ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: External department linked to the degrees
Areas: Área externa M.U en Arqueología y Ciencias de la Antigüedad (3ª ed)
Center Faculty of Geography and History
Teaching: Sin docencia (Extinguida)
Enrolment: No Matriculable
The course's general objective is to know the Roman and late ancient material culture and the issues raised therein. The aim is to distinguish, analyze, understand and interpret remains and materials in its archaeological context, as well as the relationship between them and their functionality. The difficulty to cover the variety of aspects that converge in this period leads us to focus on constructive programs (public, housing, cemeteries, and factories and commercial facilities of different types). In connection with them, construction materials, floor coverings, walls and ceilings will be discussed. The study of the very extensive and varied material culture (artifacts) will primarily focus on ceramics, glass and metal objects.
It is intended that students acquire basic knowledge that allow them to orient and develop their researching skills on the Roman and late ancient period, and to facilitate access to historical knowledge of new deposits.
1. Introduction to the material culture of the Roman and the late ancient periods.
2. Architectural types. Materials, construction techniques and technical programs.
3. Coverings and architectural finishes. The pavimental system and the decoration of walls and ceilings.
4. Material Culture: raw materials, manufacturing techniques and finishing, typology and analysis of ceramics, glass, metals and glyptics.
AA.VV. 1990. Los bronces romanos en España, Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid.
ADANS, J.-P. 1996. La construcción romana, materiales y técnicas, Editorial Los Oficios, León.
BALDINI LIPPOLIS, I. y GUAITOLI, M.,T. 2009. Orificeria antica e medievale. Tecniche, produzione, societá, Universitá di Bologna, Bologna.
BARBET, A. 1985. La peinture murale romaine. Les styles décoratifs pompeiens, Picard, Paris.
BELTRÁN LLORIS, M.1990. Guía de la cerámica romana, Pórtico, Zaragoza.
BERNAL CASASOLA, D. y RIBERA i LACOMBA (eds. Científicos) 2008. Cerámicas hispanorromanas. Un estado de la cuestión. XXVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz.
CABALLERO, L., MATEOS, P., y RETUERCE, M. 2003. Cerámicas tardorromanas y altomedievales en la península Ibérica. Ruptura y continuidad (II Simposio de Arqueología, Mérida 2001), CSIC, Madrid.
CASAL GARCIA, R. 1990. Colección glíptica del Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Vol I.II. Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid.
DUNBABIN, K. 2001. Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
FERNANDEZ IBAÑEZ, C. (ed.). 2007. Metalisteria de la Hispania romana. Sautuola XIII. Santander.
GANDOLFI, D. 2005. La ceramica e i materiali di età romana. Classi, produzioni, commerzi e consumi, Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri, Bordighera.
GROS, P. 1996. L`Architecture romaine: du début du III siècle av. J. C. à la fin du Haut –Empire. 1, Picard, París.
GROS, P. 2001. L`Architecture romaine: du début du III siècle av. J. C. à la fin du Haut –Empire. 2, Maisons, palais, Picard. Paris.
GUTIÉRREZ GONZÃLEZ, J. A. y BOHIGAS ROLDÃN, R. 1989. La cerámica medieval en el Norte y Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Aproximación a su estudio. Universidad de León. Secretariado de Publicaciones, León.
IZQUIERDO BENITO. R. 2008. La cultura material en la Edad Media : perspectiva desde la arqueología. Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Granada.
MAYET, F. 1975. Les ceramiques a parois fines dans la Peninsule Iberique, Paris.
MENDES DÍAS DA CRUZ, M. R. 2009. O vidro romano no noroeste penínsular. Un Olhar a partir de Bracara Augusta, Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Ciencias Sociais, Braga.
MEZQUIRIZ, M. A. 1985. ˜Sigillata hispanica, EAA. Atlante delle forme ceramiche. II, Roma.
MEZQUIRIZ, M. A. 1961. Terra Sigillata Hispanica, Valencia.
PÉREZ LOSADA, F. 2000. Entre a cidade e a aldea: estudio arqueohistórico dos “aglomerados secundarios” romanos de Galicia, Brigantium, 13, A Coruña.
PINTO RIBEIRO, J. M. 2010. Arquitectura romana em Bracara Augusta. Uma analise das técnicas edilizias.Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Ciéncias Sociais, Braga.
POUNDS, NORMAN J.G. 1992. La vida cotidiana: historia de la cultura material, Crítica, Barcelona.
ROCA ROUMENS, M. y FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, M. I. (coords.) 2005. Introducción al estudio de la cerámica romana. Una breve guía de referencia. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga.
XUSTO RODRÍGUEZ. M. 2001. O vidro provincial galaicorromano, Vigo.
ZARZALEJOS PRIETO, M.; GUIRAL PELEGRÍN, C.; SAN NICOLÁS PEDRAZ, M. P. 2010. Historia de la cultura material del mundo clásico. Colección Grado, UNED, Madrid.
(CB-1) that the students have demonstrated a systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and methods of research associated with that field.
(CB-2) that the students have demonstrated the ability to conceive, design, implement and adopt a substantial process of research with academic seriousness;
(CB-3) that the students have made a contribution through original research that extend the frontiers of knowledge to develop a substantial corpus of which party deserves the publication referenced national or internationally;
(CB-4) that students are able to carry out a critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas;
(CB-5) Students must possess the learning skills to enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
(CE-1) Preparation of the dissertation. This implies the knowledge and use, by the student, the rules governing the preparation of doctoral theses in the field of Humanities, i.e., a correct expression in the chosen language, proper exposure and management of the arguments, the correct use of the notes as an instrument for, among other things, recognize the scientific debts, thus avoiding engaging in plagiarism
(CE-2) Preparation and writing of historical and archaeological reports.
(CT-1) Use bibliography and bibliographic resources search tools (general and specific), which includes Internet access, seeing its huge opportunities and enhancing the discriminatory ability of students on its contents.
(CT-2) Manage optimal forms of working time and organizing the resources available, by establishing priorities, alternative paths and identifying errors in the decision making.
(CT-3) Enhanced capacity of teamwork, in cooperative environments, multidisciplinary or high competitive level
Lectures on the themes of the programme, using the available technological resources will develop them (audiovisual and computer).
Practical lessons in which students participate and work together to complement the knowledge acquired in the theoretical.
Seminars on specific aspects of material culture and its problems, in the recommended readings allow students to deepen some aspects of the program
Through continuous assessment:
- monitoring of the work of the student in the classroom: the laboratory, field trips, seminars and tutorials: 20%.
- delivery and/or exhibition of works, results, reports, etc.: 30%.
- tests on the contents of the matter: 50%.
Lecture 10
Practical lesson 4
Exhibition of works 4
Seminar 4
Tutorials 2
test 1
Autonomous study 30
Readings recommended 12
Preparing presentations 4
Other tasks 4
Have a basic knowledge about Roman culture and the late antiquity.
Recommended for school attendance and use tutorials time to carry out consultations on bibliography and doubts about other issues that have to do with the subject and the development of personal work. In the case of academic fraud, as defined in Article 42 of the Regulations establishing the rules of coexistence of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 11. g) of the University Coexistence Law, the sanctions provided by the regulations will be applied. Among the premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or assignment are plagiarism and the unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Monday | |||
12:00-13:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | - | Classroom 15 |
01.14.2025 16:30-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 15 |
06.16.2025 09:00-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 15 |