Taking as reference the quality policy of the USC, framed within the deployment of its strategic plan, the Faculty elaborates its policy setting as its main objective the development of training programs that are guaranteed by quality management as a key and strategic element to establish a maximum efficiency commitment to our stakeholders
The Faculty of Sciences is a public institution committed to the training of skilled, competent, and socially responsible professionals.
Its mission is to dynamically seek excellence in all its functions: teaching, knowledge generation, and dissemination through research. These activities are carried out in a socially responsible manner, in coherence with the Terra Campus environment, with special attention to the areas of Engineering, Basic Sciences, and Health Sciences.
The Faculty of Sciences aims to be recognized as a prestigious university center, capable of adapting to the demands of society and training highly qualified professionals.
It offers a comprehensive academic program that integrates teaching and research, excelling in the design, planning, organization, and development of programs leading to the obtaining of official degrees, which qualify graduates for the exercise of regulated professions or train them for specialized activities within the various lines of specialization of the Campus Terra.
A reference Center within the highest quality standards of the European Union and with a strong research capacity, which can project the Faculty and promote the internationalization of its students, teaching and research staff, as well as its technical, management and administration and services staff.
Responsible, committed to sustainability, social cooperation and integrated with the business sector and in line with the socioeconomic engine, the Faculty is an active, alive, motivating and entrepreneurial institution, with agile, efficient and transparent management, focused on constant evolution according to the needs of its environment.
- Integrity, through the preservation and enhancement of our own signs of identity:
- Responsibility
- Transparency
- Adaptability
- Innovation
- Creativity
- Initiative
- Critical spirit
- Freedom of thought
- Respect for the rights of all individuals, particularly those of the university community members.
- Commitment:
- With the permanent search for excellence in all university activities (quality and continuous improvement).
- With management based on dialogue, participation, collaboration and trust.
- With sustainable development, equity, and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.
- To service society, particularly through knowledge transfer as a contribution to social, economic and cultural development.
- To the safety of people and facilities.
The Faculty focuses its efforts towards the full achievement of the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of all its stakeholders and in order to satisfy them, it undertakes to use all the technical, economic and human resources at its disposal; always within strict compliance with the applicable legal requirements, at regional, state and European level.
For all these reasons, the Faculty acquires the firm commitment to guarantee quality and establishes its policy under these principles:
- Responsibility: to provide training aimed at excellence, guaranteeing an academic offer in accordance with the needs and expectations of our users and of society in general.
- Integration, participation and equality: the faculty establishes as one of the key principles of its policy that all the needs of its stakeholders are met and that all participate in the development of the Faculty through the channels established for that purpose, guaranteeing accessibility, participation and equality.
- Student orientation: this center guarantees guidance to students in its training programs, understanding that they are the main recipient.
- Excellence: the work of this Faculty is carried out with the aim of achieving the excellence set by the main models of university quality and the main recognized schools and faculties.
- Transparency: this Faculty bases the management of its training program on the transparency of its results and the dissemination of these to its stakeholders.
The management of this Faculty acquires a permanent commitment to the continuous improvement of its training programs.