, 20th Century
- P5012246
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures of the Left in the 20th Century Spain in European Perspective: Republicanism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism (I)
- P5012247
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures of the Left in the 20th Century Spain in European Perspective: Republicanism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism (II)
- P5012248
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mobilization Cultures in Latin America and the United States, 20th Century
- P5012249
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultural History
- P5012250
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Liberalism and Monarchy: Constitutional Political Culture Learning, 1780-1868
- P5012251
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures during the Franco Years. University, Intellectuals and Social Change
- P5012252
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Laicism and Anticlericalism in Contemporary Spain
- P5012253
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europe at War: 1914-1945
- P5012254
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Las culturas democráticas y republicanas en la España contemporánea
- P5012315
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Intelectuales, universidad y política en la Europa de entreguerras
- P5012316
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultura y vida cotidiana en el socialismo de estado
- P5012318
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Exiles and Cultural Transfers in the 20th Century: Exiles and Emigration
- P5012319
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Estudios culturales y teoría cultural
- P5012320
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Democratic political cultures in Spain
- P5012322
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Culturas políticas en EE UU
- P5012323
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Latin American culture and politics in contemporary times
- P5012324
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Basic Human Rights in the Present World
- P5012256
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Contemporary International System
- P5012257
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Eastern Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East in the 20th Century
- P5012259
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spain in the International Policy
- P5012260
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History and International Relations
- P5012261
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Cultural Dimension of the International Relations
- P5012262
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The European Public Space
- P5012263
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Military History and Geopolitics
- P5012264
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Foreing Policy of Spain in Franco Years and in the Transition
- P5012265
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spain and America in the 20th Century
- P5012266
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
American Independencies in the International Context
- P5012267
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Asia in the 20th Century
- P5012268
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Diplomacy, War and Peace during the 20th Century
- P5012269
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europe-America Migrations: Round Trip Processes (19th and 20th Centuries)
- P5012270
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Horror Times, Violence and War in Europe during the 20th Century
- P5012271
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
América Latina en el Sistema Internacional Contemporáneo
- P5012321
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
El próximo Oriente en el siglo XX (UAB)
- P5012325
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europa Oriental y Eurasia en el siglo XX
- P5012326
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Construyendo y deconstruyendo el sistema internacional en el mundo contemporáneo
- P5012327
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La construcción de Europa en el contexto internacional (UAM)
- P5012328
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Construcción europea y procesos de europeización (UCM)
- P5012329
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Globalización y relaciones internacionales (UCM)
- P5012330
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
España en la política internacional (1789-1914)
- P5012332
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Relations and Gender Identities in Contemporary Spain
- P5012235
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Theory and Social Change
- P5012272
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Growth and Development in Contemporary Age
- P5012277
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Gender Relations in Contemporary Societies
- P5012278
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Present History
- P5012279
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Image and Representation of the Present
- P5012280
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Work Cultures and Social Policy in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- P5012281
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Women History in Contemporary Spain
- P5012282
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Protest and Social Movements from 1968
- P5012283
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Social Movements and Life Conditions in Contemporary Spain
- P5012284
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Contribution of Gender to Social Comprehension
- P5012285
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History from Actors
- P5012286
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Historical Demography
- P5012287
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Evolution of Spanish Society during the 19th and 20th Centuries
- P5012288
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Change and its Social and Identity Repercussions
- P5012289
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Religion and Policy in Contemporary Societies
- P5012290
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Urban Development and Social Change
- P5012291
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mujer, universidad y mercado de trabajo
- P5012333
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Researches and Recent Historiographical Debates
- P5012292
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Other Looks: History and Historiographical Practice of Social Theory
- P5012293
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Present Perspectives of the Historiography
- P5012294
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Historiography and Society in Contemporary Spain
- P5012296
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures, Past Policies and Historiography: Spanish Nationalism History
- P5012297
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Biography and Autobiography in Contemporary Historiography
- P5012298
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History, Historiography and Memory: Spanish Civil War
- P5012299
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Origins and Evolution of the French Social Historiography
- P5012300
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Guerra y violencia política en la España del siglo XX: perspectivas historiográficas
- P5012334
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Perspectivas de la historia militar y bélica contemporánea
- P5012335
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Las otras miradas: historia y práctica historiográfica de la teoría social
- P5012336
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Dictaduras y memoria en el siglo XX
- P5012337
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Knowledge of the Past and its Uses
- P5012338
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Violencia, historical context and political memory
- P5012339
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Methodology and sources for research
- P5012340
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
This interuniversity master's, provides advanced training aimed at qualifying students for teaching and research in Contemporary History, conveying theoretical, methodological, heuristic and thematic pluralism of historiography and carrying out a discussion exercise on the construction of the discipline.
Se trata de un Máster especialmente indicado para estudiantes que posean el título de Licenciado/a o Graduado/a: en Historia, Filosofía y Letras (especialidad Historia), Geografía e Historia (especialidad Historia). No obstante, está también orientado a los/as licenciados/as o graduados/as en otras titulaciones de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales que estén interesados en el conocimiento, los métodos y las técnicas de investigación de la Historia Contemporánea.
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 10
Optativos 30
Trabajo Fin de Máster 20
Total 60
La Comisión de Coordinación del Máster asignará un tutor personal a todos los alumnos matriculados, a propuesta de los coordinadores de cada sede
El tutor personal asumirá la responsabilidad de orientar al estudiante en la elección de materias optativas, líneas de investigación, estrategias formativas y todo aquello que el estudiante le plantee en relación con su formación de Máser. Cuando se haya designado el director del Trabajo de Fin de Máster, a propuesta del estudiante, aquél asumirá las funciones de tutor personal a todos los efectos.
Independientemente de lo anterior, todos los profesores participantes en el Máster harán públicas unas horas de tutoría para atención a los estudiantes. Como criterio general, se establece un número de horas de permanencia en tutoría similar al número de horas de clases presenciales previstas para cada curso.
Para acceder aos ensinos oficiais de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de:
A.1. Un título universitario oficial español.
A.2. Un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior pertencente a outro Estado integrante do Espazo Europeo de Educación Superior que faculte no mesmo para o acceso a ensinos de Máster.
A.3. Un título pertencente a un sistema educativo alleo ao Espazo Europeo de Educación, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que o citado título acredita un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios oficiais españois e faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinos de posgrao.
A.4. Un título superior das Ensinanzas Artísticas Superiores do sistema educativo español.
Modalidad: criterios generales
Titulaciones por orden de preferencia:
1. Licenciatura o Grado en Historia
2.Licenciaturas en: Humanidades,Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Derecho, Periodismo, Economía, Socioloxía, Xeografía, Historia da Arte e Grao na rama de Humanidades, Grado en la rama CC Jurídicas y Sociales
3. Resto de Grados y Licenciaturas
Consultar la información actualizada en cada convocatoria anual de matrícula.
Modalidad: criterios generales
Titulaciones por orden de preferencia:
1. Licenciatura o Grado en Historia
2.Licenciaturas en: Humanidades,Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Derecho, Periodismo, Economía, Socioloxía, Xeografía, Historia da Arte e Grao na rama de Humanidades, Grado en la rama CC Jurídicas y Sociales
3. Resto de Grados y Licenciaturas
Consultar la información actualizada en cada convocatoria anual de matrícula.
1.Critical reasoning and capacity for analysis, synthesis and interpretation of the problems and processes of Contemporary History.
2. Students will learn to communicate, orally and in writing, their knowledge and scientific arguments to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and orderly manner.
3. Students will acquire the skills that allow them to continue advancing in the knowledge of Contemporary History.
4. Students will become familiar with the main fields of work of current research in the different branches of Contemporary History (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.).
5. Acquire the perspectives of Social Sciences related to Contemporary History.
6. Ability to use and generate scientific knowledge.
7. Aptitude for using new communication technologies in learning, understanding and assimilation of the teaching contents (theoretical and practical) of the Master, as well as in obtaining relevant information.
1. Alcanzar una formación especializada en el conocimiento de los diferentes ámbitos de la Historia Contemporánea.
2. Demostrar un conocimiento profundo de los distintos enfoques metodológicos y de las tendencias historiográficas relacionadas con la Edad Contemporánea.
3. Ser capaz de leer, resumir o transcribir y analizar de forma pertinente documentos históricos.
4. Redactar ensayos o síntesis de carácter historiográfico y trabajos de investigación, utilizando el lenguaje y las reglas propias de la comunicación científica.
5. Alcanzar un dominio de los conocimientos y métodos de la Historia Contemporánea que permita seguir posteriormente estudios de Doctorado.
La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa): Portal Internacional
Non e contemplan
El Trabajo de Fin de Máster constituye un módulo final de 20 créditos ECTS. Consiste en la realización de un trabajo de inicio a la investigación dirigido por un profesor del programa sobre un tema de Historia Contemporánea, que se presentará por escrito y se defenderá ante un tribunal mediante exposición oral. Se dará prioridad a los temas relacionados con las líneas de investigación propuestas en las distintas materias optativas del programa. El alumno, preferentemente, trabajará en temas relacionados con la materia o materias optativas en las que se haya participado.
El alumno, tutelado por un director, deberá aplicar en su propia memoria de investigación las habilidades y competencias adquiridas en el resto de los módulos del Máster
This Master’s brings together most of the major Departments and Areas of Contemporary Spanish History, departments with extensive experience in the delivery of higher postgraduate education, highly qualified teaching staff with diverse interests and orientations. In addition, with the collaboration of different speakers of national and international prestige.
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Offer |
IN01 Offered places Number of places offered for each academic year. Scale info: Whole number |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
0,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrollment Number of students enrolled in an academic year without counting students from incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Whole number |
27,0 |
19,0 |
23,0 |
28,0 |
26,0 |
8,0 |
IN03 Access enrollment Number of students enrolling in a study plan for the first time. This includes students who transfer their transcripts, access by partial validation of foreign studies or who adapt from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
12,0 |
16,0 |
20,0 |
16,0 |
0,0 |
IN04 New enrollment by pre-registration Number of students who enroll in the first year of a study plan for the first time, that is, not counting students who access through partial validation of foreign studies, transfers or adaptations from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
12,0 |
16,0 |
20,0 |
16,0 |
0,0 |
IN05 Variation in new enrollment by pre-registration Relative variation rate of new admission enrollment by pre-registration. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
66,67 |
-40,0 |
33,33 |
25,0 |
- |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average access grade by pre-registration Average entrance grade for pre-registration of students starting studies. Determines the entry profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values have been 10.00 points, 12.00 points or 14.00 points). |
7,2611 |
7,4489 |
7,6999 |
7,7675 |
7,8195 |
- |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over total enrolled Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students, excluding students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
7,14 |
3,85 |
0,0 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over total enrolled Percentage of national students from outside Galicia on enrolled students, without counting students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
7,41 |
15,79 |
8,7 |
7,14 |
23,08 |
0,0 |
IN13 Percentage of enrolled students who are USC graduates Number of students enrolled in the master's program who graduated from USC. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
- |
78,26 |
82,14 |
73,08 |
87,5 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new students entering through pre-registration divided by the places offered. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
95,24 |
57,14 |
76,19 |
95,24 |
76,19 |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by USC from mobility programs over total enrolled Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates in an academic year who completed internships in companies or institutions during their studies Percentage relationship between graduates of a degree in an academic year who have carried out internships in companies and institutions throughout their studies, out of the total number of students graduating in that degree and in that same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,53 |
25,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Drop-out |
IN41 Dropout rate under RD 1393/2007 Percentage relationship between students in a new admission cohort who should have obtained their degree in the previous academic year and who did not enroll in either that academic year or the previous one. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
16,67 |
10,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,0 |
6,25 |
Assessment |
IN36 Evaluation rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits for which the students applied and the total number of ordinary credits enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
77,82 |
83,05 |
85,59 |
79,41 |
86,98 |
61,08 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
1,4 |
1,25 |
1,6667 |
1,2143 |
1,5789 |
2,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance) Percentage ratio between the total number of credits that a student passed during the degree in which he graduated and the total number of credits in which he enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
90,0 |
92,31 |
81,08 |
93,33 |
82,07 |
74,53 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group Relationship between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
10,1429 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in mandatory and basic training courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic education subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
22,0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN56 Average number of students enrolled in elective courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in optional subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
9,2308 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Success |
IN35 Success rate Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits that students have passed and the total number of ordinary credits for which they have applied. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
98,55 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
99,48 |
100,0 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates Percentage relationship between the total number of credits that a student passed throughout the degree from which he/she graduated and the total number of credits that he/she applied for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
90,0 |
92,31 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
99,22 |
99,17 |
Graduation |
IN37 Graduation rate Percentage ratio between students who completed their studies within the time provided for in the study plan or in an additional academic year and their entry cohort. It shows information on the degree of effectiveness of the students and the institution in relation to their academic activity. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
66,67 |
75,0 |
91,67 |
81,25 |
90,0 |
75,0 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits that students passed and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
76,69 |
83,05 |
85,59 |
79,41 |
86,54 |
61,08 |
Satisfaction |
IN42 General satisfaction of graduates with the degree program Average rating of questions regarding satisfaction with the degree in the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
- |
3,26 |
3,55 |
- |
- |
IN46 Students' satisfaction with the teaching received Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
4,05 |
3,98 |
3,77 |
4,29 |
- |
IN47 Teachers' satisfaction with the teaching provided Average rating of the teacher satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
4,1579 |
3,7953 |
4,4438 |
4,256 |
- |
IN48 Response rate to the satisfaction survey Percentage of response to the satisfaction survey by students. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
12,5 |
35,2941 |
23,8095 |
22,2222 |
- |
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 10
Optativos 30
Trabajo Fin de Máster 20
Total 60
Non se contemplan
Research Lines: Great Masters and New Values
- P5012101
- Compulsory Credits
- 10 Credits
Conferences Cycle
- P5012103
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Networked Laearning
- P5012104
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Spanish Constitutionalism: Citizens and Parliamentarianism
- P5012201
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Transitions: a Comparative Analysis
- P5012202
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
State and Nation
- P5012203
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Church and State in Spain
- P5012205
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Church in Contemporary Spain
- P5012206
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Society and Policy during Franco´s Regime
- P5012207
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Transitions to Democracy in the 20th Century
- P5012208
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spanish Liberalism and Contemporary State
- P5012209
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Consolidation Strategies of Franco´s Regime
- P5012210
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Conflict and Violence in Latin America
- P5012211
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mass Media: Sources and Documents
- P5012212
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
To be able, to know and to wish: Selection of Political Elites in Contemporary Spain
- P5012213
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Constitución, parlamentarismo y partidos políticos en la España contemporánea
- P5012302
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Poder y territorio en la España contemporánea
- P5012303
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Politics and power elites in contemporary Spain
- P5012304
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Autoritarismo y democracia
- P5012305
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Relaciones de poder y políticas económicas en el mundo contemporáneo
- P5012306
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Marxism and Nation
- P5012214
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures, Nationalism and Popular Classes
- P5012215
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nation and Liberalism in Spain and Europe
- P5012216
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
From a Republic to other: Catalonia and Spain 1873-1939
- P5012217
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nations and Nationalism in the 20th Century
- P5012218
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Basque Nationalism in Comparative Perspective
- P5012219
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Nationalisms and Identity in Contemporary Spain
- P5012220
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Liberalism, Democracy and State-Nation in the 19th Century: Political Cultures and Collective Identities
- P5012221
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Procesos de nacionalización y movimientos nacionalistas en la España contemporánea
- P5012307
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Franquismo, nación y nacionalismos
- P5012308
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Public Opinion and Mass Society
- P5012223
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political and Union Mobilization in Urban Societies
- P5012224
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Business Bourgeoisie in Spanish Port Cities
- P5012225
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Urban Society in the 19th Century
- P5012226
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Town History in Spain
- P5012227
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Behaviour in Rural Galician Society (1875-1923)
- P5012228
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Clientelism and Political Power in Rural Societies (19th -20th Centuries)
- P5012229
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Technological Innovation and Sustainability in the 20th Century Rural Europe
- P5012230
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Types of Conflicts and Rural Violence in Contemporary Europe
- P5012231
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Woman and Rural World: Work, Consumption and Sociability
- P5012232
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Agrarian Historiography in Contemporary Spain
- P5012233
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Forest, Hydraulic and Colonizing Policy in Contemporary Spain
- P5012234
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La opinión pública en la época contemporánea
- P5012309
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Movilización política y social en las sociedades urbanas
- P5012310
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La burguesía de los negocios en la España contemporánea
- P5012311
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La sociedad urbana, 1780-1930. Panorámica y fuentes
- P5012312
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Movimiento obrero en la España contemporánea
- P5012314
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political behaviour in Galician rural society
- P5012317
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Master Dissertation
- P5012102
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 20 Credits
Culture, Policy and Society in the Fascism
- P5012237
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Extreme Right in the 20th Century
- P5012238
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Extreme Right in the 20th Century
- P5012239
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Republican Cultures in Contemporary Spain
- P5012240
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Culture in the Liberalism Century
- P5012241
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Intellectuals and Political Life in Spain
- P5012242
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History of the Edition and Reading
- P5012243
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultural Policies
- P5012244
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Sociocultural History of the War in Europe, 20th Century
- P5012246
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures of the Left in the 20th Century Spain in European Perspective: Republicanism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism (I)
- P5012247
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures of the Left in the 20th Century Spain in European Perspective: Republicanism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism (II)
- P5012248
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mobilization Cultures in Latin America and the United States, 20th Century
- P5012249
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultural History
- P5012250
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Liberalism and Monarchy: Constitutional Political Culture Learning, 1780-1868
- P5012251
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures during the Franco Years. University, Intellectuals and Social Change
- P5012252
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Laicism and Anticlericalism in Contemporary Spain
- P5012253
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europe at War: 1914-1945
- P5012254
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Las culturas democráticas y republicanas en la España contemporánea
- P5012315
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Intelectuales, universidad y política en la Europa de entreguerras
- P5012316
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Cultura y vida cotidiana en el socialismo de estado
- P5012318
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Exiles and Cultural Transfers in the 20th Century: Exiles and Emigration
- P5012319
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Estudios culturales y teoría cultural
- P5012320
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Democratic political cultures in Spain
- P5012322
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Culturas políticas en EE UU
- P5012323
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Latin American culture and politics in contemporary times
- P5012324
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Basic Human Rights in the Present World
- P5012256
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Contemporary International System
- P5012257
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Eastern Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East in the 20th Century
- P5012259
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spain in the International Policy
- P5012260
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History and International Relations
- P5012261
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Cultural Dimension of the International Relations
- P5012262
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The European Public Space
- P5012263
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Military History and Geopolitics
- P5012264
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Foreing Policy of Spain in Franco Years and in the Transition
- P5012265
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Spain and America in the 20th Century
- P5012266
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
American Independencies in the International Context
- P5012267
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Asia in the 20th Century
- P5012268
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Diplomacy, War and Peace during the 20th Century
- P5012269
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europe-America Migrations: Round Trip Processes (19th and 20th Centuries)
- P5012270
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Horror Times, Violence and War in Europe during the 20th Century
- P5012271
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
América Latina en el Sistema Internacional Contemporáneo
- P5012321
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
El próximo Oriente en el siglo XX (UAB)
- P5012325
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Europa Oriental y Eurasia en el siglo XX
- P5012326
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Construyendo y deconstruyendo el sistema internacional en el mundo contemporáneo
- P5012327
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
La construcción de Europa en el contexto internacional (UAM)
- P5012328
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Construcción europea y procesos de europeización (UCM)
- P5012329
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Globalización y relaciones internacionales (UCM)
- P5012330
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
España en la política internacional (1789-1914)
- P5012332
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Relations and Gender Identities in Contemporary Spain
- P5012235
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Theory and Social Change
- P5012272
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Growth and Development in Contemporary Age
- P5012277
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Gender Relations in Contemporary Societies
- P5012278
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Present History
- P5012279
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Image and Representation of the Present
- P5012280
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Work Cultures and Social Policy in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- P5012281
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Women History in Contemporary Spain
- P5012282
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Protest and Social Movements from 1968
- P5012283
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Social Movements and Life Conditions in Contemporary Spain
- P5012284
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Contribution of Gender to Social Comprehension
- P5012285
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History from Actors
- P5012286
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Historical Demography
- P5012287
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Evolution of Spanish Society during the 19th and 20th Centuries
- P5012288
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Change and its Social and Identity Repercussions
- P5012289
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Religion and Policy in Contemporary Societies
- P5012290
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Urban Development and Social Change
- P5012291
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Mujer, universidad y mercado de trabajo
- P5012333
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Researches and Recent Historiographical Debates
- P5012292
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Other Looks: History and Historiographical Practice of Social Theory
- P5012293
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Present Perspectives of the Historiography
- P5012294
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Historiography and Society in Contemporary Spain
- P5012296
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Political Cultures, Past Policies and Historiography: Spanish Nationalism History
- P5012297
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Biography and Autobiography in Contemporary Historiography
- P5012298
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
History, Historiography and Memory: Spanish Civil War
- P5012299
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Origins and Evolution of the French Social Historiography
- P5012300
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Guerra y violencia política en la España del siglo XX: perspectivas historiográficas
- P5012334
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Perspectivas de la historia militar y bélica contemporánea
- P5012335
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Las otras miradas: historia y práctica historiográfica de la teoría social
- P5012336
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Dictaduras y memoria en el siglo XX
- P5012337
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
The Knowledge of the Past and its Uses
- P5012338
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Violencia, historical context and political memory
- P5012339
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
Methodology and sources for research
- P5012340
- Elective Credits
- 5 Credits
This interuniversity master's, provides advanced training aimed at qualifying students for teaching and research in Contemporary History, conveying theoretical, methodological, heuristic and thematic pluralism of historiography and carrying out a discussion exercise on the construction of the discipline.
Se trata de un Máster especialmente indicado para estudiantes que posean el título de Licenciado/a o Graduado/a: en Historia, Filosofía y Letras (especialidad Historia), Geografía e Historia (especialidad Historia). No obstante, está también orientado a los/as licenciados/as o graduados/as en otras titulaciones de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales que estén interesados en el conocimiento, los métodos y las técnicas de investigación de la Historia Contemporánea.
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 10
Optativos 30
Trabajo Fin de Máster 20
Total 60
La Comisión de Coordinación del Máster asignará un tutor personal a todos los alumnos matriculados, a propuesta de los coordinadores de cada sede
El tutor personal asumirá la responsabilidad de orientar al estudiante en la elección de materias optativas, líneas de investigación, estrategias formativas y todo aquello que el estudiante le plantee en relación con su formación de Máser. Cuando se haya designado el director del Trabajo de Fin de Máster, a propuesta del estudiante, aquél asumirá las funciones de tutor personal a todos los efectos.
Independientemente de lo anterior, todos los profesores participantes en el Máster harán públicas unas horas de tutoría para atención a los estudiantes. Como criterio general, se establece un número de horas de permanencia en tutoría similar al número de horas de clases presenciales previstas para cada curso.
Para acceder aos ensinos oficiais de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de:
A.1. Un título universitario oficial español.
A.2. Un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior pertencente a outro Estado integrante do Espazo Europeo de Educación Superior que faculte no mesmo para o acceso a ensinos de Máster.
A.3. Un título pertencente a un sistema educativo alleo ao Espazo Europeo de Educación, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que o citado título acredita un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios oficiais españois e faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinos de posgrao.
A.4. Un título superior das Ensinanzas Artísticas Superiores do sistema educativo español.
Modalidad: criterios generales
Titulaciones por orden de preferencia:
1. Licenciatura o Grado en Historia
2.Licenciaturas en: Humanidades,Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Derecho, Periodismo, Economía, Socioloxía, Xeografía, Historia da Arte e Grao na rama de Humanidades, Grado en la rama CC Jurídicas y Sociales
3. Resto de Grados y Licenciaturas
Consultar la información actualizada en cada convocatoria anual de matrícula.
Modalidad: criterios generales
Titulaciones por orden de preferencia:
1. Licenciatura o Grado en Historia
2.Licenciaturas en: Humanidades,Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Derecho, Periodismo, Economía, Socioloxía, Xeografía, Historia da Arte e Grao na rama de Humanidades, Grado en la rama CC Jurídicas y Sociales
3. Resto de Grados y Licenciaturas
Consultar la información actualizada en cada convocatoria anual de matrícula.
1.Critical reasoning and capacity for analysis, synthesis and interpretation of the problems and processes of Contemporary History.
2. Students will learn to communicate, orally and in writing, their knowledge and scientific arguments to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and orderly manner.
3. Students will acquire the skills that allow them to continue advancing in the knowledge of Contemporary History.
4. Students will become familiar with the main fields of work of current research in the different branches of Contemporary History (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.).
5. Acquire the perspectives of Social Sciences related to Contemporary History.
6. Ability to use and generate scientific knowledge.
7. Aptitude for using new communication technologies in learning, understanding and assimilation of the teaching contents (theoretical and practical) of the Master, as well as in obtaining relevant information.
1. Alcanzar una formación especializada en el conocimiento de los diferentes ámbitos de la Historia Contemporánea.
2. Demostrar un conocimiento profundo de los distintos enfoques metodológicos y de las tendencias historiográficas relacionadas con la Edad Contemporánea.
3. Ser capaz de leer, resumir o transcribir y analizar de forma pertinente documentos históricos.
4. Redactar ensayos o síntesis de carácter historiográfico y trabajos de investigación, utilizando el lenguaje y las reglas propias de la comunicación científica.
5. Alcanzar un dominio de los conocimientos y métodos de la Historia Contemporánea que permita seguir posteriormente estudios de Doctorado.
La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa): Portal Internacional
Non e contemplan
El Trabajo de Fin de Máster constituye un módulo final de 20 créditos ECTS. Consiste en la realización de un trabajo de inicio a la investigación dirigido por un profesor del programa sobre un tema de Historia Contemporánea, que se presentará por escrito y se defenderá ante un tribunal mediante exposición oral. Se dará prioridad a los temas relacionados con las líneas de investigación propuestas en las distintas materias optativas del programa. El alumno, preferentemente, trabajará en temas relacionados con la materia o materias optativas en las que se haya participado.
El alumno, tutelado por un director, deberá aplicar en su propia memoria de investigación las habilidades y competencias adquiridas en el resto de los módulos del Máster
This Master’s brings together most of the major Departments and Areas of Contemporary Spanish History, departments with extensive experience in the delivery of higher postgraduate education, highly qualified teaching staff with diverse interests and orientations. In addition, with the collaboration of different speakers of national and international prestige.
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Offer |
IN01 Offered places Number of places offered for each academic year. Scale info: Whole number |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
21,0 |
0,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrollment Number of students enrolled in an academic year without counting students from incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Whole number |
27,0 |
19,0 |
23,0 |
28,0 |
26,0 |
8,0 |
IN03 Access enrollment Number of students enrolling in a study plan for the first time. This includes students who transfer their transcripts, access by partial validation of foreign studies or who adapt from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
12,0 |
16,0 |
20,0 |
16,0 |
0,0 |
IN04 New enrollment by pre-registration Number of students who enroll in the first year of a study plan for the first time, that is, not counting students who access through partial validation of foreign studies, transfers or adaptations from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
12,0 |
16,0 |
20,0 |
16,0 |
0,0 |
IN05 Variation in new enrollment by pre-registration Relative variation rate of new admission enrollment by pre-registration. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
66,67 |
-40,0 |
33,33 |
25,0 |
- |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average access grade by pre-registration Average entrance grade for pre-registration of students starting studies. Determines the entry profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values have been 10.00 points, 12.00 points or 14.00 points). |
7,2611 |
7,4489 |
7,6999 |
7,7675 |
7,8195 |
- |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over total enrolled Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students, excluding students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
7,14 |
3,85 |
0,0 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over total enrolled Percentage of national students from outside Galicia on enrolled students, without counting students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
7,41 |
15,79 |
8,7 |
7,14 |
23,08 |
0,0 |
IN13 Percentage of enrolled students who are USC graduates Number of students enrolled in the master's program who graduated from USC. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
- |
78,26 |
82,14 |
73,08 |
87,5 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new students entering through pre-registration divided by the places offered. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
95,24 |
57,14 |
76,19 |
95,24 |
76,19 |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by USC from mobility programs over total enrolled Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates in an academic year who completed internships in companies or institutions during their studies Percentage relationship between graduates of a degree in an academic year who have carried out internships in companies and institutions throughout their studies, out of the total number of students graduating in that degree and in that same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,53 |
25,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Drop-out |
IN41 Dropout rate under RD 1393/2007 Percentage relationship between students in a new admission cohort who should have obtained their degree in the previous academic year and who did not enroll in either that academic year or the previous one. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
16,67 |
10,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,0 |
6,25 |
Assessment |
IN36 Evaluation rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits for which the students applied and the total number of ordinary credits enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
77,82 |
83,05 |
85,59 |
79,41 |
86,98 |
61,08 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
1,4 |
1,25 |
1,6667 |
1,2143 |
1,5789 |
2,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance) Percentage ratio between the total number of credits that a student passed during the degree in which he graduated and the total number of credits in which he enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
90,0 |
92,31 |
81,08 |
93,33 |
82,07 |
74,53 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group Relationship between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
10,1429 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in mandatory and basic training courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic education subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
22,0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN56 Average number of students enrolled in elective courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in optional subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
9,2308 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Success |
IN35 Success rate Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits that students have passed and the total number of ordinary credits for which they have applied. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
98,55 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
99,48 |
100,0 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates Percentage relationship between the total number of credits that a student passed throughout the degree from which he/she graduated and the total number of credits that he/she applied for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
90,0 |
92,31 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
99,22 |
99,17 |
Graduation |
IN37 Graduation rate Percentage ratio between students who completed their studies within the time provided for in the study plan or in an additional academic year and their entry cohort. It shows information on the degree of effectiveness of the students and the institution in relation to their academic activity. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
66,67 |
75,0 |
91,67 |
81,25 |
90,0 |
75,0 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits that students passed and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
76,69 |
83,05 |
85,59 |
79,41 |
86,54 |
61,08 |
Satisfaction |
IN42 General satisfaction of graduates with the degree program Average rating of questions regarding satisfaction with the degree in the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
- |
3,26 |
3,55 |
- |
- |
IN46 Students' satisfaction with the teaching received Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
4,05 |
3,98 |
3,77 |
4,29 |
- |
IN47 Teachers' satisfaction with the teaching provided Average rating of the teacher satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
- |
4,1579 |
3,7953 |
4,4438 |
4,256 |
- |
IN48 Response rate to the satisfaction survey Percentage of response to the satisfaction survey by students. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
12,5 |
35,2941 |
23,8095 |
22,2222 |
- |