ECTS credits ECTS credits: 12
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 288 Hours of tutorials: 9 Interactive Classroom: 3 Total: 300
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation, History of Art, Geography, Electronics and Computing, Political Science and Sociology, Special Public Law and Company Law, Applied Economics
Areas: Marketing and Market Research, Business Organisation, History of Art, Regional Geographical Analysis, Human Geography, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense, Labour and Social Security Law, Applied Economics
Center Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Call: End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
To develop skills through the integration of the knowledge and abilities achieved during the master.
Planning, implementation and defense of an original project related to the competences of the Master.
They have to be set by the tutor together with the student.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
-Apply the knowledge acquired to the reality of the tourism sector.
-Solve problems in new or unfamiliar contexts.
-Make decisions based on incomplete or limited information.
-Communicate information, ideas, problems and proposed solutions to specialists and non specialists.
-Integrate knowledge to provide a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas.
-Use techniques of data collection and analysis.
-Demonstrate critical thinking.
-Analyze and synthesize information.
-Develop creative and entrepreneurial proposals.
Each student will be assigned a tutor who will guide him in the project.
The Academic Commission will approve the final project assignment and tutors.
The students must present a preliminary plan to the tutor so that he can correct it and make some suggestions.
All Master's Thesis work must be original and unpublished.
The final revised project must meet the edition guidelines and will be delivered electronically through the Virtual Secretary of the students, considering the dates established by the Academic Commission for each opportunity.
The Academic Commission will establish specific dates for project presentation.
The Academic Commission shall determine the composition of the committees responsible for evaluating projects according to the rules of the USC.
The Master Coordination will be responsible for calling the students for the defense and will publicize the event.
The assessment will be based on the following criteria:
• Project: properly structured and coherent work, content and clarity, writing and grammar, appropriateness of the literature and information sources used, own contributions.
• Clarity and structure of the exhibition.
• Responsiveness of student to questions and comments made by the committee.
The mark will be numerical, between 0 and 10.
The estimated time necessary to perform the project is 300 hours.
It is recommended to follow the guidance of the tutor and to meet the set deadlines.
Contingency plan
USC considers 3 possible scenarios for the 2021-2022 academic year: scenario 1 (adapted normality), scenario 2 (distancing) and scenario 3 (closure of facilities).
As for teaching methodology, tutoring will preferably be carried out in person in scenario 1, in person or online in scenario 2 and electronically in scenario 3, depending on the instructions of the competent administration and USC.
As for the assessment system, the presentation and defense of the TFM will be carried out in person as preferent option in scenario 1, in person or electronically in scenario 2 and electronically in scenario 3, depending on the indications of the competent administration and USC.
Regarding the defense procedure and the evaluation criteria, the USC Academic Regulations will be taken into account (specifically, Regulations for enrollment, elaboration and defense of Final Degree and Master's Thesis at the University of Santiago de Compostela and Final Work Regulations of Master in Urban Tourism and Management of Tourist Businesses from the University of Santiago de Compostela). Adaptations in scenario 2 and scenario 3 will be made depending on the indications of the competent administration and the USC.