Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia (Federación de asociaciones de familiares y personas con enfermedad mental de Galicia [Federation of associations of relatives and people with mental illnesses of Galicia]) is a non-profit organisation with branches in the four Galician provinces. Its mission is to help improve the quality of life of people with mental illness as well as that of their families, as well as to defend their rights in order to reduce harm and promote the inclusion of the group in the community.
Leisure and sports
Activity aimed at promoting social integration through participation in recreational and sporting activities that facilitate social integration, such as visits to museums, cinema, beach, hiking, popular festivals, games, etc. accompanied by a leisure monitor and other volunteers.
- Timetable: These activities take place mainly on alternate weekends and occasionally during the week.
Within the Sports programme, indoor football is offered to people with mental health problems, training one day a week and participating in a regional league, organised with participants from other federated associations.
- Timetable: Monday, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Places: 2 (one for each area).
Support for people at risk of exclusion
Support and help is offered to users to carry out various actions or administrative procedures: being accompanied to the health centre or hospital, application for aid (INEM, Xunta, Social Services, etc.) or appointments, organisation and planning of the agenda.
Support is provided to participate and carry out occupational and recreational activities, etc.
Support is offered in teaching how to effectively carry out household chores and support for proper organisation, such as help with the shopping list, accompaniment to the supermarket, assistance with cooking, etc.
Practice and generalisation of social skills and assertive communication, problem solving, etc.
- Timetable: Monday to Friday (timetable to be determined according to existing needs).
- Places: 1
Training and employment
Educational reinforcement, which consists of offering people, who are in training, educational support when they are weak in any subject, as well as providing study techniques to facilitate learning.
Support in searching for employment through ICTs.
- Timetable: Monday to Friday (timetable to be determined according to existing needs).
- Places: 1