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Institutional accreditation of centres

Royal Decree 640/2021, of 27 July, establishes the institutional accreditation of university centres as an alternative to the common model for the renewal of accreditation of official degrees.

It is a national programme adapted and supervised by the Agency for the Quality of the Galician University System (ACSUG).

This programme takes advantage of the synergies of the accreditation programme for degrees and master's degrees with the FIDES-AUDIT programme for the certification of the implementation of the Quality Assurance Systems (QAS) of our faculties and schools.

This accreditation will be effective for all the degrees and master's degrees of a centre, except for inter-university degrees for which another university is administratively responsible.

This accreditation will be valid for 6 years, renewed in cycles of the same period.

Our university seeks to achieve the highest national and international prestige in its educational offer. For this reason, it works to obtain widely recognised international quality accreditations for our degrees.

These accreditations stimulate improvement processes by integrating international quality standards.

Thanks to their international recognition, these seals facilitate academic and professional mobility for graduating students, provide employers with recognised references for the skills and knowledge of our students, and are a means.

The contents of this page were updated on 07.19.2022.