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Imaxe dunha Nerd Nite
Organised by the USC, Nerd Nites have been held since the 2012-13 academic year in Santiago de Compostela, a format of light-hearted talks held in nightlife venues.

Nerd Nites began in Boston in 2003 and are now held in more than 100 cities around the world. The idea is to gather 3 or 4 nerds in a nightlife venue to talk for 15 minutes each about scientific topics in a fun approach, and then open a relaxed and open discussion.

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Mulleres e aeronáutica centran a Nerd Nite de abril en Lugo

A sesión, organizada xunto con Ellas vuelan alto, desenvolverase o vindeiro xoves 25 na cafetería Cook e terá como relatoras a Neves Seoane Vieira, directora do Centro de Investigación Aeroportada de Rozas; Lidia Gómez Quejido, enxeñeira especialista en aeronavegabilidade, e María Crego Blanco, responsable de deseño de sistemas de comunicacións en Gradiant

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The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.