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Work placements

External academic work placements are a training activity carried out by university students and supervised by the USC, which aim to allow them to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training.

Work placements encourage the acquisition of new skills, prepare students for professional activities, facilitate employability and promote entrepreneurship.

The Faculty of Sciences has many agreements signed with public and private entities in different fields to carry out work placements.

Degree and Master’s Degree Work Placements

The work placements carried out in external entities (companies, institutions) are basically a training activity that is corresponded with a subject of 6 ECTs, called External Work Placements (Internship), which are compulsory, and it is offered in the second semester of the fourth year of the Degree in Biochemistry.

The aim of the External Work Placements is to complete the student's academic training by interacting with the working and business environment , thus improving both the scientific and technical training acquired in the compulsory subjects of the degree and their transversal competences and personal skills. They make it possible to incorporate professional values and skills that are typical of the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The work placements carried out in external entities (companies, institutions) constitute a subject of 24 ECTs, called Practicum, which is mandatory and offered in the second semester of the fourth year of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

The purpose of these work placements is to offer students of the degree the possibility of carrying out pre-professional work placements, in hospitals, primary care and social health centres, community organisations, food industries and collective catering, with a final assessment of competences, which will allow them to incorporate the professional values and competences of the clinical, administrative or public health field related to human nutrition and dietetics.

The Faculty has many agreements signed with various public and private entities in different fields to be able to carry out these work placements.

The work placements carried out in external entities (companies, institutions) constitute a subject of 12 ECTs, called Work Placements in Companies, which is optional, offered in the second semester of the fourth year of the Degree in Industrial Chemical Process Engineering.



The aim of these work placements is to complete the student's academic training by interacting with the world of business and work, thus improving both the scientific and technical training acquired in the compulsory subjects of the degree and their transversal competences and personal skills. They make it possible to incorporate professional values and skills that are typical of the field of Technical Industrial Engineering.

The work placements carried out in external entities (companies, institutions) constitute a subject of 18 ECTs, called External Work Placements, which are compulsory, offered in the first semester of the second year of the Master’s Degree in Food Processing Engineering.

The aim of the External Work Placements is to train students in different aspects of the field of knowledge of Food Processing Engineering in companies, institutions, associations and related entities, taking foodstuffs from their initial condition as raw materials, which can be transformed and/or conditioned, to their final destination as a consumer product.

The students, therefore, will incorporate practical knowledge in companies, institutions, associations and entities in the sector into the knowledge and skills acquired in the subjects of the master's degree taught in the first year.

The work placements carried out in external entities (companies, institutions) constitute a subject of 18 ECTs, called External Work Placements, which are compulsory, offered in the first semester of the second year of the Master’s Degree in Innovation in Food Nutrition, Safety and Technology.

The aim of the External Work Placements is to train students in different aspects of the field of knowledge of Nutrition, Food Safety and Technology in companies, institutions, associations and entities related to the field of nutrition, safety and food technologies.

The students, therefore, will incorporate practical knowledge in companies, institutions, associations and entities in the sector into the knowledge and skills acquired in the subjects of the master's degree taught in the first year.


The subjects that include the carrying out of fieldwork in their teaching programme, will organise the corresponding visits throughout the semester in which the subject is taught and students will be informed of these sufficiently in advance.

Work Placements Coordinators

The contents of this page were updated on 01.22.2025.