Call for accommodation places for members of the university community for the period from 1 June to 31 August 2023.
In this call for applications, places will be offered at all the university halls of residence and residential colleges of the SUR, except in the month of August, when only the necessary centres will remain open depending on the demand for places.
The following people may apply for accommodation in this call:
- Those who were SUR residents or students during the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Students who are going to carry out work experience or activities in a USC centre during the summer and can justify this with documents.
- People who carry out research, administrative or labour work that implies the need to continuously stay in Santiago de Compostela (Third Cycle sectors, researchers in training, teaching and research staff and administrative and services staff).
- Those who are going to participate in courses or congresses organised by USC.
- Members of the university community (national or foreign).
Residents who have committed serious misconduct and have been sanctioned with final expulsion during their stay at the SUR, those who have assigned the total or partial use of the room to other people without the right to a place, as well as those who, on 1 June 2023, have outstanding amounts to pay, are excluded from this call for applications.
Residents and members of the 2022-2023 academic year who wish to continue in the centre where they resided during the academic year may apply until 2.00 p.m. on 26 May 2023.
For all other applicants, the application period will be open from 29 May until 2.00 p.m. on 23 August 2023.
Documentation that must accompany applications
SUR residents or students:
- No justification is required to request an extension of the accommodation period until 20 July.
- The need to stay at the SUR must be documented to request an extension for accommodation until after 21 July and 31 August at the latest.
People who come to participate in any activity organised by the USC must bring the document proving this fact.
Members of the university community (national or foreign) must present the accrediting documentation from their university.
Submission of applications
The application must be completed using the online application form available on this website.
Os/As residentes ou colexiais do SUR:
• Para solicitar a ampliación do período de aloxamento ata o 20 de xullo non precisarán ningunha xustificación.
• Para solicitar a ampliación do aloxamento ata despois do 20 de xullo e como máximo ata o 31 de agosto deberán acreditar documentalmente a necesidade de permanecer no SUR.
As persoas que veñan participar nalgunha actividade organizada pola USC deberán achegar o
documento que acredite este feito.
As persoas que formen parte dunha comunidade universitaria (nacional ou estranxeira) deberán presentar a documentación acreditativa da súa universidade.
A solicitude deberá cumprimentarse mediante o formulario accesible por vía telemática que figura na páxina web: universitario-residencias/convocatoriaprazas-aloxamento-veran achegando a documentación xustificativa de cada caso.
- Residents and students of the 2021-2022 academic year who request an extension of their accommodation period will maintain their assigned place.
- For those who were residents or students up to the end of the ordinary call for the 2021-2022 academic year who request single days, the price is €12 (VAT included) per day in a single room, and €10 (VAT included) per day in a double room.
- For the rest of the students the price is €22 (VAT included) per day in a single room, and €33 (VAT included) per day in double room.
- For non-students the price is €33 (VAT included) per day in a single room, and €53 (VAT included) per day in a double room.
The academic year charging system will be used for those who were students or residents during the 2021-2022 academic year and request an extension of their accommodation period.
In all other cases, payment should preferably be made by credit or debit card through the secure payment gateway.
In case you encounter any problem that prevents you from paying using the aforementioned card system, you can make a bank transfer to the account of the University of Santiago de Compostela, to the bank: ABANCA. Oficina de Organismos. Calle Montero Ríos, 7-15706-Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña). International bank account number IBAN: ES53 2080 0388 28 3110001172 and Bank Identification Code (Swift): CAGLESMMXXX. Bank transfer payments must indicate the application number, surname and name of the applicant as the concept, and the transfer receipt must be uploaded to the online application form.
The cancellation of the reservation will only be refunded if the cancellation is made at least seven days before the arrival date.
The place is automatically awarded provided that the application is duly justified (when necessary) and the payment is made by credit card or the receipt of having made the transfer correctly is attached.
For organisational reasons, applicants may be assigned to a centre other than the one listed on their application. In this case, the applicant will be informed of the new assigned centre, and they will be able to withdraw from the allocated place and will be entitled to a refund of the amount already paid.
Members of the university community with specific educational needs derived from a disability that requires accessibility will be assigned a place in the University Residence System that guarantees the coverage of their needs.
University Residence Service
- University Residence Service. Students Pavilion
- Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 814 525
- 881 815 246
- 881 814 560
- sur [at]