
USC's Theatre Classroom diversifies its programme into five lines:
- USC theatre companies
- Theatre School
- The International University Theatre Festival
- The Galician University Theatre Festival
- The support programme for USC theatre companies.
The Theatre Classroom has a space on the Compostela Campus to carry out its work, where it centralises its programme, the Roberto Vidal Bolaño Theatre Hall, and another where the independent companies carry out their rehearsals, the Luisa Cuesta Hall. There is also a loan collection for costumes, props and scenery available to university companies. The Lugo Campus also has its own rehearsal room.
The Theatre Classroom blog of the Santiago Campus can be consulted at this link.
1. Registration of independent performing arts companies in the Culture Area’s Register
Independent performing arts companies must be registered in the Culture Area’s register before they are able to apply for production and/or distribution grants from the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Culture, as well as to take advantage of the support programmes developed by the Theatre classroom and the University Dance Space (rehearsal spaces, technical and artistic advice, loan service, programming, etc.).
The company - this being understood as the cast and artistic team - will be made up of a minimum of 2/3 members of the university community (students, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff). Furthermore, it must not carry out any professional activity during the current academic year and, apart from the number of performances and venues where it is deemed appropriate to exhibit its work, the company must also present their work in USC venues.
2. Ratification of the company’s registration
Each academic year the company must ratify its registration in order to be able to take advantage of the services mentioned in the previous section, otherwise it will be removed from the Register of independent performing arts companies in the USC.
3. Modification of data
During the work process of the companies, any of the members may join or leave the company, and this modification must be communicated at the same time as the change is made.
4. How to register/ratify/modify data?
This form must be completed to register/ratify/modify the data of an independent performing arts company in the USC.
Once digitally signed by their representatives, the form should be sent to: area.cultura [at] usc.gal (area[dot]cultura[at]usc[dot]gal), together with a photocopy of the National Id (DNI) cards of its representatives and members.
The application for ratification/modification of data can only be made in case the company has already been registered/ratified in the immediately preceding academic year.
If you want to train with the Theatre Classroom of the University of Santiago de Compostela, this link provides the dates of the entrance exams and all the information about the courses offered.
Culture Area
- San Xerome College
- Praza do Obradoiro s/n., 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 811 018
- 881 811 103
- area.cultura [at] usc.gal
Culture Area
- Montenegro Palace
- Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
- 982 821 513
- cultura.lugo [at] usc.es
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