ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Geography
Areas: Human Geography
Center Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
In the Last Years, Urban Tourism has achieved a great Importance from a Point that the Towns have converted in Important Touristic Destines. Over the traditional Sector of Business and Congresses, a lot of them have worried to attract Cultural Visitants or Exclusively Recreational. To achieve those Objectives in a lot of occasions they proceeded to develop ambitious Processes of Urban Renovation or Value of their Heritage, between other Strategies.
The new Tendencies of Touristic Market, with the Fragmentation of Holiday Periods that favour the Destines with great Accessibility, or the Search of Activities and Singular Spaces, have positioned of Advantageous way the Urban Destines.
In this Sense, also the Towns worry about the Adaptation to Different Segments that they want to attract developing Actions and Measures that guarantee the Success.
The Towns are in the Current World the main Centres creative and diffusers of the Innovation. This also can be applied to the Tourism observing an Interesting Dynamics that place them in an Advanced Position. So, the General Objective of this Subject will be to analyze the Causes that contribute to the development of Urban Tourism and at the same Time, to study the main Tendencies according to the Products, Management of the Destine or Communication.
With a Practice Content in which we will abound the Studies of Cases, we have made a Division between World and Historical Towns. The First ones are those that encounter in the higher of Urban Hierarchy and they are the Key Pieces of World System. In them the Processes of Innovation are very Important and Tourism one of the Activities that has grown more. On the other side, we will also treat the Historical Towns because the Singularity of their Space causes very interesting Processes in which Tourism converts in a Central Point of their Economy although can also become a Source of Problems.
We divide the Programme of the Course in 4 great Parts in which will develop several Contents.
Part 1: Urban Tourism in the World.
- Definitions of Urban Tourism.
- Origin and Evolution of Urban Tourism.
- The Creation of the Touristic Town.
- Urban Strategies for the Development of Tourism.
- The Tendencies of Urban Tourism.
Part 2: Tourism in Historical Towns.
- The Meaning of the Historical Town.
- The Touristic Revaluation of the Historical Town.
- The Difficulties for the Touristic Management of the Historical Town.
- Study of Cases.
Part 3: World Towns and Tourism.
- Conceptualization of World Towns.
- Urban Complexity.
- Urban and Touristic Strategies.
- Study of Cases.
Part 4: Tourism in medium size and industrial cities
- Calle, M. de la (2002): La ciudad histórica como destino turístico. Barcelona: Ariel.
- Desarrollo Turístico Integral de ciudades monumentales (2003). Granada: Patronato Provincial de Turismo.
- Du, G. (Ed.), (2007): Tourism and Urban Transformation. Tokyo: Kikkyo University Press.
- Fernández, F.; Pumares, P.; Asensio, A. (Eds.), (2002): Turismo y Transformaciones urbanas en el siglo XXI. Almería: Universidad.
- Ferrer, M. (2003): Los centros históricos en España. Teoría, estructura, cambio. Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra.
- García, J.; Troitiño, M. (Coords.), (1998): Vivir las ciudades históricas: recuperación integrada y dinámica funcional. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
- Hoffman, L.; Fainstein, S.; Judd, D. (Eds.), (2003): Cities and visitors. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Lois, R. (Ed.), (2006): Urban Changes in Different Scales: Systems and Structures. Santiago: Universidade.
- Marchena, M. (Ed.), (1998): Turismo urbano y patrimonio cultural. Una perspectiva europea. Sevilla: Diputación.
- Morales, G. (Ed.), (2000): Turismo y Ciudad. Las Palmas: AGE.
- Page, S. (1995): Urban Tourism. London: Routledge.
- Santos, X.; Lois, R. (Coords.), (2005): Desenvolvemento turístico sustentable en ciudades históricas. Santiago-Lugo: Concellos.
- Selby, M. (2004): Understanding Urban Tourism: Image, Culture and Experience. London: Tauris.
This bibliography represents only a reference because we will mainly use journal articles as well as documents and reports from international organisations and private companies.
Skills of the degree to which contributes the subject:
-Define urban tourism and management of tourism businesses
- Solve problems in new or unfamiliar contexts
- Make decisions based on incomplete or limited information.
- Identify new trends in the management of urban destinations.
- Define the principles of sustainable management.
- Diagnose and identify needs and potential opportunities and threats.
- Apply planning tools.
Cross-curricular skills:
- Apply the ethical decision making.
- Demonstrate critical thinking.
- Analyze and synthesize information.
- Develop creative and entrepreneurial proposals.
The Teachers of this Subject will give several Theoretical Contents to give Answer to the Formulation of the Programme. It will try always that these Contents are new and above all, practice in the Sense of searching Examples that let to display through Actions the Touristic Dynamics of Different Towns of the World. It will Value positively The Active Participation of the Student. At the same Time, and if it is possible, we will attend to Seminars or Conferences of Experts that complete and complement the Education of the Student
The lecture system will be complemented by the active participation of the students.
a.-Theory evaluation: 50%
b.- Activities carried out in class: 25%
c.- Elaboration and presentation of the project: 25%
To pass the subject, students must attend to 80% of the lectures and workshops.
The minimum grade in each part must be 3.5
La asistencia a las clases expositivas e interactivas es obrigatoria y para aprobar será necesaria una presencialidad mínima del 80%.
For cases of fraudulent exercises or tests, the Regulations on the Evaluation of Students' Academic Performance and the Revision of Grades will be implemented.
9 hours of theory in the classroom
12 hours practical classes in the classroom
Remaining hours till complete the 3 credits student muts work at home or at the library preparing the different tasks
- Attendance and Active Participation in Class.
- The Reading of Additional Bibliography to complete and to complement the Formative Contents given in the Class.
This Programme Purpose and Work Plan can be modified always when it is necessary to adapt it to the Concrete Circumstances of the Group, and always of Mutual Agreement with the Students.
Following the Guidelines for the aforementioned planr, passed by the USC, three scenarios are established depending on the health situation.
Depending on how the health situation evolves, this schedule may be altered in the development of teaching and practices. The adaptation for this subject will follow these criteria:
-If it is not possible to deliver it in person or by e-mail, the practices will be recorded in the Virtual Classroom under the same date and format conditions that appear in this programme. Their value in the final evaluation will be the same, 50%.
-If face-to-face teaching is not possible, the teacher will upload the corresponding topic to the virtual classroom in ppt format with voice recording. The teacher will be present through the Microsoft Teams platform during the official class time to attend the consultations of the corresponding topic. It is important that students are connected and that they participate in the debates.
-The qualification of the theoretical contents will be of continuous character and the students will have to give a summary work of the set of the matter whose value will be of 50% of the final note.
The application of these measures may vary slightly depending on the intensity of the mobility restrictions.
Xose Manuel Santos Solla
Coordinador/a- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Human Geography
- Phone
- 881812629
- xosemanuel.santos [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Thursday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 18 |
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | Classroom 18 |
01.20.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom 18 |
01.20.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 18 |
06.25.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 18 |
06.25.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom 18 |