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Biochemistry Degree

  • New offer
  • In extinction
Branch of knowledge
Ambit of knowledge
Bioquímica y biotecnología.
Faculty of Sciences
Avda. Alfonso X O Sabio, s/n, 27002
982824095 (Conserxaría)
982824009 (Decanato)
ciencias.decanato [at]
Imaxe dun laboratorio

This new degree aims to offer students’ knowledge of all areas related to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in sectors as diverse as food, bio-health, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, environmental and chemical; developing their professional activities in teaching, research, or work in R & D laboratories, in the pharmaceutical industry, ...

Duration: 4 academic years
RUCT code: 2504170
ECTS Number: 240
Seats number: 45

Dean or center director:
asteriam.luzardo [at]

Title coordinator:
Ramiro Barcia Vieitez

Use languages:
Spanish, Galician

MECES Level: 2

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 16/06/2020 (DOG do 1/07/2020)

BOE publication date:

Last accreditation date:


  • G1061101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

General and inorganic chemistry

  • G1061102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biological Diversity

  • G1061104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cytology and histology

  • G1061105
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Analytic chemistry

  • G1061107
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Organic Chemistry I

  • G1061121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Physical Chemistry I

  • G1061122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Structural biochemistry

  • G1061123
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061201
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Animal Physiology I

  • G1061202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061203
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061221
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Physical Chemistry II

  • G1061222
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Metabolic biochemistry

  • G1061223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Animal Physiology II

  • G1061224
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Plant physiology

  • G1061225
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Organic chemistry II

  • G1061227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular biology

  • G1061321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular genetics and genetic engineering

  • G1061322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Instrumental analysis

  • G1061324
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Plants molecular biology

  • G1061325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Developmental biology

  • G1061326
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular pharmacology

  • G1061328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cell signaling

  • G1061329
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular endocrinology

  • G1061330
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical biochemistry

  • G1061421
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Genomic analysis and bioinformatics

  • G1061422
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061423
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cellular technology tools

  • G1061424
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry and society

  • G1061425
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Undergraduate Dissertation

  • G1061426
  • Compulsory Credits
  • End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
  • 12 Credits

Advanced human nutrition

  • G1061441
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food Nanotechnology

  • G1061442
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biomaterial technology

  • G1061443
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food biochemistry

  • G1061444
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food toxicology

  • G1061445
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Industrial microbiology

  • G1061446
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Design and project management

  • G1061447
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Design and project management

  • G1061447
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

External practices

  • G1061448
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry and molecular biology of cancer

  • G1061449
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry of physical activity and ageing

  • G1061450
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Spectroscopic and microscopic techniques for studying biomolecules

  • G1061451
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Interaction and recognition in biomolecules

  • G1061452
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Basic management of rodents and lagomorphs in experimentation

  • G1061453
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Experimental pharmacological screening

  • G1061454
  • Elective Credits
  • 6 Credits

Epidemiology and public health

  • G1061455
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

General and inorganic chemistry

  • G1061102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biological Diversity

  • G1061104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cytology and histology

  • G1061105
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Analytic chemistry

  • G1061107
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061201
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Animal Physiology I

  • G1061202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061203
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Organic Chemistry I

  • G1061121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Physical Chemistry I

  • G1061122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Structural biochemistry

  • G1061123
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061221
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Physical Chemistry II

  • G1061222
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Metabolic biochemistry

  • G1061223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Animal Physiology II

  • G1061224
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Plant physiology

  • G1061225
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Organic chemistry II

  • G1061227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular biology

  • G1061321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular genetics and genetic engineering

  • G1061322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Instrumental analysis

  • G1061324
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Plants molecular biology

  • G1061325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Developmental biology

  • G1061326
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular pharmacology

  • G1061328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cell signaling

  • G1061329
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Molecular endocrinology

  • G1061330
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical biochemistry

  • G1061421
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Genomic analysis and bioinformatics

  • G1061422
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G1061423
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Cellular technology tools

  • G1061424
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry and society

  • G1061425
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Advanced human nutrition

  • G1061441
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food Nanotechnology

  • G1061442
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biomaterial technology

  • G1061443
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food biochemistry

  • G1061444
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Food toxicology

  • G1061445
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Industrial microbiology

  • G1061446
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Design and project management

  • G1061447
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Design and project management

  • G1061447
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry and molecular biology of cancer

  • G1061449
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Biochemistry of physical activity and ageing

  • G1061450
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Spectroscopic and microscopic techniques for studying biomolecules

  • G1061451
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Interaction and recognition in biomolecules

  • G1061452
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Basic management of rodents and lagomorphs in experimentation

  • G1061453
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Experimental pharmacological screening

  • G1061454
  • Elective Credits
  • 6 Credits

Epidemiology and public health

  • G1061455
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Undergraduate Dissertation

  • G1061426
  • Compulsory Credits
  • End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
  • 12 Credits

External practices

  • G1061448
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 6 Credits

This degree has two specialisations:

-Mention in Agri-Food Biochemistry
-Mention in Applied Biochemistry

To obtain either of the above-mentioned mentions, students must take 12 ECTS of the optional subjects corresponding to each mention. However, students may also choose to complete the syllabus (240 ECTS) without obtaining any of the mentions indicated, by taking the optional credits (12 ECTS) from among the subjects offered in the syllabus.

Los alumnos pueden ser admitidos en el Grado en Bioquímica si reúnen los requisitos de acceso y, aunque no se exige ninguna formación previa específica, se recomienda que la formación del alumno sea de perfil de Ciencias. Dentro de ese perfil resulta recomendable, pero no imprescindible, haber cursado materias con contenidos de matemáticas, biología, física y química.

1.- El alumnado de primer curso por primera vez a tiempo completo tiene que matricular 60 créditos.
Un 15% del alumnado podrá cursar estudios a tiempo parcial (30 créditos).
2.- Continuación de estudios : libre con un máximo de 75 créditos.

Entre las actividades de orientación específicos para la acogida de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso están:

-Jornada de acogida a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso: El primer día del curso el Coordinador del Grado y el equipo decanal del centro realizan una sesión informativa especial en la que explica la organización, el funcionamiento del mismo, las instalaciones que se emplean y les presenta la web del título. En otra sesión informativa y de acuerdo con el Plan de Acción Tutorial del Centro, los alumnos son informados, por parte de los respectivos coordinadores de Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Grado, de las normas, procedimientos y aspectos generales que rodean a estas materias y que están publicadas en la web del título.

-Otra información: La web del Grado incluye una guía del título con la misma estructura que el resto de títulos impartidos en la Facultad. En ella se incluye información pormenorizada sobre el Grado, el plan de estudios, el profesorado implicado, la organización docente del curso y los programas detallados de las asignaturas, así como información complementaria sobre el trabajo fin de Grado y las prácticas externas. Otras actividades (conferencias, jornadas) a las que los estudiantes pueden asistir para mejorar su formación) se incluyen en la web de la Facultad de Ciencias junto con información detallada sobre el centro, su organización, infraestructuras, titulaciones y su Sistema de Garantía de Calidad.

En el Plan de Acción Tutorial de la Facultad de Ciencias (elaborado en base a los procesos PC-03: Apoyo a Estudiantes y PE-02 Revisión y Mejora del Manual de Procesos del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro), aprobado en cada curso académico por la Comisión de Calidad del Centro, se recogen las actividades que se van a llevar a cabo para acoger, orientar y tutelar al alumnado desde su incorporación a la Facultad y durante todo el período formativo, con la finalidad de favorecer tanto el aprendizaje y desarrollo del estudiante como su orientación hacia un futuro mercado laboral.

Este Plan de Acción tutorial engloba tres vías de orientación y apoyo al estudiante:
- Programa de alumnos Tutores
- Apoyo tutorial extraordinario
- Actividades de orientación y formación

La USC tiene un programa de alumnos tutores para las titulaciones de grao, de forma que alumnos de últimos cursos, despues de una formación que les facilita la Universidad, realizan tareas de orientación a los alumnos que inician los estudios.

Información programa alumnos tutores:

Programa alumnos titores

Cuando se produzca la suspensión de un Título oficial, la USC garantiza el adecuado desarrollo efectivo de las enseñanzas que hubieran iniciado sus estudiantes hasta su finalización. Para ello, el Consejo de Gobierno aprueba los criterios relacionados, entre otros, con:
• La admisión de matrículas de nuevo ingreso en la titulación.
• La supresión gradual de la impartición de la docencia.
• Si el título extinguido es sustituido por otro similar (modificando la naturaleza del título), fija las condiciones que facilitan a los/las estudiantes la continuidad de estudios en el nuevo título y las equivalencias entre las materias de uno y otro plan.

Los generales para las titulaciones de grado.

No se contemplan condiciones ni pruebas de acceso especiales

The Faculty has 12 general purpose classrooms. It also has 3 computer rooms, and laboratories with various capacities.

There are also spaces set aside for students, such as a reading room with more than 70 seats, equipped with computers.

It should also be noted that wireless Internet connection is possible from any point in the Faculty.

The Library service of Lugo University Campus is centralised in a single building called the Intercentre Library. The Library has more than 1600 consultation posts distributed in 9 rooms, including a group work room.

The Faculty has an assembly hall, a graduation hall and a meeting room, with capacity for 270, 65 and 16 people, respectively, with the possibility of holding video-conferences.

-To provide students with a knowledge of all areas related to biochemistry and biology.
areas related to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in a wide range of Molecular Biology in sectors as diverse as: food,
bio-health, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, environmental and chemical.
-To train students to be able to carry out work and studies in any area related to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
studies in any area related to Biochemistry and its relationship with living beings and its relationship with living beings, in good accordance with the
in accordance with the profiles defined in the White Paper on the White Paper on the Degree in Biochemistry. These
profiles contemplate a wide range of professional activities, such as: teaching activities such as: teaching, research, work in R+D laboratories
research, working in R+D+i laboratories, in the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical industry and other sectors.
- To constitute a complementary degree offer to the existing bachelor's and master's degrees and master's degrees on the Terra Campus.
-To make efficient use of the material and human resources existing in the human resources at both the Faculty of Science and the Terra Campus.
- Enable talent retention, so that the human capital captured can be invested in the human capital captured can be invested in the
development of the Campus Terra research groups Terra.

- Students demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the wider field of study.
- Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
- Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
- Students are able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
- Students develop those learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.

General competences:
- Possess and understand the fundamental knowledge fundamental knowledge of the organisation and function of
biological systems at cellular and molecular levels molecular levels.
- Think in an integrated way and approach problems from problems from different perspectives both at the technical-professional
professional level, as well as their relation to the social/economic social/economic problems that involve a biochemist.
- Ability to adapt to new biochemical situations biochemical situations that require a different view from those previously established or studied.
those previously established or studied.
- Have an integrated view of cellular functioning cellular functioning (including metabolism and gene expression)
covering their regulation and the relationship between the different cellular compartments.
- Ability to apply experimental laboratory protocols including reagent preparation in an accurate and reproducible accurately and reproducibly
- Ability to work appropriately in a laboratory laboratory, applying safety standards and specific regulations specific regulations for the handling of biological and/or chemical
biological and/or chemical material.
- Ability to pose and solve questions and problems and problems and interpret the results obtained in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Nowadays, society demands specialists in R&D&I who have the capacity to innovate, who can integrate into multidisciplinary teams and who are able to adapt to the continuous changes that are currently taking place in the field of biochemistry. Biochemistry is linked to sectors of society as diverse as food, bio-health (clinical analysis, molecular diagnosis, development and monitoring of new therapies), cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, environment and chemistry.
This degree allows direct entry into the world of work, within the professional activities related to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and also enables students to undertake master's degree studies in areas related to biosciences, thus orienting students towards a professional profile in research and teaching, both at university and non-university level.

- Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- Ability to organise and plan.
- Ability to work in a team.
- Demonstrate ethical commitment.
- Ability to use information and communication technologies.
- Ability to search for, analyse and manage information from different sources.
- Ability to solve problems.
- Ability to make decisions.
- Ability to transmit knowledge.
- Capacity for critical reasoning and argumentation, and self-criticism.
- Ability to learn independently.
- Ability to use, in a timely manner, complementary information in a foreign language, mainly in English.
- Creative capacity, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
- Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
- Ability to communicate orally and in writing.
- Motivation for quality.


Actualmente la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela colabora en los programas Sócrates-Erasmus +, Erasmus Mundus y SICUE, que complementa con varios programas que pretenden fomentar la movilidad de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria con Universidades de América, Asia, Australia y Suiza.

Las facultades, además de los responsables de la USC, cuentan con la colaboración de varios profesores/as que actúan como coordinadores académicos, y cuya función es tutorizar y asistir en sus decisiones académicas a los estudiantes propios y de acogida.

La selección de los candidatos se lleva a cabo, para cada convocatoria o programa, por una Comisión de Selección, compuesta por el Responsable académico de Movilidad del Centro, el/la responsable de la UAGCD y los/as coordinadores académicos, de acuerdo con criterios de baremación, previamente establecidos, que tienen en cuenta el expediente académico, una memoria y, en su caso, las competencias en idiomas que exige la Universidad de destino.

La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

Portal Internacional


El Grado en Bioquímica contempla la realización de prácticas externas obrigatorias por un total de 6 créditos. En las prácticas externas, bajo la supervisión del tutor externo, el estudiante deberá desarrollar el proyecto formativo establecido en el convenio de prácticas. Las funciones, derechos y deberes de los estudiantes y tutores están recogidos en el Reglamento de Prácticas Académicas Externas de la USC

El TFG consiste en la realización de un ejercicio integrador o de síntesis que permite aplicar las competencias adquiridas en las materias de la titulación. Fundamentalmente se trata de un módulo de trabajo personal del alumno, en el que se contemplan además las horas de tutoría personalizada con el profesor-tutor del TFG.

Para la realización y exposición del TFG la metodología de docente de apoyo al alumno que va a utilizarse será la de tutorías individuales, con el fin de atender las necesidades específicas de cada trabajo fin de grado que deberá ser un ejercicio original e individual. La utilización de la plataforma de la USC virtual permitirá agilizar el flujo de información bidireccionalmente entre alumno y profesor, imprimiendo agilidad a la docencia de la asignatura, y facilitando el acceso a la documentación por parte del alumno.

No information available at this time.







Places offered.

Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year

Scale info: Whole Number







Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students

Scale info: Whole Number





New enrolments.

Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs

Scale info: Whole Number





Enrolment for start of studies.

Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs

Scale info: Whole Number





Variation of enrolment at the start of studies.

Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places





Admittance profile

Average pre-enrolment access score.

Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points).





Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students.

Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places





Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students.

Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places





Adaptation to demand

Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered.

Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places





Occupancy rate

Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places










External mobility

Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students.

Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements.

Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.








Drop-out rate during the first year.

Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.






Assessment rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





Average duration of studies

Average duration of studies.

Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.





Efficiency of graduates

Efficiency rate (graduates' performance).

Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





Students per group

Average number of students per interactive teaching group.

Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.





Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group.

Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.





Average number of students enrolled in optional subjects per theory (lecture) group.

Ratio between the number of students enrolled in elective subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.






Success rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





Success rate of graduates.

Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they presented themselves for.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.






Graduation suitability rate.

Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.






Performance rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.






Satisfaction of outgoing students with mobility programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for outgoing students with mobility programs.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Satisfaction of external tutors with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for professional tutors with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Satisfaction of academic tutors with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for academic tutors with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Student satisfaction with the teaching received.

Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given.

Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.





Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received.

Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.










Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree.

Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff.

Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff.

Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.





The contents of this page were updated on 06.01.2024.